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By Tanya Ahmed
The opening titles of this thriller opening are very long and
there is a lot of them which is already a negative as it means
that the audience's attention is diverted as they may become
bored of seeing this as it is very time consuming and
The fact that the thriller is produced by
Lionsgate may catch the audience's attention
and give the audience and idea of what is in
store and what type of thriller this may be as
they have produced thrillers such as; Saw,
Texas Chainsaw, Blair Witch, The possession,
The Eye and so on. Generally these films are
about sinister things which may give a hint to
the audience for what is in store.
The first scene shows a females body lying on the ground
helplessly. I didnt really like this scene as I feel as if it is very
unrealistic and it seems like a picture that is zooming in.
Personally, I don't really like this effect and I would not continue
watching this as it seems as if the production quality is poor as
soon as the opening begins.
The group uses diegetic sound of heavy
breathing as the girl has had a nightmare of
her being killed and woke up from the dream
in a panicked state which causes her to
breath heavily as she is scared. This brings
the audience to suspense as they do not
know what is happening next but it also
informs the audience that this girl is a main
character in this thriller opening.
The main character is shown looking at a key
after trying to lock/unlock the door. The fact
that she places it in her hand and looks at it
indicates to the audience that the key plays a
vital role in the making of the thriller and it
will later make sense to the audience why
this is being emphasised to them.
Then a flashback is shown with the main
character being slashed in the neck by the
key that she was holding. The editing in this
thriller opening is good as they used a
flashback to show why the key had
significance and why the girl was looking at
the key in such detail.
I personally think that the use of the prop 
the key was a smart idea and is very original
as the audience didnt know what to expect
when she was looking at the key.
But the fact that the key was used to slash
the main characters neck does emphasise
the title of the thriller opening which is 'Inner
Evil' as slashing someone in the neck would
be considered an evil act.
This is good use of a point of view shot as it shows the location that the filming is taking
place, shows that the girl is walking somewhere and also shows her costume which is
casual clothing, so the audience will assume that she isn't on her way to anything
important and may just be taking a walk to clear her as from her facial expressions it is
clear that she is disturbed and depressed from the nightmare that she had.
In addition to this the point of view shot is shaky and this shows the audience that she
is being followed.
The group use a flashback once again and in
this flashback, the main character is then
snatched, and is struggling to fight against
whoever snatched her which from what I can
see is another female.
The effect is shown in double as like a
shadow which could represent the good side
and 'evil' side to the person who has taken
the character.
But the main character seems to come back
from the flashback and turns the corner and
sees nothing, she carries on walking still
looking a little bit disturbed.
This long shot, shows the scene and the fact
that the girl is in fact, being followed.
She is being followed for quite some time and
the character that is following her smiles at the
end which presents her evil side.
Overall, this is a good thriller opening as they
have used a good range of shots such as point
of view shots and diegetic sound.
But there is not really a climax in the opening
which could mean that the audience do not
watch the rest of the film as the opening is
important for hooking the audience's attention.
In addition, the opening scenes were way too
long and time consuming which would need to
be changed if they want to keep the audiences

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Thriller opening as media

  • 2. The opening titles of this thriller opening are very long and there is a lot of them which is already a negative as it means that the audience's attention is diverted as they may become bored of seeing this as it is very time consuming and unnecessary.
  • 3. The fact that the thriller is produced by Lionsgate may catch the audience's attention and give the audience and idea of what is in store and what type of thriller this may be as they have produced thrillers such as; Saw, Texas Chainsaw, Blair Witch, The possession, The Eye and so on. Generally these films are about sinister things which may give a hint to the audience for what is in store.
  • 4. The first scene shows a females body lying on the ground helplessly. I didnt really like this scene as I feel as if it is very unrealistic and it seems like a picture that is zooming in. Personally, I don't really like this effect and I would not continue watching this as it seems as if the production quality is poor as soon as the opening begins.
  • 5. The group uses diegetic sound of heavy breathing as the girl has had a nightmare of her being killed and woke up from the dream in a panicked state which causes her to breath heavily as she is scared. This brings the audience to suspense as they do not know what is happening next but it also informs the audience that this girl is a main character in this thriller opening.
  • 6. The main character is shown looking at a key after trying to lock/unlock the door. The fact that she places it in her hand and looks at it indicates to the audience that the key plays a vital role in the making of the thriller and it will later make sense to the audience why this is being emphasised to them.
  • 7. Then a flashback is shown with the main character being slashed in the neck by the key that she was holding. The editing in this thriller opening is good as they used a flashback to show why the key had significance and why the girl was looking at the key in such detail. I personally think that the use of the prop the key was a smart idea and is very original as the audience didnt know what to expect when she was looking at the key. But the fact that the key was used to slash the main characters neck does emphasise the title of the thriller opening which is 'Inner Evil' as slashing someone in the neck would be considered an evil act.
  • 8. This is good use of a point of view shot as it shows the location that the filming is taking place, shows that the girl is walking somewhere and also shows her costume which is casual clothing, so the audience will assume that she isn't on her way to anything important and may just be taking a walk to clear her as from her facial expressions it is clear that she is disturbed and depressed from the nightmare that she had. In addition to this the point of view shot is shaky and this shows the audience that she is being followed.
  • 9. The group use a flashback once again and in this flashback, the main character is then snatched, and is struggling to fight against whoever snatched her which from what I can see is another female. The effect is shown in double as like a shadow which could represent the good side and 'evil' side to the person who has taken the character. But the main character seems to come back from the flashback and turns the corner and sees nothing, she carries on walking still looking a little bit disturbed.
  • 10. This long shot, shows the scene and the fact that the girl is in fact, being followed. She is being followed for quite some time and the character that is following her smiles at the end which presents her evil side. Overall, this is a good thriller opening as they have used a good range of shots such as point of view shots and diegetic sound. But there is not really a climax in the opening which could mean that the audience do not watch the rest of the film as the opening is important for hooking the audience's attention. In addition, the opening scenes were way too long and time consuming which would need to be changed if they want to keep the audiences attention.