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Timothy Copeland
Industrial Designer
Human-Centered Design
10 Aberdeen Way
Gansevoort, NY 12831
EDUCATION Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
MFA Industrial Design - May 2015
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY
BS Studio Art - 1998
EXPERIENCE Cubewright								 Schuylerville, NY	
Director - Design and Innovation						 July 2015 - current
Principal with responsibility for new business development and project management for clients.
Studio 34 Creative Arts Center 					 Rochester, NY
Jewelry and Metalsmithing Instructor 					 Nov 2014 - May 2015
Instructor for group and individual classes in jewelry-making and metalsmithing techniques.
Rochester Institute of Technology 			 		 Rochester, NY
Graduate Assistant - Studio Technician 		 			 Fall 2013 - May 2015
Manage student workflow on digital fabrication equipment (Shopbot CNC Router and 3D printers).
Train / supervise graduate and undergraduate students in operation and uses of digital fabrication equipment.
Ed Levin Jewelry Inc. 	 						 Cambridge, NY
Designer								 2002 - 2013
Fully responsible for product design and development from concept to manufactured product.
Coordinated a diverse development team - Tooling, Production, Purchasing, and Sales.
Created designs specifically for entry into professional trade design competitions.
Trained production craftspeople in production of new designs.
Production Manager 							 2006 - 2012
Managed Production department - Operations, Staff, Budget, Safety, Purchasing, and Tooling.
Solely responsible for new product design and development (Dec 2008 - 2013)
Shared executive-level responsibility for creative direction of the company.
Succesfully managed crucial staff and cost structures through the economic crash of 2008 and into recovery.
Assistant Designer							 1999 - 2002
Expedited new designs into production and maintained design intent.
Worked with diverse developement team - Design, Production, Tooling, Purchasing, and Sales.
Assisted with production of jewelry as needed.
Concept Development
Product Design
Design Research
Design for Production
Production Management
Creative Direction
Business Management
LEAN Principles
Model Making
CNC Router (Shopbot)
3D Printing
Vacuum Forming
Machine Shop
Autodesk Fusion 360
Luxion Keyshot
Adobe InDesign
Microsoft Office
V-carve Pro / PartWorks 3D
Deerfield Academy
Deerfield, MA
ACHIEVEMENTS 2015 RIT ID GlassLab Fellowship (with the Corning Museum of Glass)
Awarded annually to one recipient by RIT Industrial Design faculty in recognition of exceptional design skills, excellent 	
communication skills across mediums, and strong track record of meaningful contributions to the department.
2013 Niche Awards Finalist - 2 pieces
2013 JCK Retailers Choice Awards Finalist- 2 pieces
2013 Luxury Palladium Design Contest - Winner
2004 Niche Awards Finalist - gold jewelry category
PROJECTS RIT Idea Lab - Access Technologies Fall 2013, Spring & Fall 2014
CHUM Design, 2014
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County (RTSC), 2009 - present
ASSOCIATIONS Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), Design Management Institute (DMI)

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  • 1. Timothy Copeland Industrial Designer Human-Centered Design 10 Aberdeen Way Gansevoort, NY 12831 518.396.7863 tfc.ssny@yahoo.com www.tim-copeland.com EDUCATION Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY MFA Industrial Design - May 2015 Skidmore College Saratoga Springs, NY BS Studio Art - 1998 WORK EXPERIENCE Cubewright Schuylerville, NY Director - Design and Innovation July 2015 - current Principal with responsibility for new business development and project management for clients. Studio 34 Creative Arts Center Rochester, NY Jewelry and Metalsmithing Instructor Nov 2014 - May 2015 Instructor for group and individual classes in jewelry-making and metalsmithing techniques. Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY Graduate Assistant - Studio Technician Fall 2013 - May 2015 Manage student workflow on digital fabrication equipment (Shopbot CNC Router and 3D printers). Train / supervise graduate and undergraduate students in operation and uses of digital fabrication equipment. Ed Levin Jewelry Inc. Cambridge, NY Designer 2002 - 2013 Fully responsible for product design and development from concept to manufactured product. Coordinated a diverse development team - Tooling, Production, Purchasing, and Sales. Created designs specifically for entry into professional trade design competitions. Trained production craftspeople in production of new designs. Production Manager 2006 - 2012 Managed Production department - Operations, Staff, Budget, Safety, Purchasing, and Tooling. Solely responsible for new product design and development (Dec 2008 - 2013) Shared executive-level responsibility for creative direction of the company. Succesfully managed crucial staff and cost structures through the economic crash of 2008 and into recovery. Assistant Designer 1999 - 2002 Expedited new designs into production and maintained design intent. Worked with diverse developement team - Design, Production, Tooling, Purchasing, and Sales. Assisted with production of jewelry as needed. SKILLS Design Concept Development Product Design Design Research Model-Making Design for Production Professional Production Management Creative Direction Business Management Entrepreneurship LEAN Principles Personal Collaboration Problem-Solving Empathy Patience Diplomacy Model Making CNC Router (Shopbot) 3D Printing Metalsmithing Vacuum Forming Machine Shop Software Autodesk Fusion 360 Luxion Keyshot Adobe InDesign Microsoft Office V-carve Pro / PartWorks 3D Deerfield Academy Deerfield, MA 1994 ACHIEVEMENTS 2015 RIT ID GlassLab Fellowship (with the Corning Museum of Glass) Awarded annually to one recipient by RIT Industrial Design faculty in recognition of exceptional design skills, excellent communication skills across mediums, and strong track record of meaningful contributions to the department. 2013 Niche Awards Finalist - 2 pieces 2013 JCK Retailers Choice Awards Finalist- 2 pieces 2013 Luxury Palladium Design Contest - Winner 2004 Niche Awards Finalist - gold jewelry category PROJECTS RIT Idea Lab - Access Technologies Fall 2013, Spring & Fall 2014 CHUM Design, 2014 Rebuilding Together Saratoga County (RTSC), 2009 - present ASSOCIATIONS Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA), Design Management Institute (DMI)