This document discusses thyroid diseases and their ocular manifestations. It focuses on Graves' disease, which causes Graves' ophthalmopathy - an autoimmune inflammatory disorder affecting the eye area. Symptoms include eyelid retraction, swelling, redness, and bulging eyes. Risk factors include female sex, smoking, and preexisting thyroid conditions. The document outlines pathogenesis, clinical features classified by severity, diagnostic tests, and treatment options including medications, surgery, and radiation therapy.
4. Graves Ophthalmopathy
Is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder affecting the orbit
around the eye, characterized by upper eyelid retraction, lid lag,
swelling, redness, conjunctivitis, and bulging eyes.
Various Names:
Thyroid Eye Disease(TED)
Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy (TAO)
Dysthyroid Ophthalmopathy
Thyroid Orbitopathy
Endocrine Ophthalmopathy
5. Sex: More common in female than male 4:1
Middle age
Autoimmune thyroid disease
HLA-DR3 and HLA-B8
TED associated with Hyperthyroidism(90%), Hypothyroidism(4%),
Risk factors
6. Onset
20% of TED is diagnosed same time as hyperthyroidism
60% of eye disease occur after 1 year of thyroid disease
Only 30% of hyperthyroidism TED
7. Pathogenesis
Inflammatory targets:
Primary: Orbital fibroblast
Secondary: Extraocular muscles
Activated T-cells act and stimulate
adipogenesis, fibroblast proliferation
and glycosaminoglycan synthesis.
Enlargement of extraocular muscles
due to edema and infiltration
Orbital soft tissue infiltrated with
lymphocytes, macrophages and mast
8. Pathogenesis
Autoimmune disorder(IgG mediated)
Enlargement of Extraocular Muscles
- By Increase in Glycosaminoglycans
Cellular Infiltration of Interstitial Tissues
- With lymohocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, mast cell
- Fibrosis
Proliferation of Orbital fat, Connective tissue and Lacrimal Gland
- With retention of fluid and GAG
10. Clinical Features
- Retraction of Upper Lids
(Dalrymples Sign) in 90%
- Lid Lag in 50% (von Graefes Sign)
- Fullness of Eyelids(Enroths sign)
- Difficulty in Eversion of Upper Lid
(Giffords Sign)
- Infrequent Blinking( Stellwags Sign)
11. Clinical Features
Conjunctival Signs:
- Deep Injection and Chemosis
Pupillary Signs:
- Unequal dilated pupils
Occular Motility Defects:
- - Mobiuss sign
Exophthalmos (60%)
Exposure Keratitis and ocular
Optic Neuropathy
12. Classification
- By American Thyroid Association(ATA)
Class 0: N : No signs and symptoms
Class 1: O : Only signs( Lid retraction with/without lid lag & proptosis)
Class 2: S : Soft tissue involvement with signs in class-1 and symptoms like
. Lacrimation,photophobia, lid or conjunctival swelling
Class 3: P : Proptosis well established
Class 4: E : Extraocular muscle movement limited and diplopia
Class 5 : C : Corneal involvement( Exposure Keratitis)
Class 6: S : Sight loss (Optic nerve involvement and visual field defects)
13. Rundles Curve
a - Mild Opthalmopathy
b Ocular
discomfort . . &
eyelid disfunction
c- Active Diplopia
d- Optic Nerve.
15. Investigations
Thyroid Function Tests:
- Serum T3,T4,TSH
Positional Tonometry:
- Changes in extraocular muscles
Computerised tonographic scanning:
- Show proptosis, Muscle thickness, Optic Nerve thickening
MRI(T2- weighed and STIR):
Orthoptic workup:
16. Treatment
A) Non- surgical Management:
- Smoking Cessation
- Head elevation at night & cold compressors in morning(Reduce periorbital
- Lubricating artificial tear drops
- Eyelid taping
- Guanethidine 5% eyedrop ( Decrease lid retraction)
- Prisms
- Systemic steroids
- Radiotherapy
- Combined therapy : ( Low dose steroids + Azathioprine + Irradiation)
17. Treatment
(B) Surgical Management:
i)Orbital Decompression:
- Two wall Decompression (Orbital floor and medial wall removed)
- Three wall Decompression (Floor, medial and lateral wall removed)
- Four wall Decompression ( Three wall removal plus lateral half of roof and. .
. large portion of
sphenoid at apex)
ii) Extraocular muscle surgery:
- Always done after orbital decompression
- To achieve binocular single vision in reading position
21. Dalrymples sign: Lid retraction
von Graefes sign: Upper lid lag on downward
Kochers sign: Increased lid retraction with visual fixation
22. Ballets sign: Palsy of one or more extraocular muscles
Sukers sign:Weakness of fixation on lateral gaze
Cowens sign: Jerky papillary contraction to consensual light
Knies sign: Unequal dilatation of the pupils
Jeffreys sign: Absence of forehead wrinkling on upward gaze
Griffiths sign: Lower lid lag on downward gaze
Stellwags sign: Infrequent blinking
Enroths sign: Puffy swelling of the lids
Mobius sign:Weakness of convergence