This document discusses why radio is a good investment for advertisers. It provides the following key points:
- Radio reaches over 93% of the population each week, with listeners spending 3+ hours on weekdays and 5+ hours on weekends listening. It also holds over 92% of its audience during commercial breaks.
- Radio is expanding its digital capabilities like social media, mobile, and interactive opportunities.
- Other media like television, print, yellow pages, and the internet are becoming more fragmented and less effective at reaching audiences. Advertising costs are also rising for these other media.
- Radio spending by large companies like Walmart has increased significantly in recent years, showing the effectiveness of radio advertising.
2. Theres never been a better time to increase your
investment with Radio!
Radios audience continues to grow.
More listeners today than ever!
Radio reaches 93% of the population
every week.
Thats 2.4 million listeners in the Portland area per
Radio is on the forefront of digital.
Includes database marketing, social media, mobile
and interactive opportunities.
Radio Today
* Total Survey Area Population Estimate, Spring 2008
3. Radio Today
Theres never been a better time to increase your
investment with Radio!
Radios time-spent-listening is
Three hours per weekday and five hours per
weekend day.
Radio holds more than 92% of its lead-in
audience during commercial breaks.
Listeners hear your messages!
3Source: RAB/Coleman Study
4. Radio is a way cooler device (than iPod)...Its about
connectionits a century old and still occupying more
hours in the average Americans week than network
television and just about every other type of entertainment
too. -- The Atlantic Monthly (December 2007)
Radio Today
6. Radio is greatly under monetized.
Look at the time people spend listening
to radio vs. the money currently being
spent to advertise on radio its out of
- Eric Schmidt, CEO Google USA Today
Radio Today
7. Television
DVR phenomenon
28% of Households now have DVRs and
penetration is expected to reach 50% in 2011.
DVRs do not contribute to more TV viewing, just
more selective TV viewing.
Ad skipping -- 85% of DVR users report skipping
75% of TV commercials.
News Impact
What do people see/hear when the TV is on?
Competitive Landscape
1.Tech News World, 2007
2.Consumer research from Oliver Wymann firm, 2008
3.Jupiter Research, 2006
8. Television (cont.)
Cable/Satellite TV Proliferation
Now more than 60% penetration for the Portland
Clutter: 24% of each hour
That equates to at least 29 different advertising
messages per hour that must run.
Production Costs
Very high compared to producing radio messages.
Competitive Landscape
Source: Comcast, RAB
9. Print
Predominantly a 55+ audience
Print no longer effectively reaches Adults 18-49.
Massive circulation drops
The Oregonian has dropped 54,386 homes in
weekday circulation in 3 years!
Many dont read the paper at all
6 out of 10 households in Portland (62%) do not
subscribe to The Oregonian.
Digital Revolution
Many sections of the newspaper have been
completely replaced by the Web (Recruitment,
Competitive Landscape
Source: Portland Business Journal, October 2008. Newspaper Performance Report
10. Yellow Pages
Limited Exposure
Less than half of Adults now use the Yellow Pages
as a source of information.
Ad Clutter
Your ad is lumped in with all others in the same
Number of Books
At least six Yellow Page books published in
Portland every year. When you google Portland
Yellow Pages there are 9,420,000 results!
Digital Revolution
60% of consumers now use search engines on a
typical day (up from 33% in 2002).
Competitive Landscape
Google, PEW Internet and American Life Project
11. After years of minimal radio spending, theres
increasing evidence Walmart has embraced radio
as a way to drive shoppers into stores. Theres also
signs its working. The discounter has had some of
the strongest sales during the downturn and has seen
more upscale consumers looking for deals. Media
Monitors says the countrys largest retailer aired
52,739 commercials last weekmore than
quadruple its weekly average of 12,784 last year.
Inside Radio October 29, 2008
Time For Change