Mirjami Laitinen: Mihin suuntaan julkishallinnon ict:n tulisi kehittyä?Valtiokonttori / Statskontoret / State Treasury of FinlandValtiokonttori, Valtion IT-palvelukeskuksen asiakaspäivä 16.10.2013: Mihin suuntaan julkishallinnon ict:n tulisi kehittyä - vanhempi neuvonantaja Mirjami Laitinen, Sitra
«Information Society» and MaaS in the European Union: current issues and futu...Federico CostantiniInvited speech in the panel discussion: «MaaS Policy Aspects. New legal Framework and Liability? What are expected benefits for user and local authorities?».
International Conference “Intelligent Transport Systems: a Tool or a Toy?” 22/23 November 2016 - Žilina (Slovakia)
MaaS canada montrealSampo HietanenMobility as a Service (MaaS) aims to provide integrated transport services through a single platform. It would offer monthly packages for transport needs that combine different options like public transit, taxis, rental cars and bikes. This could potentially be cheaper and more convenient than private car ownership. MaaS Ltd plans to be the world's first "mobility operator" and revolutionize transportation globally by offering customized packages through a single interface. Cities play an important role in enabling MaaS through open data, deregulation, and supporting new mobility businesses and services.
MaaS canada torontoSampo HietanenMobility as a Service (MaaS) aims to provide integrated transportation services through monthly subscription packages. It proposes combining public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation options into single service accessible through an app. Key benefits include convenience, flexibility, and reducing private car ownership. MaaS Ltd plans to launch the world's first "mobility operator" starting with pilot programs in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, and Tallinn regions. Cities can support MaaS by enabling proof of concept tests, helping it access customers and create reference cases, without directly funding operators or services.
Future of MobilityBusiness Finland Mobility Trends & Services Overview, and Findings from Frost & Sullivan’s MaaS project with Helsinki Business Hub and Finpro
SFScon16 - Jeremy Dalton: “The Way We Move: How open onnovation is changing m...South Tyrol Free Software ConferenceIt's no secret that technology is dramatically altering transportation in the modern world. But while big companies like Google, Tesla, and Uber get the headlines, there is a quiet revolution happening beneath the surface. Open source software and open data standards are expanding our access to information and creating new multi-modal mobility networks in the process.
Making of maas - aws meetup Helsinki 2016Sami PippuriMobility as a Service and making an entirely new solution complete with a new backend and a mobile client in three months, scalably and cost effectively
ITS and MaaS opportunities in D-A-CHBusiness Finland In Finpro's seminar on May 4, Josef Czako spoke about ITS and MaaS opportunities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He also gave understanding on what kind of players there are in the field of ITS in respective countries, and what steps one should follow when entering the market.
MaaS Global to revolutionize the global transportation market with WhimDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityMaaS Global plans to revolutionize global transportation with their Whim mobility service that converges different transportation options into monthly subscription packages. The packages provide various transportation services from bikes, vehicles, and drivers for a fixed monthly fee. This "Netflix of transportation" model aims to reshape the global transportation market by reducing private car usage to under 4% as more people adopt shared and on-demand mobility services through the Whim app. MaaS Global estimates the potential global market for this new mobility as a service model at 10 trillion euros.
Finnish ITS and MaaS business: a landscape analysisBusiness Finland The document summarizes the key objectives, findings and recommendations of a landscape analysis of the Finnish ITS/MaaS sector:
1) It mapped the players, structure, segments and business potential of the Finnish ITS/MaaS sector through desk research and interviews.
2) It identified the Finnish sector's key offering areas like intelligent vehicles, traffic infrastructure, and mobility as a service platforms.
3) It concluded that while Finland has strong technical competencies, commercialization of MaaS remains in early stages and will require cooperation across enterprises, public authorities, and research to realize the sector's potential.
Maas global - Helsinki 2016insamWhim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation packages through a single app. It aims to provide customers flexibility and freedom from car ownership by offering access to public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation services through monthly subscription packages. Whim had a soft launch in Helsinki in late 2016 and plans to expand internationally in the coming years. The presentation outlines Whim's value proposition, current package offerings, and roadmap to become a globally available MaaS solution by 2022.
20151116_Advanced_Journey_Planners_JLaborda_RACC_v2Josep LabordaUrbanization is increasing as more people live in cities which consume large amounts of resources. New mobility concepts are needed to address issues like congestion and unused vehicle capacity. Advanced journey planners can help optimize travel by integrating multiple transportation options and using real-time data, predictive algorithms, and user preferences to recommend customized itineraries. This enables a shift to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) through bundled transportation packages tailored to user needs.
Big data and transport - where can it take us? Paul KompfnerBigData_EuropeBig data has the potential to provide surprising insights into mobility if used purposefully to answer specific questions. Sources of big transport data include vehicle sensors, infrastructure sensors, mobile devices, social media, and associated transaction systems. In the future, mobility-as-a-service platforms will depend heavily on big data handling to broker demand, understand customer journey plans, and efficiently fulfill transport services through extensive data processing and analysis. Key open questions include who will be the customers and owners of these big data systems and what their long-term business models will be.
Mike Waters,Coventry City CouncilWMG, University of WarwickThe document discusses mobility as a service (MaaS) and the public sector's role in developing intelligent mobility solutions in the West Midlands region of the UK. It outlines the population growth and challenges around air quality and obesity facing the region. The public sector aims to develop an effective MaaS system using live travel data and payment systems to incentivize sustainable travel choices. Key priorities include integrated ticketing/fares, travel information, data management, and reducing emissions. The roles of public and private sectors in developing technology platforms, data collection, and innovation are also discussed.
MaaS for MyData2016Sami PippuriMy presentation about Mobility as a Service, Whim app, and the call to action that now is the time to define the rules of engagement between mobility service providers - in Europe and beyond. Change is happening as we speak!
Big data Europe the transport pilot in Thessaloniki - Josep Maria SalanovaBigData_EuropeThe document discusses mobile sensor data collection in Thessaloniki, Greece for transportation analysis. It describes using stationary Bluetooth sensors to track device IDs for travel time estimation and origin-destination analysis. It also uses floating car data from taxis and buses for traffic status and mobility pattern analysis. The data is processed using map matching and time series forecasting algorithms to classify current traffic states and predict future conditions. Websites and data portals for accessing the collected transportation data are also listed.
BusinessIntelligenze - MaaS & SaaSBusinessIntelligenzeThe document discusses the growing adoption of cloud computing and SaaS models. It notes that while 71% of organizations are still in the education phase of cloud computing, the number planning or implementing initiatives is growing. It also outlines some of the key benefits of SaaS models like reduced costs, faster implementation, scalability, and recurring revenue opportunities. Established software companies are encouraged to develop SaaS offerings to capitalize on these advantages and increase their business valuations.
Big Data Europe Transport Pilot case, Luigi SelmiBigData_EuropeThe document discusses a pilot project called SC4 that aims to build a scalable, fault-tolerant platform for processing large datasets and graphs using open source frameworks. The platform uses a microservices architecture with Apache Kafka as the message broker, Apache Flink for stream and batch processing, PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch for storage and indexing. In the second cycle, the project aims to extend its capabilities to include short-term traffic forecasting, improve the map-matching algorithm and parallelization, and enhance visualization tools.
Making of MaaS - how to build a scalable system with no serversSami PippuriWhat is MaaS - the business model, rationale, and finally, how to make it happen for real. We're building a cloud-native IoT stack that runs with no servers to manage, and infrastructure as code.
MaaS general presentation Jan 2017Krista Huhtala-JenksMy general MaaS ppt set covering the MaaS framework, what it consists of and what we are heading for.
Horizon 2020 funding for MaaS and ITSBusiness Finland At Finpro's seminar on May 4, Elina Holmberg from Tekes spoke about Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for ITS and MaaS related projects.
Whim - Mobility as a serviceInfinIT - Innovationsnetværket for itWhim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation services through a single app. It aims to reshape the global transportation market by reducing private car usage and ownership through service sharing and new transportation means. Whim's solution provides customers transportation flexibility and freedom without car ownership by allowing access to a variety of public and private transportation operators through monthly subscription packages. The company launched its first MaaS solution in Helsinki in 2016 and aims to expand globally by 2017-2020.
uPalvelujen järjestäminen ja tuottaminen, mikä muuttuu sotessa 3.10.2016Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö / yleisetSinikka Salo, Uudenmaan maakuntauudistuksen esivalmistelun käynnistyskokous, Helsinki 3.10.2016
MaaS canada torontoSampo HietanenMobility as a Service (MaaS) aims to provide integrated transportation services through monthly subscription packages. It proposes combining public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation options into single service accessible through an app. Key benefits include convenience, flexibility, and reducing private car ownership. MaaS Ltd plans to launch the world's first "mobility operator" starting with pilot programs in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, and Tallinn regions. Cities can support MaaS by enabling proof of concept tests, helping it access customers and create reference cases, without directly funding operators or services.
Future of MobilityBusiness Finland Mobility Trends & Services Overview, and Findings from Frost & Sullivan’s MaaS project with Helsinki Business Hub and Finpro
SFScon16 - Jeremy Dalton: “The Way We Move: How open onnovation is changing m...South Tyrol Free Software ConferenceIt's no secret that technology is dramatically altering transportation in the modern world. But while big companies like Google, Tesla, and Uber get the headlines, there is a quiet revolution happening beneath the surface. Open source software and open data standards are expanding our access to information and creating new multi-modal mobility networks in the process.
Making of maas - aws meetup Helsinki 2016Sami PippuriMobility as a Service and making an entirely new solution complete with a new backend and a mobile client in three months, scalably and cost effectively
ITS and MaaS opportunities in D-A-CHBusiness Finland In Finpro's seminar on May 4, Josef Czako spoke about ITS and MaaS opportunities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He also gave understanding on what kind of players there are in the field of ITS in respective countries, and what steps one should follow when entering the market.
MaaS Global to revolutionize the global transportation market with WhimDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityMaaS Global plans to revolutionize global transportation with their Whim mobility service that converges different transportation options into monthly subscription packages. The packages provide various transportation services from bikes, vehicles, and drivers for a fixed monthly fee. This "Netflix of transportation" model aims to reshape the global transportation market by reducing private car usage to under 4% as more people adopt shared and on-demand mobility services through the Whim app. MaaS Global estimates the potential global market for this new mobility as a service model at 10 trillion euros.
Finnish ITS and MaaS business: a landscape analysisBusiness Finland The document summarizes the key objectives, findings and recommendations of a landscape analysis of the Finnish ITS/MaaS sector:
1) It mapped the players, structure, segments and business potential of the Finnish ITS/MaaS sector through desk research and interviews.
2) It identified the Finnish sector's key offering areas like intelligent vehicles, traffic infrastructure, and mobility as a service platforms.
3) It concluded that while Finland has strong technical competencies, commercialization of MaaS remains in early stages and will require cooperation across enterprises, public authorities, and research to realize the sector's potential.
Maas global - Helsinki 2016insamWhim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation packages through a single app. It aims to provide customers flexibility and freedom from car ownership by offering access to public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation services through monthly subscription packages. Whim had a soft launch in Helsinki in late 2016 and plans to expand internationally in the coming years. The presentation outlines Whim's value proposition, current package offerings, and roadmap to become a globally available MaaS solution by 2022.
20151116_Advanced_Journey_Planners_JLaborda_RACC_v2Josep LabordaUrbanization is increasing as more people live in cities which consume large amounts of resources. New mobility concepts are needed to address issues like congestion and unused vehicle capacity. Advanced journey planners can help optimize travel by integrating multiple transportation options and using real-time data, predictive algorithms, and user preferences to recommend customized itineraries. This enables a shift to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) through bundled transportation packages tailored to user needs.
Big data and transport - where can it take us? Paul KompfnerBigData_EuropeBig data has the potential to provide surprising insights into mobility if used purposefully to answer specific questions. Sources of big transport data include vehicle sensors, infrastructure sensors, mobile devices, social media, and associated transaction systems. In the future, mobility-as-a-service platforms will depend heavily on big data handling to broker demand, understand customer journey plans, and efficiently fulfill transport services through extensive data processing and analysis. Key open questions include who will be the customers and owners of these big data systems and what their long-term business models will be.
Mike Waters,Coventry City CouncilWMG, University of WarwickThe document discusses mobility as a service (MaaS) and the public sector's role in developing intelligent mobility solutions in the West Midlands region of the UK. It outlines the population growth and challenges around air quality and obesity facing the region. The public sector aims to develop an effective MaaS system using live travel data and payment systems to incentivize sustainable travel choices. Key priorities include integrated ticketing/fares, travel information, data management, and reducing emissions. The roles of public and private sectors in developing technology platforms, data collection, and innovation are also discussed.
MaaS for MyData2016Sami PippuriMy presentation about Mobility as a Service, Whim app, and the call to action that now is the time to define the rules of engagement between mobility service providers - in Europe and beyond. Change is happening as we speak!
Big data Europe the transport pilot in Thessaloniki - Josep Maria SalanovaBigData_EuropeThe document discusses mobile sensor data collection in Thessaloniki, Greece for transportation analysis. It describes using stationary Bluetooth sensors to track device IDs for travel time estimation and origin-destination analysis. It also uses floating car data from taxis and buses for traffic status and mobility pattern analysis. The data is processed using map matching and time series forecasting algorithms to classify current traffic states and predict future conditions. Websites and data portals for accessing the collected transportation data are also listed.
BusinessIntelligenze - MaaS & SaaSBusinessIntelligenzeThe document discusses the growing adoption of cloud computing and SaaS models. It notes that while 71% of organizations are still in the education phase of cloud computing, the number planning or implementing initiatives is growing. It also outlines some of the key benefits of SaaS models like reduced costs, faster implementation, scalability, and recurring revenue opportunities. Established software companies are encouraged to develop SaaS offerings to capitalize on these advantages and increase their business valuations.
Big Data Europe Transport Pilot case, Luigi SelmiBigData_EuropeThe document discusses a pilot project called SC4 that aims to build a scalable, fault-tolerant platform for processing large datasets and graphs using open source frameworks. The platform uses a microservices architecture with Apache Kafka as the message broker, Apache Flink for stream and batch processing, PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch for storage and indexing. In the second cycle, the project aims to extend its capabilities to include short-term traffic forecasting, improve the map-matching algorithm and parallelization, and enhance visualization tools.
Making of MaaS - how to build a scalable system with no serversSami PippuriWhat is MaaS - the business model, rationale, and finally, how to make it happen for real. We're building a cloud-native IoT stack that runs with no servers to manage, and infrastructure as code.
MaaS general presentation Jan 2017Krista Huhtala-JenksMy general MaaS ppt set covering the MaaS framework, what it consists of and what we are heading for.
Horizon 2020 funding for MaaS and ITSBusiness Finland At Finpro's seminar on May 4, Elina Holmberg from Tekes spoke about Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for ITS and MaaS related projects.
Whim - Mobility as a serviceInfinIT - Innovationsnetværket for itWhim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation services through a single app. It aims to reshape the global transportation market by reducing private car usage and ownership through service sharing and new transportation means. Whim's solution provides customers transportation flexibility and freedom without car ownership by allowing access to a variety of public and private transportation operators through monthly subscription packages. The company launched its first MaaS solution in Helsinki in 2016 and aims to expand globally by 2017-2020.
uPalvelujen järjestäminen ja tuottaminen, mikä muuttuu sotessa 3.10.2016Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö / yleisetSinikka Salo, Uudenmaan maakuntauudistuksen esivalmistelun käynnistyskokous, Helsinki 3.10.2016
Kevättapaaminen 2016: Digitalisaatio. Tieto on muutoksen mahdollistaja - mite...Turvallisuus- ja kemikaalivirasto (Tukes)Jan Juslénin esitys Tukesin kevättapaamisessa 2016.
Avoimesta datasta palveluja: Missa ollaan - mihin ollaan menossa avoimen data...Jaakko J. KorhonenAvoimesta datasta palveluja: Missa ollaan - mihin ollaan menossa avoimen datan kanssa - Missä ollaan, mihin ollaan menossa?
Jaakko Korhonen, Open Knowledge Finland
jaakko(at)okf.fi - @jaakkokorhonen
Sote-tiedonhallinnan alueellista kehittämistä ohjaava viitearkkitehtuuri (VAK...Karri VainioEsitys Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunnan (JUHTA) kokouksessa 14.10
Maritta Korhosen esitys Terveydenhuollon ATK-päivillä 24.5.2016Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö / yleisetKansallinen ohjaus: tiukat rajat vai tekemisen
vapautta? 24.5.2016 Maritta Korhonen, kehittämispäällikkö, sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö
Tiedonvaihto ja datahub. Tasevastaavapäivän esitys 20.11.2014, Fingridin tase...Fingrid OyjFingridin tasepalvelupäällikkö Pasi Aho kertoi Tasevastaavapäivässä 20.11. Fingridin tiedonvaihtopalveluista sekä tulevasta datahubista.
Lue lisää tapahtumasta Fingridin sivuilta osoitteessa:
Kansallinen palveluväylä ja ansiorekisteriSitra the Finnish Innovation FundMirjami Laitinen, vanhempi neuvonantaja, Sitra
Esitys Sitran Ansiorekisteri-tilaisuudessa 18.9.2013
Asiakkuuksien ja palveluiden hallintaJuha MalmivirtaEsitysmateriaali Turun kaupungissa kehiitteillä olevasta asiakkuuksien ja palveluiden hallinnan sekä palvelukonfiguroinnin mahdollistamisesta kaupungin sisäiseen, alueen, terveydenhuollon integraation sekä 6aika käyttöön.
6Aika: Datalähtöistä liiketoimintaa kuutoskaupunkeihinforumvirium6Aika-strategian Avoin Data ja Rajapinnat -kärkihankkeen osatoteutuksessa harmonisoidaan rajapintoja Suomen kuuden suurimman kaupungin yhteistyönä. Annukka Vartevan esitys Open Forum -tapahtumassa 23.3.2015.
TeliaSonera uuden kehittyvän älyliikennemarkkinan palveluoperaattorina - Sone...SoneraSoneran Markku Järvinen esitys TeliaSoneran roolista älyliikennemarkkinan palveluoperaattorina. Katso muut puheenvuorot ja esitykset: http://bit.ly/1a7Ldqw. ITS Finlandin Älyä liikenteeseen ja viisautta liikkujille -tapahtuma 23.10.2013.
Yhteinen ja yhteentoimiva tieto sekä tiedon hallinnan käytänteet, Leena Raitt...TilastokeskusAutomatisoidun talousraportoinnin koulutusohjelman info, Oulu 14.11.2017
Data strategy aija leiponen_01112016Department of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityThe document discusses strategies for data markets and platforms. It notes that data has unique economic characteristics compared to other information goods, as data is heterogeneous, not always excludable, and implications of its use can be ongoing. Successful data platforms must address issues of market thickness, transaction costs, data provenance, and effective monitoring. Both centralized and decentralized market designs are discussed, with decentralized having potential advantages around trust and verification but also higher transaction costs. The conclusion emphasizes that careful attention to technical and institutional details is required for data markets due to data's unique attributes.
Jakamo - Supply chain collaboration platformDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityThe document proposes a supply chain collaboration platform to connect manufacturing companies in the EU. It notes that the EU alone has over 2 million manufacturing units, and that Industry 4.0 relies on networked ecosystems rather than isolated companies. Currently, information sharing and collaboration between companies is inefficient and done through emails and calls. A digital collaboration platform could provide a more effective way to share information and resources across supply chains.
Data mining groupDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto Universitytheoretical and application-driven research in data mining: graph mining, finding dense subgraphs, mining labeled and temporal networks, network alignment, network inference
discovering hidden structure, e.g., hierarchies,
information propagation and opinion formation in social networks, team formation. Applications: mining social media, e.g., studying propagation of news and urban informatics, e.g., characterizing city neighborhoods.
Digital Data-Driven Healthcare and WellbeingDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityPredictive Medicine & Personal Engaging Healthcare, Health&Wellbeing Data Analytics Environment, Biodesign Finland - Innovating Medical Technologies in Interdisciplinary Teams
Secure SystemsDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityWe investigate how build systems that are simultaneously easy-to-use and inexpensive to deploy while still guaranteeing sufficient protection.
Probabilistic Machine LearningDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityThis document discusses probabilistic machine learning research that develops new methods for probabilistic modeling, Bayesian inference, and machine learning, with a focus on learning from multiple data sources, Gaussian processes, data visualization, retrieval of relevant data, machine learning for user interaction, personalized medicine, and brain signal analysis and neuroinformatics. The research problems include modeling for personalized medicine.
Distributed Systems, Mobile Computing and SecurityDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityWe investigate how to build secure yet easy-to-use and cost-effective systems. Our research focuses on areas like improving security usability with contextual data, ensuring privacy in cloud services, and designing secure software-defined networking. We evaluate and optimize mobile and distributed systems to save energy and improve user experience of mobile cloud services and applications like crowdsensing, multimedia streaming, and edge/cloud computing. We also research topics in areas like mobile cloud gaming, internet of things, big data analytics, and verification of distributed systems.
Applications of Machine LearningDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityThe AML group carries out both theoretical and experimental work on developing and applying new machine learning techniques for solving various application problems.
Kernel-based machine learning methodsDepartment of Computer Science, Aalto UniversityKernel-based machine learning methods are for predicting the structured, non-tabular data arising in biomedicine and digital health, especially applications on small molecules such as drugs and metabolites.
1. Tiedon jakaminen
Case: Mobility as a Service -
Jaetun tiedon hallinta verkottuneessa
liiketoiminnassa, työseminaari 1.11.2016
Yli-insinööri Maria Rautavirta
2. Tietojen ja tietojärjestelmien yhteentoimivuus liikenteessä –
liikenteen digitalisoinnin vauhdittaminen hyödyttää kaikkia
• Saumattomat matkaketjut asiakkaalle
• Rahan sitominen vain omaa käyttöä vastaaviin palveluihin
Elinkeinot ja yritystoiminta
• Lisää käyttäjiä olemassaoleville resursseille
• Uusia palveluja ja asiakkaita
• Liikennejärjestelmän tehokkuus ja kapasiteetin hyödyntäminen
• edellyttää myös fyysisen liikenteen rajoitusten purkamista ja erilaisten
liiketoimintamallien mahdollistamista
• Ilmastotavoitteet, maankäyttö
• Julkisen talouden tasapaino
3. Liikennekaaren tiedon avaamis- ja yhteentoimivuusvaatimukset
pohjana saumattomille matkaketjuille ja MaaS-paketoinnille
=Multimodal Information and Ticketing Systems
avaaminen ja
käytänteet ja
4. Liikennekaaren tiedon avaamis- ja yhteentoimivuusvaatimukset
pohjana saumattomille matkaketjuille ja MaaS-paketoinnille
=Multimodal Information and Ticketing Systems
Asiakas sisään reittioppaan tai
lippukaupan kautta
Maksujen tilitys ja tasaus
5. Liikennekaaren tiedon avaamis- ja yhteentoimivuusvaatimukset
pohjana saumattomille matkaketjuille ja MaaS-paketoinnille
=Multimodal Information and Ticketing Systems
Asiakas sisään reittioppaan tai
lippukaupan kautta
standardit, API:t
ID asiakkuudelle
ID matkustusoikeudelle
Henkilön (identity)
jakaminen rajattu
Lento- ja
matkustajatiedot myös
lipulla ja operaattorilla
Maksujen tilitys ja tasaus
Back office laskenta,
subv. clearing, roaming
MyDatan hallinta
6. Liikennekaaren tiedon avaamis- ja yhteentoimivuusvaatimukset
pohjana saumattomille matkaketjuille ja MaaS-paketoinnille
• Tietosuoja
• Tunnisteid
en vaihto
• Avainten
hallinta ja
=Multimodal Information and Ticketing Systems
Asiakas sisään reittioppaan tai
lippukaupan kautta
standardit, API:t
ID asiakkuudelle
ID matkustusoikeudelle
Henkilön (identity)
jakaminen rajattu
Lento- ja
matkustajatiedot myös
lipulla ja operaattorilla
Maksujen tilitys ja tasaus
Back office laskenta,
subv. clearing, roaming
MyDatan hallinta