File presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Sociological Society (The University of Tokyo, November 4-5, 2017)
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モンゴル国におけるナショナル?アイデンティティの計時的変化 (Time-series Change of Mongolian National Identity)
8. 着目する設問
? ABS2, ABS3, ABS4に組み込まれた以下の4項目:
(1) Our country should defend our way of life instead of
becoming more and more like other countries ? 純化志向
(2) A citizen should always remain loyal only to his country, no
matter how imperfect it is or what wrong it has done ? 無条件
(3) How proud are you to be a citizen of [COUNTRY]? ? ナショナ
(4) Given the chance, how willing would you be to go and live
in another country? ? 海外移住への関心/抵抗感
※ 調査時期により一部の国?地域でデータ欠落
17. 相関分析の結果
? ほとんどの項目で相関は一貫して有意、
? 「無条件の忠誠」「ナショナル?プライド」間の相関が弱まる
ABS2 1157 1169 1169
ABS3 1186 1191 1188
ABS4 1210 1218 1216
ABS2 .155 *** 1192 1217
ABS3 .140 *** 1200 1196
ABS4 .140 ** 1200 1196
ABS2 .116 *** .221 *** 1207
ABS3 .146 *** .080 *** 1204
ABS4 .111 ** .064 * 1204
ABS2 -.040 -.083 ** -.205 ***
ABS3 -.058 * -.088 ** -.205 **
ABS4 -.064 * -.109 ** -.183 **
Defend our
way of life
Proud to be
a citizen of
Willing to go
and live in
another country
Should be loyal
to own country
Should be loyal to own country
Proud to be a citizen of Mongolia
Willing to go and live in another country
Note: *** p<.001, ** p<.01, *<p.05, + p<.1
Defend our way of life
18. 偏相関分析の結果
? 統制変数を投入してもほとんどの相関の有意性は残る
? 「無条件の忠誠」「ナショナル?プライド」間の相関の有意性は消失
ABS2 (N=1138)
ABS2 1138 1138 1138
ABS3 1165 1165 1165
ABS4 1197 1197 1197
ABS2 .148 *** 1138 1138
ABS3 .124 *** 1165 1165
ABS4 .137 *** 1197 1197
ABS2 .099 *** .218 *** 1138
ABS3 .107 *** .067 * 1165
ABS4 .103 *** .053 1197
ABS2 -.003 -.053 + -.147 ***
ABS3 -.005 -.068 * -.177 ***
ABS4 -.060 * -.084 ** -.162 ***
Defend our
way of life
Should be loyal
to own country
Proud to be a
citizen of
Willing to go
and live in
another country
Defend our way of life
Should be loyal to own country
Proud to be a citizen of Mongolia
Willing to go and live in another country
Note: *** p<.001, ** p<.01, *<p.05, + p<.1
21. 参考文献
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22. Acknowledgement
? Data analyzed in this paper were collected by the Asian
Barometer Project (2005-2008, 2010-2012, and 2013-2016),
which was co-directed by Professors Fu Hu and Yun-han Chu
and received major funding support from Taiwan’s Ministry of
Education, Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University. The
Asian Barometer Project Office (www.asianbarometer.org) is
solely responsible for the data distribution. The author
appreciates the assistance in providing data by the institutes
and individuals aforementioned. The views expressed herein
are the author's own.