3. Before you read
Mini-game: There are 5 animals (monkey, parrot, tiger, elephant and frog) hidden
behind 5 pictures A, B, C, D and E. Listen carefully their sound and guess their name!
Picture Picture Picture
Frog Elephant /el肘fnt/ Tiger /ta肘g奮/
Picture Picture
Parrot Monkey
/p脱rt/ /mk肘/
4. Before you read
1. What do you call these animals in English?
Rhinoceros Leopard /lepd/
Parrot /p脱rt/ ..
Tortoise /t:ts/ Tiger /ta肘g奮/ Panda /p脱nd/
/frg/ Mosquito /mski:t/
5. 2. Which of the animals and insects below can be found in Vietnam?
Rhinoceros Leopard /lepd/
Parrot /p脱rt/
Tortoise /t:ts/ Tiger /ta肘g奮/ Panda /p脱nd/
Frog Monkey
/frg/ /mk肘/
Mosquito /mski:t/
6. 3. Which of them is/are in danger of becoming extinct?
Rhinoceros Leopard /lepd/ Elephant /el肘fnt/
Parrot /p脱rt/
Tortoise /t:ts/ Tiger /ta肘g奮/ Panda /p脱nd/
Frog Monkey
No /frg/ No /mk肘/
Mosquito /mski:t/
7. While you read: Read the paragraph 1 and jot down some new words!
1. Endanger /indein覆(r)/ (v): lm nguy hi畛m, g但y nguy hi畛m.
Endangered species: nh畛ng loi c坦 nguy c董 b畛 tuy畛t ch畛ng.
2. Threaten /慮rentn/ (v): hm d畛a, e d畛a, [ + to infinitive ]
3. Globe /glb/ (n): 畛a c畉u, tr叩i 畉t, th畉 gi畛i.
Many plant and animal species around the globe are now threatened with extinction.
4. Extinct /肘kst肘kt/ (adj): tuy畛t gi畛ng, tuy畛t ch畛ng.
Extinction /肘kst肘ktn/ (n): s畛 lm tuy畛t gi畛ng, s畛 ti棚u di畛t, s畛 ti棚u h畛y.
5. Biologist /ba肘l覆肘st/ (n): nh sinh v畉t h畛c.
6. Identify /a肘dent肘fa肘/ (v): nh畉n ra, nh畉n bi畉t, nh畉n d畉ng.
Endangered species are plant and Nh畛ng loi b畛 nguy hi畛m l nh畛ng loi
animal species which are in danger of 畛ng th畛c v畉t ang b畛 e d畛a b畛i s畛
extinction. Over 8,300 plant species tuy畛t ch畛ng. H董n 8.300 loi th畛c v畉t v
and 7,200 animal species around the 7.200 loi 畛ng v畉t tr棚n kh畉p tr叩i 畉t b畛
globe are threatened with extinction, e d畛a tuy畛t ch畛ng v hng ngn loi
and many thousands more become kh叩c tr畛 n棚n tuy畛t ch畛ng m畛i nm tr動畛c
extinct each year before biologists can khi nh畛ng nh sinh v畉t h畛c c坦 th畛 nh畉n
identify them. ra ch炭ng.
8. While you read: Read the paragraph 2 and jot down some new words!
Primary /pra肘mr肘/ (adj): ch鱈nh y畉u, ch畛 y畉u, b畉c nh畉t.
Habitat /h脱b肘t脱t/ (n): m担i tr動畛ng s畛ng, n董i s畛ng.
The pandas natural habitat is the bamboo forest.
Exploitation /eksplitein/ (n): s畛 khai th叩c, s畛 khai kh畉n.
Commercial /km:l/ (adj): (thu畛c) bu担n b叩n, (thu畛c) th動董ng m畉i.
Drainage /dreini萄n/ (n): s畛 r炭t n動畛c, s畛 r炭t n動畛c, h畛 th畛ng tho叩t n動畛c.
Wetland /wetl脱nd/ (n): 畉m l畉y.
Urbanization /:bnaizein/ (n): s畛 担 th畛 h坦a Urbanize (v): 担 th畛 h坦a.
Construction /knstrkn/ (n): s畛 x但y d畛ng.
Toxic /tksik/ (adj): 畛c h畉i. [= Poisonous]
Contaminate /knt脱m肘ne肘t/ (v): lm b畉n, lm 担 u畉, lm nhi畛m (b畛nh).
Drive ... to sth: 畉y, d畛n vo th畉 .
Verge /v:覆/ (n): b畛, ven.
Contaminated water and global warming have driven many species of animals and plants to the verge
of extinction. ( nhi畛m n動畛c v s畛 畉m l棚n ton c畉u 達 畉y nhi畛u loi 畛ng th畛c v畉t 畉n b畛 v畛c tuy畛t
9. Paragraph 2:
The primary causes of species Nguy棚n nh但n ch鱈nh c畛a s畛 tuy畛t ch畛ng
extinction are habitat destruction, c畛a c叩c loi l s畛 tn ph叩 m担i tr動畛ng, s畛
commercial exploitation and pollution. khai th叩c th動董ng m畉i v s畛 担 nhi畛m.
The drainage of wetlands, cutting of Vi畛c th叩o n動畛c t畛 c叩c 畉m l畉y , ch畉t ph叩
forests, urbanization and road and dam r畛ng, 担 th畛 h坦a v x但y d畛ng 動畛ng x叩,
construction have destroyed or 畉p ngn n動畛c 達 tn ph叩 hay g但y thi畛t
seriously damaged natural habitats. h畉i nghi棚m tr畛ng 畉n m担i tr動畛ng t畛
Since the 1600s, worldwide nhi棚n. T畛 nh畛ng nm 1600, s畛 khai th叩c
commercial exploitation of animals for 畛ng v畉t 畛 lm th畛c n v c叩c s畉n ph畉m
food and other products has seriously kh叩c mang t鱈nh th動董ng m畉i tr棚n ton th畉
reduced the number of rare species. gi畛i 達 lm gi畉m i m畛t c叩ch tr畉m tr畛ng
Toxic chemicals in the air and land, s畛 l動畛ng c叩c loi qu箪 hi畉m. C叩c h坦a ch畉t
contaminated water and increased 畛c h畉i trong kh担ng kh鱈 v trong 畉t
water temperatures have also driven ai, n動畛c b畛 担 nhi畛m v nhi畛t 畛 n動畛c
many species to the verge of tng l棚n c滴ng 達 畉y nhi畛u loi 畉n b畛
extinction. v畛c c畛a s畛 tuy畛t ch畛ng.
11. While you read: Read the paragraph 3 and jot down some new words!
Lead to sth /led/: d畉n 畉n, 動a 畉n.
Loss /ls/ (n): s畛 m畉t, s畛 thi畛t h畉i.
Biodiversity /ba肘da肘v:sti/ (n): s畛 a d畉ng sinh hoc, h畛 sinh th叩i.
Plant and animal extinction leads to a loss of biodiversity.
Diversity /daiv:sti/ (n): t鱈nh a d畉ng.
Fertile /fta肘l/ (adj): t畛t, mu m畛 (畉t).
Agriculture /脱gr肘klt奮/ (n): n担ng nghi畛p.
In addition: th棚m vo, ngoi ra.
Benefit /benifit/ (vi): 動畛c l畛i.
Plant and animal extinction leads to ac叩c c叩c loi 畛ng th畛c v畉t d畉n
S畛 tuy畛t ch畛ng loss
of biodiversity. Maintaining m畉t t鱈nh a d畉ng v畛 sinh h畛c. V畛 nhi畛u
畉n biodiversity is
important for us in many ways. duy tr狸 h畛 sinh th叩i th狸 quan tr畛ng
m畉t, vi畛c
畛i v畛i on species
For example, humans dependch炭ng ta. Ch畉ng h畉n, con ng動畛i ph畛
thu畛c vo t鱈nh a d畉ng c畛a c叩c loi 畛 cung
diversity to have food, clean air and
c畉p th畛c ph畉m, 畉t ai v n動畛c s畉ch, 畉t ai
water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
mu m畛 cho n担ng nghi畛p. Ngoi ra, c湛ng ta
addition, we benefit greatly from the c叩c lo畉i thu畛c v c叩c s畉n
c嘆n 動畛c l畛i nhi畛u t畛
many medicines and other products s畛 a d畉ng sinh h畛c em l畉i.
ph畉m kh叩c m that
biodiversity provides.
12. While you read: Read the paragraph 4 and jot down some new words!
Effort /eft/ (n): n畛 l畛c, s畛 c畛 g畉ng.
Conservation /knsve肘n/ (n): s畛 b畉o t畛n, s畛 duy tr狸, s畛 gi畛 g狸n.
s畛 b畉o t畛n m担i tr動畛ng thi棚n nhi棚n.
Vulnerable /vlnrbl/ (adj): c坦 th畛 b畛 t畛n th動董ng.
Raise /re肘z/ (v): n但ng l棚n, lm tng th棚m.
Enact /in脱kt/ (v): ban hnh (畉o lu畉t).
Trade /tre肘d/(n): s畛 bu担n b叩n, th動董ng m畉i, m畉u d畛ch.
Overhunt /vhnt/: sn b畉n qu叩 m畛c.
Reserve /riz:v / (n): khu 畉t dnh ri棚ng (畛 lm vi畛c g狸), s畛 d畛 tr畛.
Establish /肘st脱bl肘/ (v): thnh l畉p, thi畉t l畉p.
A wide range of.. : a set of similar things .
Chance /t:ns/ (n): c董 h畛i.
Survive /sva肘v/ (v): s畛ng s坦t, t畛n t畉i.
13. Paragraph 4
Different conservation efforts have Nh畛ng n畛 l畛c b畉o t畛n m担i tr動畛ng thi棚n
been made in order to save nhi棚n kh叩c nhau 達 動畛c th畛c hi畛n v畛i
endangered species. The Red List m畛c 鱈ch c畛u l畉y c叩c loi c坦 nguy c董
a global list of endangered and tuy畛t ch畛ng. Danh s叩ch 畛 danh s叩ch
vulnerable animal species has been ton c畉u c畛a c叩c loi 畛ng v畉t ang b畛
introduced to raise peoples nguy hi畛m v d畛 b畛 t畛n th動董ng 達 動畛c
awareness of conservation needs. gi畛i thi畛u nh畉m n但ng cao nh畉n th畛c c畛a
ng動畛i d但n v畛 nhu c畉u b畉o t畛n. C叩c ch鱈nh
Governments have enacted laws to
ph畛 達 ban hnh 畉o lu畉t 畛 b畉o v畛 nh畛ng
protect wildlife from commercial
畛ng v畉t hoang d達 kh畛i vi畛c bu担n b叩n v
trade and overhunting. A number of sn b畉n qu叩 m畛c. M畛t s畛 khu b畉o t畛n m担i
wildlife habitat reserves have been tr動畛ng s畛ng c畛a 畛ng v畉t hoang d達 動畛c
established so that a wide range of thnh l畉p 畛 cho nhi畛u loi 畛ng v畉t c坦
endangered species can have a nguy c董 tuy畛t ch畛ng c坦 c董 h畛i s畛ng c嘆n v
chance to survive and develop. ph叩t tri畛n.
15. Now, listen to the tape.
Endangered species are plant and animal species which are in danger of extinction.
Over 8,300 plant species and 7,200 animal species around the globe are threatened with
extinction, and many thousands more become extinct each year before biologists can
identify them.
The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial
exploitation and pollution. The drainage of wetlands, cutting of forests, urbanization and
road and dam construction have destroyed or seriously damaged natural habitats. Since
the 1600s, worldwide commercial exploitation of animals for food and other products
has seriously reduced the number of rare species. Toxic chemicals in the air and land,
contaminated water and increased water temperatures have also driven many species to
the verge of extinction.
Plant and animal extinction leads to a loss of biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity is
important for us in many ways. For example, humans depend on species diversity to
have food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture. In addition, we benefit
greatly from the many medicines and other products that biodiversity provides.
Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save endangered species. The
Red List a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species has been
introduced to raise peoples awareness of conservation needs. Governments have
enacted laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting. A number of
wildlife habitat reserves have been established so that a wide range of endangered
species can have a chance to survive and develop.
16. Task 1. The nouns in column A all appear in the passage. Match each of them with
a suitable definition in column B.
1. Extinction a. the existence of a large number of
different kinds of animals and plants which
make a balanced environment.
2. Habitat b. the act of preventing something from
being lost, asted, damaged or destroyed.
3. Biodiversity c. a situation in which a plant, an animal,
away of life, etc. stops existing.
4. Conservation d. the natural environment in which a plant
or animal lives.
Some new words:
1. Balance /b脱lns/ (v): lm cho thng b畉ng, (n): s畛 c但n b畉ng.
2. Prevent sb/ sth from + V-ing : ngn ch畉n, ngn c畉n.
17. Task 2. Choose A,B,C or D to complete the following sentences about the reading
1. The number of species around the globe threatened with
extinction is over_____ .
A 7,200 B 8,300 C 1,600 D 15,000
2. Which of the following in NOT mentioned as a primary
cause of species extinction?
A Pollution B Natural selection
C Habitat destruction D Overexploitation
3. The Red List is a special book that provides names of______
A vulnerable and endangered B hunted
C endangered D extinct
18. 4. The development of wildlife habitat reserves helps_______ .
A save a large number of endangered species
B make a list of endangered species
C enact laws to protect wildlife
D develop commercial trade and overhunting
5. The best title for the passage is________ .
A Endangered Species and Conservation Measures
B Endanger Species and their Benefits
C Its
The Global Extinction wrong!!!
D Endangered Species Extinction: Cause and Conservation
19. Task 3. Find evidence in the passage to support these statements.
1. Pollution is one of the main cause of species extinction.
Toxic chemicals in the air and land, contaminated water and increased water temperatures
have also driven many species to the verge of extinction.
2. Species diversity has provided humans with so many essential things.
Its paragrapgh 3: Plant and animal extinction leads to a loss of biodiversity. Maintaining
biodiversity is important for us in many ways. For example, humans depend on species
diversity to have food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for agriculture. In addition, we
benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products that biodiversity provides.
3. There are a number of ways to help save endangered species.
Its paragraph 4: Different conservation efforts have been made in order to save endangered
species. The Red List a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species has
been introduced to raise peoples awareness of conservation needs. Governments have
enacted laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting. A number of
wildlife habitat reserves have been established so that a wide range of endangered species
can have a chance to survive and develop.
20. After you read: Watch the video about elephant poaching in Africa.
21. Thanks for your attention
!!! Group 2:
Nguy畛n Tr畉n Thanh H
Phan Thanh H畉nh
Giang Uy畛n Hu棚
L動董ng Ng畛c Th畉o Linh
Ph坦 M畛 Th湛y Linh
Tr畉n Th畛 Kim Ng但n
L棚 Giang Vi
Nguy畛n Th畛 H畉i Y畉n