
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
                                                                                  9. When taking pictures from public railway crossings,                        5. Resist the temptation to walk down the middle of railway tracks,
                                                                                      stay at least 5 metres away from the nearest rail.                           even at a rail museum where trains are not moving. Impressionable
                                                                                      This rule applies for staged photo run-bys" as well.                        children may be tempted to imitate your behaviour on the railway
                                                                                  10. Obey all highway-railway crossing signs and signals.                         tracks near home.
                                                                                  11. Cooperate fully with railway police or
                                                                                      other law enforcement officers when contacted.                            6. What is your message when you pose small children on railway tracks
                                                                                  12. If suspicious activities are noted, report them to the railway police        or other rail equipment for family photos? Are you misleading them
                                                                                      (CPR Police 1-800-716-9132/CN Police Services 1-800-465-9239),               to believe it is OK to climb on railcars parked on a siding in your

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TIPS AND SECURITY ADVISORY FOR
                                                                                      or local law enforcement officers.                                           community?
                                                                                      DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER ACTION!
                                                                                                                                                                7. Please consider all this  for everyones safety.
                                                                                  By following these guidelines, rail fans can enjoy their hobby and help
                                                                                  maintain the security of our nation's rail transportation system.             Contact Operation Lifesaver or your provincial safety council/league to
TIPS AND SECURITY ADVISORY                                                                                                                                      schedule a free highway/railway safety presentation. Certified Presenters are
                                                                                  SET AN EXAMPLE                                                                available to speak to students in school and driver training classes, youth and
FOR RAIL FANS                                                                     FOR RAIL SAFETY AND SECURITY!
                                                                                                                                                                community groups, company safety programs and the general public. In
                                                                                                                                                                addition, specialized presentations are available for educators, emergency
Rail fans display a great interest in the overall operation of trains and loco-                                                                                 responders, professional drivers and recreational groups.
motives; they enjoy taking pictures, making videos or just watching railway       Too many people die each year because they do not understand railways.
operations. However, such recreational activities and hobbies often occur         They underestimate the power of trains and the dangers around the rails.      Please also consider joining the many volunteers across the country trained
near vital infrastructure and pose significant security concerns. Today, the      Operation Lifesaver, a non-profit, national public education program for      to deliver Operation Lifesavers safety message. For more information on how
rail fan's first responsibility must be safety.                                   rail safety, asks you to be more conscientious when it comes to safe behav-   you can become an Operation Lifesaver Presenter, call Operation Lifesaver
                                                                                  iour around tracks and trains.                                                or your provincial safety council/league.
Maintaining and enhancing the safety and security of the nation's rail trans-
portation system and the people it affects remains a priority of Operation        People, especially children, learn by example. What you    do may be more     LOOK, LISTEN AND LIVE!
Lifesaver and its partners.                                                       significant than what you say.

With current increased apprehension about public protection, the rules of         1. Remember, most people do not understand that walking or playing                                       OPERATION LIFESAVER
behaviour for rail enthusiasts have changed and so Operation Lifesaver and           on railway property is trespassing: it is illegal and it can be deadly.                               99 Bank Street, Suite 1401
its partners urge rail fans to adhere to THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES:                   Moreover, law enforcement considers it to be a serious security risk.                                 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6B9
                                                                                                                                                                                           Tel: (613) 564-8100
General Safety Tips for All Rail Fans                                             2. If you're a railway photographer, give the crew a break! They have                                    Fax: (613) 567-6726
                                                                                     experienced too much tragedy and too many close calls already.                                        E-mail: admin@operationlifesaver.ca
1. Do not trespass on railway property or rights-of-way. It is illegal and           Please photograph trains from public property only.                             Operation Lifesaver   www.operationlifesaver.ca
   dangerous, and will be viewed by law enforcement as a security risk.
2. Do not enter private property without permission.                              3. For your own safety, please stand back at least 5 metres from the
3. Avoid taking pictures of military trains and equipment.                           nearest rail when filming at a public railway crossing.
4. Never walk out on a railway bridge or trestle.
5. Stay out of railway tunnels.                                                   4. Walking across a railway trestle or into a railway tunnel is much too
6. Do not climb on railway property such as signal bridges,                          dangerous. If your photographs suggest otherwise, you are leading
   cabinets or other structures.                                                     other people into harm's way. Think about it.
7. Never climb on or crawl under railway cars or equipment.
8. Only take photographs or view trains from public locations.

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Tips for Rail Fan

  • 1. RAIL FANS 9. When taking pictures from public railway crossings, 5. Resist the temptation to walk down the middle of railway tracks, stay at least 5 metres away from the nearest rail. even at a rail museum where trains are not moving. Impressionable This rule applies for staged photo run-bys" as well. children may be tempted to imitate your behaviour on the railway 10. Obey all highway-railway crossing signs and signals. tracks near home. 11. Cooperate fully with railway police or other law enforcement officers when contacted. 6. What is your message when you pose small children on railway tracks 12. If suspicious activities are noted, report them to the railway police or other rail equipment for family photos? Are you misleading them (CPR Police 1-800-716-9132/CN Police Services 1-800-465-9239), to believe it is OK to climb on railcars parked on a siding in your TIPS AND SECURITY ADVISORY FOR or local law enforcement officers. community? DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER ACTION! 7. Please consider all this for everyones safety. By following these guidelines, rail fans can enjoy their hobby and help maintain the security of our nation's rail transportation system. Contact Operation Lifesaver or your provincial safety council/league to TIPS AND SECURITY ADVISORY schedule a free highway/railway safety presentation. Certified Presenters are SET AN EXAMPLE available to speak to students in school and driver training classes, youth and FOR RAIL FANS FOR RAIL SAFETY AND SECURITY! community groups, company safety programs and the general public. In addition, specialized presentations are available for educators, emergency Rail fans display a great interest in the overall operation of trains and loco- responders, professional drivers and recreational groups. motives; they enjoy taking pictures, making videos or just watching railway Too many people die each year because they do not understand railways. operations. However, such recreational activities and hobbies often occur They underestimate the power of trains and the dangers around the rails. Please also consider joining the many volunteers across the country trained near vital infrastructure and pose significant security concerns. Today, the Operation Lifesaver, a non-profit, national public education program for to deliver Operation Lifesavers safety message. For more information on how rail fan's first responsibility must be safety. rail safety, asks you to be more conscientious when it comes to safe behav- you can become an Operation Lifesaver Presenter, call Operation Lifesaver iour around tracks and trains. or your provincial safety council/league. Maintaining and enhancing the safety and security of the nation's rail trans- portation system and the people it affects remains a priority of Operation People, especially children, learn by example. What you do may be more LOOK, LISTEN AND LIVE! Lifesaver and its partners. significant than what you say. With current increased apprehension about public protection, the rules of 1. Remember, most people do not understand that walking or playing OPERATION LIFESAVER behaviour for rail enthusiasts have changed and so Operation Lifesaver and on railway property is trespassing: it is illegal and it can be deadly. 99 Bank Street, Suite 1401 its partners urge rail fans to adhere to THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: Moreover, law enforcement considers it to be a serious security risk. Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6B9 Tel: (613) 564-8100 General Safety Tips for All Rail Fans 2. If you're a railway photographer, give the crew a break! They have Fax: (613) 567-6726 experienced too much tragedy and too many close calls already. E-mail: admin@operationlifesaver.ca 1. Do not trespass on railway property or rights-of-way. It is illegal and Please photograph trains from public property only. Operation Lifesaver www.operationlifesaver.ca dangerous, and will be viewed by law enforcement as a security risk. 2. Do not enter private property without permission. 3. For your own safety, please stand back at least 5 metres from the 3. Avoid taking pictures of military trains and equipment. nearest rail when filming at a public railway crossing. 4. Never walk out on a railway bridge or trestle. 5. Stay out of railway tunnels. 4. Walking across a railway trestle or into a railway tunnel is much too 6. Do not climb on railway property such as signal bridges, dangerous. If your photographs suggest otherwise, you are leading cabinets or other structures. other people into harm's way. Think about it. 7. Never climb on or crawl under railway cars or equipment. 8. Only take photographs or view trains from public locations.