Definition of Time and Time Management, Why should we learn Time Management, Work Flow, Technique, Teaching Children about Time Management, Goal Setting for Time Management
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Time Management
2. Table of Contents
Why Should we learn Time Management??
Work Flow
Technique of Time Management
Teaching Children about Time Management
4. Definition of Time
Time cannot changed in any way.
Time cannot be accelerated, slowed or stopped.
Time is our Precious Resource.
Lost Time is Never Found.
Therefore Time itself Can not be managed.
Make Time For What Matters.
We can only Control our Use of our time
5. Definition of Time Management
Organizing and planning to
divide your time between specific
Goodtimemanagementenablesyouto Smart
worker not hardworker
6. Why Should we Learn Time Management ??
Poor Time Management = Stress
Good Time Management = Peace & Happy
Common Road Blocks:
The Idea that Time is Adjustable than Fixed
Crisis Management than Time Management
7. Main Feature : Goal Setting Work Flow
Set Goals
Action Plan
Set Milestones
Frame it in
WorkflowBreak Down
in To-Do
To-Do List
Principle - 6P Formula:
8. 1. Prioritization
2. Scheduling
3. Being well organized
4. Reduce Interruptions
5. Effective Communication
6. Learn to Say No
7. Be Assertive
9. Teaching Time Management
to children
Teach the importance of time.
Discuss benefits of Organizing time
Teaching time schedule.
Teach planning use of time.
Teach budget work time in school.
10. Conclusion
What Time Management has taught us:
To take Advantage of High Priority tasks.
Stop Spending time on not important tasks
Be Aware of how your time is spent
Set a realistic schedule for yourself
To Increase productivity, rather than stress
To become Smart worker.
#5: Time is not something that can changed in any way, it cannot be accelerated slowed or stopped.
#6: Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities
#7: Crisis Is any Event that is expected to, an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual group, community or whole society
Features: Decisions are required urgently, Time is Short, Urgent demands for information, Pressure build over time, Sense of lost control.