This movie poster features a well-known actor whose inclusion is meant to attract fans and viewers. The title is positioned prominently to be the first thing audiences see and capture their attention with its short but precise text. Lighting is used to reveal half of the main character's face, intriguing viewers and hinting he has two sides as both a normal father and retired CIA agent. A dark background and the character holding a gun establish an uneasy, dark, and bleak mood fitting for the thriller genre of the film.
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Thriller poster anaylsis
1. Thisis the well-knownactors name;thisisin
orange as it makesitclear topeople see the
posterthat he isa part of the film.Thisalsomeans
that more people willbe attractedtothe movie as
the actor mayhave a lot of fans whichfollow his
Thisis the title of the filmand
againbecause of the lowcentral
positioningof the title itisthe first
thingthat the audience sees.This
may captivate audiencesasthe
title isshortbut precise.
The use of low key
lightingshowsone half of
the maincharacters face.
Thiscouldshowthe two
sidestothe character as
on one handa normal
fatherand onthe other
that he is a retiredCIA
postera more eye
openingfeel astheywant
to see the otherside to
the character. In addition
whythere isdarkness and
themto viewingthe film
The dark background
and givesthe audience a
goodideaof the mood
of the film, itisdark and
Thisquote has become aline which
audiencescanrelate tothe film/
poster.Thiscreatesa synergistic
feelingtothe audience andcan
become a useful marketing
technique fordistributors.
In the posterthere isa gun inthe charactershand to manypeople thiscan
showthat the gun couldbe for protection andviolence.Thiscanalsosymbolise
that he will onlyuse the propwhennecessaryandthatalsothat violence isnot
rational. Finallythiscouldalsosuggestthatitisa keyconventionof the thriller
genre as thrillersmainlyconsistof suspense andtensionratherthanconsistent
violence throughoutthe entiretyof the film