The document provides instructions for producing a 15-20 second video with a minimum of 30 edits that conveys a feeling of journey or process. It emphasizes using repetition of sound, rhythm, and unique sounds from the video to make it more engaging. It also suggests shooting mainly close-ups, mid-shots, and POV shots while recording a range of sounds for setting up equipment to provide rhythm.
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Time based media
2. o Produce 15-20 second video
o 30 Edits Minimum
o Give the feeling of some type of journey or
o Emphasise Sound
4. o Repetition of sound
o Rhythm
o More engaging
o Unique
o Great use of sound and video
16. o My idea:
Preparation for recording
o Shot types:
Mainly Close ups/Mid Close ups/Mid shots/POV shots
o Sound:
Use a range of sounds for setting up equipment
(might make use sound to give a rhythm)
o Considering using a Intro/Outro