Tigers are carnivorous cats that mainly eat deer and wild pigs in their habitats of India and Asia. However, as human settlements expand into tiger territories, tigers have less room to hunt and their food sources are declining. Tiger cubs are born blind and deaf, nursing from their mother for 2 weeks before venturing from the den to live independently. An interesting fact is that tigers are one of the few big cat species that enjoy swimming.
2. What they eat?
• Tigers are carnivors.( they eat meat) Tigers
mainly eat deer, and wild pig. It is getting
harder to find food because people are
moving into their hunting land.
3. Where do they live?
• Tigers live mainly in India and Asia. Many
people have moved in to their territory and
they have a lot less room to do things. A tigers
home is called a den.
4. cubs
• When tiger cubs( baby tigers) are born they
can not see or hear they are deaf and blind.
The cubs drink milk from their mother. When
the cubs are about 2 weeks old they can leave
the den and live a life of their own.
5. Interesting facts
• One interesting fact about a tiger is it is one of
the only cats who LOVE TO SWIM!