This document discusses various techniques for effective time management. It covers analyzing how time is currently spent, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, using time management tools like planners and diaries, making instant changes like clearing your workspace and filtering information, managing meetings and travel, and taking breaks. It also provides tips for managing the time of others through good communication, effective delegation, collaborating with colleagues, and managing relationships with managers.
3. Analyzing Time
change in attitude
Using time wisely
Managing queries
Set a side some time to review
4. Analyzing the usage of time
Assessing your day
Keep a log of your time
Reviewing your time log
Breaking down tasks
5. Estimating abilities
To Assess your ability there is a questionnaire
of 30 questions
In which you had to mark any of the options
given 1 , 2, 3, 4
1 for never; 2 for occasionally ; 3 for
frequently; 4 for always; respective scores
from each option marked
we can analyze how efficiently we are utilizing
the time from total scores
Analyzing your goals
Working out Priorities
Assessing work Patterns
using time planners
Thinking positively
7. Analyzing your goals
Setting goals
Long tem and short term
Planning career goals & working on them
8. Working out Priorities
Analyzing your work
Prioritize work into 3 types A,B, &C
delegate work that can be delegated
Plan your day balancing demand.
Being realistic
9. Assessing work Patterns
Timing tasks
Taking breaks from concentrated work
Maximizing efficiency
10. using time planners
Choosing a system
Planning with a dairy
Maintaining dairy
Making a master list
12. Making Instant Changes
Clearing your office
Filling papers
Avoiding interruptions
Filtering information
Working with others
Making phone calls
Taking phone calls
Reading and writing
Using technology
Holding meetings
Travelling for work
Scheduling time off
13. Clearing your office
Projecting an image
Processing documents
Organizing paperwork and also work place
Every minute used for organizing is an hour
15. Avoiding interruptions
Listings interruptions
Discouraging interruptions
Make your work space such that leaving less
scope to disturb you
16. Filtering information
Gaining information
processing information
Circulating material
Dealing with reference
Delegating your work
keep it up to date
17. Working with others
Assessing work rules
Reviewing your assumptions
Analyzing motivation
Handling meetings
18. Making phone calls
Choosing time to call
Keeping on track
Using a voice mail system
Choosing a suitable phone for needs
19. Taking phone calls
Making time for calls
Dealing with cold callers
Signaling the end of a phone call
20. Reading and writing.
Learn to skim-read
Over view of the content
Make Use technology
Filing on computer
Using E-mail
21. Holding meetings
Meeting one to one
Timing small meetings
Preparing an agenda
Avoiding time wasting
Keeping to schedule
22. Travelling for work
Assessing need
Packing efficiently
Stay in touch
Communicating while travelling
update your notes
23. Scheduling time off
Taking daily breaks
Recharging batteries
planning ahead
Taking time for your self
Communicating well
Delegating effectively
Managing Colleagues
Managing your Manager
25. Communicating well
Hearing is not the same as listening, learn to
Spreading information
Take an interest in what others are trying to
27. Managing Colleagues
Working together
Sharing your time management skills
Focusing on objectives
Encouraging opinions
28. Managing your Manager
Building a relationship
Communicating effectively
Getting your own way
Knowing when to offer advise
Editor's Notes
#3: Every body has to manage their time to some extent whether it be at home or work .
#5: Routine tasks Ongoing tasksPlanning and development
#9: How much time you spend doing wrong task at wrong timeType A : important and urgentType B : either urgent or important but not bothType C: neither important nor urgent but routine
#21: Catch hold of the key words to understand the sentences
#22: --One to one meetings are focused on particular situation or event--Timing small meetings are mainly for recruiting o r staff assessment
#23: Stay in touch with office communicating while travelling
#24: Taking daily breaksRecharging batteries planning aheadTaking time for your self