This document outlines 8 key tasks for evaluating coalitions and partnerships including helping coalitions create an evaluation plan, establish a system to monitor outputs, create a centralized database to collect outcome data, ensure quality control of data collection, evaluate the coalition's process and specific interventions/strategies, and increase how stakeholders utilize evaluation findings. It also provides parting tips for evaluations such as having questions drive the process, gaining partner buy-in, starting small with 1-2 yearly activities, using existing data and tools, and reducing the data collection burden.
4. . . .they use a broad array of
strategies & tactics
5. Key ingredients in evaluating
these large scale, long-term
multi-strategy & multi-partner,
efforts include a systematic
approach & strong
16. • Questions should drive the evaluation
• Enlist partners‘ help to build buy-in
• Start small – 1-2 evaluation activities/yr.
• Take advantage of data you already have
• Verify rosters to maximize response rates
• Reduce data collection burden – maximize
• Use & adapt existing tools