Tijuana, Mexico卒s city with the largest aerospace and defense cluster. It concentrates more than 31 firms and 7,800+ highly skilled employees.
For over 40 years the global aerospace industry has leveraged Tijuana卒s advanced manufacturing platform, that offers an experienced suppliers base, world-class engineering and technical talent, operational savings, and a dispute free business environment.
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Tijuana, Mexico Aerospace Industry
1. The Route to High Profits:
The Tijuana Aerospace and Defense Industry
June 2014
photo: Antonio Mercado
photo: North American
Production Sharing
2. www.Tijuanaedc.org || contact@tijuanaedc.org
Call toll free from the US: 1-855-558-5332 || ph (011-52) 664-681-8344
Tijuana: Mexicos Aerospace Hub
Long considered one of the primary economic drivers of
the southwestern Unites States and, more recently, a
key growth industry in Europe, Brazil and Asia,
aerospace and defense manufacturing is emerging as an
important sector in Mexicos economy as well. Within
Mexicos aerospace sector, Tijuana is the leading
aerospace hub with the highest concentration A&D
manufacturing operations.
Baja California stands as Mexico卒s top aerospace cluster,
with more than 60 aerospace companies operating
within the state. The city of Tijuana alone is home to
the largest concentration of operating aerospace firms
in the country (31)1
and has been developing a
specialized aerospace and defense manufacturing
ecosystem for the last 40 years.
Tijuanas numbers are continuing to gain altitude.
Between 2006 and 2014, the citys aerospace firms have
shown an average annual employment growth of 6% by
virtue of the citys talented pool of young engineers,
advanced manufacturing platforms, and unparalleled
geographic location. Just minutes from downtown San
Diego, the second-largest city on the West Coast of
North America, Tijuana is also an easy-access, nearshore
location to the global aerospace and defense industry.
This document provides a quick, fact-based introduction
to help understand why Tijuana is not only the No. 1
city in Mexico for maquiladora (IMMEX)
manufacturing companies2
, but also a modern city on
the leading edge of aerospace and defense
The Aerospace Talent of Tijuana-San Diego
The aerospace industrys growth in Tijuana has created increased
demand for specialized talent and Tijuanas universities have
throttled up to meet it with a growing number of aerospace
programs. Currently, four universities in the city offer aerospace
educational programs tailored to the industry卒s requirements:
CETYS University is WASC certified and offers both a Bachelors
degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in aerospace design as well as a masters degree program in
aerospace engineering; UABC State University of Baja California launched the Center for Aerospace and
Engineering Technology six years ago; and Universidad Tecnol坦gica de Tijuana offers specialized programs
in mechatronic engineering and aerospace harness manufacturing3
. More than 12,200 students enrolled in
undergraduate engineering, technological careers and graduate studies in 2014.
In the technical labor field, Centro de Asistencia y Servicios Tecnol坦gicos (CAST) opened the Aerospace
Precision Machining Center (CADTE) in 2013 to train technicians in all aspects of manufacturing precision
parts to meet strict quality standards.
The educational focus by
local universities in the
engineering field has greatly
helped the success of our
- Raul Perez
VP & General Manager
Zodiac Aerospace
3. www.Tijuanaedc.org || contact@tijuanaedc.org
Call toll free from the US: 1-855-558-5332 || ph (011-52) 664-681-8344
KPMG Competitive
Alternatives 2014
Cost Index for Aerospace
Why Mexico and Why Tijuana? The Experts Agree.
Competing in a global environment isnt just a goal, its a
requirement for todays aerospace companies who face increasing
competition and increasing costs around the world. The
globalization of the aerospace industry is, in fact, the reason the
U.S. FAA finalized a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA)
with Mexico in 2007 to grant nearshore manufacturing of aerospace
components while complying with strict quality and safety
As more options come into play for offshore and nearshore
manufacturing, it is useful to note that Mexico was ranked No. 1 as
the lowest-cost, and 3rd
highest after-tax-profit country among
ten countries analyzed by KPMG in their 2014 Competitive
Alternatives study5
.The findings, as can be seen in the graph to the
right, show Mexico was determined to provide aerospace
manufacturers with an 18.7% cost advantage compared to the
U.S. as well as significant cost advantages compared to other global
locations. KPMGs tax report found that Mexico-based operations
result in nearly half the total tax costs (corporate income taxes,
property, capital, and sales taxes as well as statutory
labor costs) compared to the U.S.6
The facts: while many regions market themselves as
possible locations for globally expanding companies, no
other international city offers the unique combination of:
40 years of experience in Aerospace and Defense
A large base of 31 existing aerospace companies
within Tijuana itself and even more in the state
of Baja California.
A next-door, nearshore location with quick
logistical access to the West Coast of the U.S.
Savings: Mexico is less expensive than China
according to the New Boston Consulting Group
2014 Cost-Competitiveness Index7
An experienced, quality-conscious and highly
bilingual workforce in a low-union, business-
friendly environment.
Using sample data derived from
industry representatives and the
Tijuana EDC, significant savings can
be gained for both smaller and
larger aerospace and defense
manufacturing operations in
Cubic considers Tijuana as, not only a strategic place to manufacture, but also a sage and
innovative environment for our executives and operations.
- Reiny Giesecke
Director of Business Development
Cubic Defense Applications
4. www.Tijuanaedc.org || contact@tijuanaedc.org
Call toll free from the US: 1-855-558-5332 || ph (011-52) 664-681-8344
Access to Customers & Suppliers
Just-in-time production isnt
just a concept for Tijuanas
aerospace companies. It is a
real cost-saving logistical
benefit that allows many of
the citys manufacturers to not
only reduce or avoid
inventories, but also to ship
finished product into the U.S.
market in as little as a few
Export: Tijuana is
geographically located just 15
minutes from downtown San
Diego, California. Companies
operating in Tijuana are easily
accessible for better
management, communications
and control. They also have
direct access to a robust
transportation infrastructure so
finished aerospace products
can be trucked and delivered
to anywhere in the U.S. within one to five days or shipped within hours from San Diego, Long Beach and
Ensenada seaports. Time-sensitive products can fly to customers from SAN, LAX, TIJ and other cargo airports
in a matter of hours.
Import: Great access isnt just about outbound shipping. Its also about inbound components and materials.
Tijuanas existing aerospace companies already take advantage of a well-developed network of suppliers
importing nearly $1.5 billion (U.S. dollars) in products and materials each year. And, as seen in the map
above, major suppliers of aerospace OEMs are located within 150 miles of Tijuana in Southern California
and less than 300 miles away in Arizona.
Tijuanas Aerospace
In addition to aerospace
companies that are
operating under AS9100 or
NADCAP certifications, more
than 90% of all
manufacturing firms in
Tijuana with 250+
employees are certified
under ISO 13485, ISO 9000 or
other quality standards. At
right are just a few of the
world-class aerospace
companies in Tijuana.
5. www.Tijuanaedc.org || contact@tijuanaedc.org
Call toll free from the US: 1-855-558-5332 || ph (011-52) 664-681-8344
Workers at C&D Zodiac in Tijuana assemble window panels for
aircrafts July 20. / Photo by Peggy Peattie * U-T
Defense Manufacturing Achievements
Approximately 45% of the aerospace firms in Tijuana are currently manufacturing for defense-related
applications. The citys experienced manufacturing environment centers around avoiding pitfalls in terms of
technological transfer, intellectual property and
quality assurance.
U.S. defense firms operating in Mexico are
allowed, by U.S. and Mexican regulations, to
manufacture products requiring ITAR
registration. To guarantee acceptance in this
category, firms have developed documented
systems for required tracking and control of ITAR
items and data. Certainly, some import/export
restrictions may apply (e.g. end-use limitations
and product classification) however, it is
perfectly feasible to have a defense-
manufacturing operation in Mexico abide by U.S.
Department of Defense regulations.
In January 2012, Mexico became the 41st
country to enter the Wassenaar Arrangement on export controls
for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, giving defense and aerospace manufacturing
companies established in Tijuana a more efficient regulatory framework for export controls and
Taking Off: The Tijuana Aerospace Cluster
The World Bank ranks Mexico as the world's 13th largest
economy in nominal terms and No. 11 in purchasing power.
Hecho en MexicoMade in Mexicois a quality guarantee,
including in aerospace.8
Clearly, the largest aerospace cluster in Mexico in terms of
the number of firms, Tijuana is a major addition to North
Americas aerospace and defense manufacturing centers. Its
location next to one of the largest aerospace industry
concentrations in Southern California and Arizona translates
to increased profit margins, high levels of manufacturing
security, and world-class quality.
The Cali Baja Binational Mega-Region --comprised of the state of Baja California, San Diego County and
Imperial County in California-- is home to more than 400 aerospace and defense companies, representing
33,000 high-value jobs within the sector. A binational infrastructure, bicultural engineering talent, and
innovation capabilities on both sides of the border anchor this growing industry in the region.
As Mexicos aerospace industry grows in the coming decade, companies thriving in Tijuana and the Cali-Baja
Mega Region will continue to provide the lift to higher sustainable profits.
For more information about this analysis, or about the city of Tijuana, please contact the Tijuana Economic Development
Corporation at 1-855-55-TJEDC.
Tijuana and Baja California are
well-positioned to become a center
of excellence for component
manufacturing in the aerospace
industry given the number of
companies established in the
region, its geographical location,
and the initiatives academia,
government and private industry
are promoting...
- Alberto Garc鱈a Hentzen
Director Fuel & Motion Control Division
Supply Chain Management
EATON Aerospace Group
7. References:
Tijuana aerospace firms verified by Baja California Aerospace Cluster. May 2014 based on ProMexico Aerospace
Roadmap 2013
INEGI firm data for Industria manufacturera, maquiladora y de servicios de exportaci坦n (IMMEX) industry, accessed
June 2014 [http://www.inegi.org.mx/sistemas/bie]
Baja卒s Engineering Talent Fosters Growth of the Aerospace Industry in Mexico, accessed June 2014
For more information about Mexicos Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement, please see the FAAs website at
Competitive Alternatives: KPMGs Guide to International Business Location 2014 Edition
Special Report: Focus on Taxes. Competitive Alternatives: KPMGs Guide to International Business Location 2014
BCG Cost-Competitiveness Index Press Release. April 25, 2014
Mexicos Welcome Mat Attracts Aerospace Manufacturers, Michael Mecham, April 2013