The document describes a standards-driven localization workflow developed by Yamagata Europe for a customer that switched from a home-grown CMS to Sitecore. The workflow involves exporting Sitecore content as TIPP packages containing XLIFF files, sending those packages via FTP to a translation management system (memoQ), translating the content, then importing the translated packages back into Sitecore where the translations are reviewed. The workflow aims to provide clean XLIFF, automatically update translation memories, and facilitate the involvement of multiple parties through standards and automation.
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A standards driven workflow for Sitecore localization
13. We wanted clean XLIFF because there is
already too much bad XLIFF out there
14. We also wanted XLIFF to automatically update
TMs after revision in Sitecore
<trans-unit id="..."><source>
<g id="" ctype="x-html-h3">
Quick preview
<g id="" ctype="x-html-p">
<g id="" ctype="x-html-div" xhtml:class="grayBgBox">
<g id="" ctype="x-html-p">
<g id="" ctype="x-html-strong">Choose your brightness <x id=""
ctype="lb" /></g><x id="" ctype="lb" />
From December 2012 onwards, ...
linebreaks to help
segmentation in memoQ
16. General workflow
Content is
Imported via API
e in
Translations are
Review is done
in Sitecore
Imported via API
#5: U2 videowallsMedical imagingMilitaryimagingWe'vetranslatingforthemforover 5 yearsnow.
#6: Excel isprobablythemostmisusedtool in thehistory of mankind, usedforeverythingbutspreadsheets. And unfortunatelyvery popular with software peoplewhothinkthey'redoingus a favourbychuckingit in Excel.
#7: High endcorporate web cms .NETYouknowit'shighend and priceywhenyoudon'tseeanypriceslisted and a list of Partnersonthesite.
#8: 11 languagesincluding English.Wetranslateinto 9 languages. Barco does English and dutch in house.
#9: FirstobviouscandidateisClayTablet.Webinar, didsometests. Beautiful.But comes at a heftypricetag.Lionbridgedidsomething. Vendorlockin. We'reniceguys, wewantedan open solution.
#10: Watched foldersLocal servicesto pick them up.Set up a packageformat. Zip format.
#11: Firstheard of TIPP at 1st XLIFF symposium in Limerick viaMicahBlyfromMedtronic.PragmaticbunchcalledInteroperabilityNow. Includes Kilgray, Ontram, XTM, Spartan Software.Tookthespecthatwasalreadypublished, notfinalized.
#12: TIPP structurezipwith a manifest XML describes content and alsoTaskWehave a bare-bonesimplementationwithouttm, term and attachment as these are allmanaged in memoQBilingual files are XLIFF.Thiswasthebiggesthurdle in theimplementation, convertingraw Sitecore XML intogood XLIFF.
#14: Bad XLIFF: customnamespacestakingovercore XLIFF functions, ruininginteroperabilityEscaped HTML tags, orevenworse, CDATA elements!
#15: Clean > correctinlinetagging no escaped HTMLNo customnamespacesSegmentation > done at memoQ side
#16: Onlyhavethe XHTMLnamespaceto be abletocorrectly back convert.No escaped HTML, butcorrectlytaggedusing XLIFF conventionsusing g fortagpairs and x forstandalonetags.Everytrans-unitisan input field in Sitecore. Weorginallyplannedondoingsentencebasedsegmentation in theexportfrom Sitecore butthisprovedtodifficulttomanage.Usedlinebreakstohelpsegmentation in memoQIssueshere: Sitecore has plaintextfields in which HTML can be inserted. > Wehaveto catch this at memoQ'ssideusingregextagger.