Rail fans display a great interest in the overall operation of trains and locomotives; they enjoy taking pictures, making videos or just watching railway operations. Operation Lifesaver would like to remind you of certain safety tips you should adopt to enjoy your hobby fully.
A guide to rail fans on how to enjoy your hobby safely. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Mobileye is a pioneer in vision-based advanced driver assistance systems founded in 1999. It has over 60 distribution partners globally and its technology is used as standard equipment on Renault trucks and is adopted by many fleet companies, insurers, and leasing/rental companies around the world. Mobileye's systems have proven effective at significantly reducing collisions and improving driving safety based on tests and adoption across various sectors.
The document summarizes a Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) report on a collision between a stoneblower and a ballast regulator at Arley in Warwickshire in 2012. The stoneblower was traveling too fast to avoid hitting the stationary regulator. Contributing factors included changes made to the worksite arrangements, the use of long worksites which encourage speeding, and possible driver distraction. As a result of the investigation, the contractor Harsco Rail revised its driving policy to prohibit mobile phone use while driving and clarify speed limits and communication of worksite arrangements for possession work.
The agenda/presentation slide deck shown during the January 13, 2021 Freight Transportation Advisory Committee (FTAC) virtual workshop. The workshop video can be viewed at https://youtu.be/F-0OfAxdoCM
How The Alpha Lock Helps Parking Enforcement for Colleges and UniversitiesAlpha Lock
The document is an advertisement for the Alpha Lock parking enforcement device. It summarizes that the Alpha Lock can help universities, cities, and law enforcement maximize parking revenue and enforcement. It claims the Alpha Lock is quicker, safer, and more cost-effective than traditional parking boots. The Alpha Lock automatically immobilizes vehicles within 10 seconds and its low cost means an agency can purchase multiple Alpha Locks for the price of one traditional boot. It encourages contacting Alpha Industries to learn how the Alpha Lock can create a permanent revenue stream from paid parking citations.
El documento resume el 叩lbum de 1982 de ABBA llamado "The Visitors". El 叩lbum captura un momento dif鱈cil para la banda ya que los matrimonios entre los miembros se estaban desmoronando. Contiene canciones como "When All is Said and Done" que refleja las vocales doloridas sobre el divorcio de Benny y Frida, y cierra con la canci坦n de cuna "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" que marca la desaparici坦n de ABBA como grupo.
Haley Jonswold has experience in event planning, marketing, tutoring, and childcare. She has interned at a wedding planning company and Intel, and has worked as a receptionist, bakery employee, tutor, and nanny. Jonswold is currently a student at Point Loma Nazarene University studying Managerial & Organizational Communication. She has received several awards for her work and volunteer activities.
El documento describe las bibliotecas virtuales como alternativas digitales a las bibliotecas p炭blicas tradicionales, donde los libros est叩n en formato digital en lugar de papel. Ofrece ventajas como el acceso las 24 horas, para personas con discapacidades, y libros digitales que no se desgastan, pero tambi辿n desventajas como que algunos libros no se pueden imprimir y se requiere siempre de internet.
La auditor鱈a de sistema incluye la revisi坦n y evaluaci坦n de los sistemas automatizados y no automatizados. Tiene como objetivos verificar los controles de acceso, los controles del ciclo de vida del sistema, y la organizaci坦n y administraci坦n de la funci坦n de proceso de datos. Existe una clasificaci坦n de auditor鱈a de hardware y auditor鱈a de software.
El documento describe la red de una empresa con sedes en Caracas, Guatire, Maracay y equipos de trabajo. Cada sede tiene su propio rango de direcciones IP privadas y acceso a servicios de DNS, DHCP, correo y sitios web a trav辿s de servidores centrales con direcciones IP p炭blicas. Se propone implementar un equipo dedicado a correo electr坦nico para la empresa.
Film noir developed after World War II, featuring dark themes that reflected postwar anxiety and pessimism. These films often told stories of antiheroes like hardboiled detectives encountering manipulative "femme fatales." While not technically a genre, film noir describes a style and tone of black-and-white American crime films from the 1940s-1960s that portrayed a bleak worldview where characters faced themes of betrayal, violence, and despair.
Apresenta巽達o Palestra URI Frederico WestphalenAirton Doria
O documento discute como identificar e aproveitar oportunidades, enfrentar desafios e se diferenciar da concorr棚ncia. Apresenta estrat辿gias como ver o que os outros n達o est達o vendo, estabelecer vantagens competitivas e pensar/agir de forma diferente para obter resultados diferentes no mercado.
El documento describe la estructura, funci坦n y clasificaci坦n de los m炭sculos del cuerpo humano. Los m炭sculos est叩n compuestos de fibras musculares contr叩ctiles y tendones no contr叩ctiles. Cumplen funciones como el movimiento del esqueleto y la protecci坦n de 坦rganos. Se clasifican seg炭n su forma, n炭mero de cabezas, situaci坦n y tipo de fibras. El documento tambi辿n describe los principales m炭sculos de la cabeza, cuello, t坦rax, abdomen y extremidades.
Este documento presenta la Declaraci坦n Universal de los Derechos de los Animales adoptada en 1977, la cual establece que todos los animales tienen derecho a la vida, al respeto y a no ser sometidos a malos tratos o actos crueles. Reconoce tambi辿n que los animales salvajes tienen derecho a vivir libres en su ambiente natural y que los animales dom辿sticos o de compa単鱈a tienen derecho a vivir y crecer en condiciones propias de su especie.
Learning the rules of the road includes learning how to cross railway tracks safely on your bicycle. Cross only at an authorized crossing and take the time to look, listen, and live.
A guide to cyclists of all ages on how to stay safe around trains and railway property. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
The route to and from school often involves crossing railway tracks at authorized crossings. These tips help school bus drivers look, listen, and live, while securing their precious cargo, the children.
A guide to school bus drivers on how to keep themselves and those in their care safe around trains, crossings, and railway property. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Passenger and commuter rail is an integral part of todays society. So much so, its easy to forget to take basic precautions. Learn to be safe around passenger and commuter trains with these quick and easy tips.
General tips to keep you safe around passenger and commuter rail trains. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Operation Lifesaver and its safety partners want you to be alert when riding your snowmobile near railway property and when crossing railway tracks. A snowmobile operators first responsibility must be safety any time is train time!
A guide to snowmobile operators on how to stay safe around trains and railway property.
More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Public-rail safety is important to everyone, but particularly to those who teach children, protect the public, lead community associations and clubs (like snowmobilers), or make transportation their careers.
More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
To make emergency responders aware of the potential dangers that exist at highway/railway crossings, and the steps to ensure their own safety as well as those in their care.
Training program (video available) and support materials for emergency response instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
The document discusses upcoming changes to rail safety regulations and legislation in Australia. Most Australian jurisdictions will pass new rail safety bills by December 2012. When the laws are adopted, safety supervision will not decrease but processes will change. The document also provides tips for rail safety including that trains cannot swerve or stop quickly, and warns about optical illusions that can misjudge a train's speed and distance. Rail safety training is highlighted as important for safely working near rail corridors.
El documento resume el 叩lbum de 1982 de ABBA llamado "The Visitors". El 叩lbum captura un momento dif鱈cil para la banda ya que los matrimonios entre los miembros se estaban desmoronando. Contiene canciones como "When All is Said and Done" que refleja las vocales doloridas sobre el divorcio de Benny y Frida, y cierra con la canci坦n de cuna "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" que marca la desaparici坦n de ABBA como grupo.
Haley Jonswold has experience in event planning, marketing, tutoring, and childcare. She has interned at a wedding planning company and Intel, and has worked as a receptionist, bakery employee, tutor, and nanny. Jonswold is currently a student at Point Loma Nazarene University studying Managerial & Organizational Communication. She has received several awards for her work and volunteer activities.
El documento describe las bibliotecas virtuales como alternativas digitales a las bibliotecas p炭blicas tradicionales, donde los libros est叩n en formato digital en lugar de papel. Ofrece ventajas como el acceso las 24 horas, para personas con discapacidades, y libros digitales que no se desgastan, pero tambi辿n desventajas como que algunos libros no se pueden imprimir y se requiere siempre de internet.
La auditor鱈a de sistema incluye la revisi坦n y evaluaci坦n de los sistemas automatizados y no automatizados. Tiene como objetivos verificar los controles de acceso, los controles del ciclo de vida del sistema, y la organizaci坦n y administraci坦n de la funci坦n de proceso de datos. Existe una clasificaci坦n de auditor鱈a de hardware y auditor鱈a de software.
El documento describe la red de una empresa con sedes en Caracas, Guatire, Maracay y equipos de trabajo. Cada sede tiene su propio rango de direcciones IP privadas y acceso a servicios de DNS, DHCP, correo y sitios web a trav辿s de servidores centrales con direcciones IP p炭blicas. Se propone implementar un equipo dedicado a correo electr坦nico para la empresa.
Film noir developed after World War II, featuring dark themes that reflected postwar anxiety and pessimism. These films often told stories of antiheroes like hardboiled detectives encountering manipulative "femme fatales." While not technically a genre, film noir describes a style and tone of black-and-white American crime films from the 1940s-1960s that portrayed a bleak worldview where characters faced themes of betrayal, violence, and despair.
Apresenta巽達o Palestra URI Frederico WestphalenAirton Doria
O documento discute como identificar e aproveitar oportunidades, enfrentar desafios e se diferenciar da concorr棚ncia. Apresenta estrat辿gias como ver o que os outros n達o est達o vendo, estabelecer vantagens competitivas e pensar/agir de forma diferente para obter resultados diferentes no mercado.
El documento describe la estructura, funci坦n y clasificaci坦n de los m炭sculos del cuerpo humano. Los m炭sculos est叩n compuestos de fibras musculares contr叩ctiles y tendones no contr叩ctiles. Cumplen funciones como el movimiento del esqueleto y la protecci坦n de 坦rganos. Se clasifican seg炭n su forma, n炭mero de cabezas, situaci坦n y tipo de fibras. El documento tambi辿n describe los principales m炭sculos de la cabeza, cuello, t坦rax, abdomen y extremidades.
Este documento presenta la Declaraci坦n Universal de los Derechos de los Animales adoptada en 1977, la cual establece que todos los animales tienen derecho a la vida, al respeto y a no ser sometidos a malos tratos o actos crueles. Reconoce tambi辿n que los animales salvajes tienen derecho a vivir libres en su ambiente natural y que los animales dom辿sticos o de compa単鱈a tienen derecho a vivir y crecer en condiciones propias de su especie.
Learning the rules of the road includes learning how to cross railway tracks safely on your bicycle. Cross only at an authorized crossing and take the time to look, listen, and live.
A guide to cyclists of all ages on how to stay safe around trains and railway property. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
The route to and from school often involves crossing railway tracks at authorized crossings. These tips help school bus drivers look, listen, and live, while securing their precious cargo, the children.
A guide to school bus drivers on how to keep themselves and those in their care safe around trains, crossings, and railway property. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Passenger and commuter rail is an integral part of todays society. So much so, its easy to forget to take basic precautions. Learn to be safe around passenger and commuter trains with these quick and easy tips.
General tips to keep you safe around passenger and commuter rail trains. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Operation Lifesaver and its safety partners want you to be alert when riding your snowmobile near railway property and when crossing railway tracks. A snowmobile operators first responsibility must be safety any time is train time!
A guide to snowmobile operators on how to stay safe around trains and railway property.
More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Public-rail safety is important to everyone, but particularly to those who teach children, protect the public, lead community associations and clubs (like snowmobilers), or make transportation their careers.
More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
To make emergency responders aware of the potential dangers that exist at highway/railway crossings, and the steps to ensure their own safety as well as those in their care.
Training program (video available) and support materials for emergency response instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
The document discusses upcoming changes to rail safety regulations and legislation in Australia. Most Australian jurisdictions will pass new rail safety bills by December 2012. When the laws are adopted, safety supervision will not decrease but processes will change. The document also provides tips for rail safety including that trains cannot swerve or stop quickly, and warns about optical illusions that can misjudge a train's speed and distance. Rail safety training is highlighted as important for safely working near rail corridors.
New rail safety regulations are being considered in South Australia and other Australian jurisdictions, with legislation likely to pass and take effect in December 2012. When states adopt these laws, safety supervision will not decrease but processes will change. Rail safety training provides instruction on safely accessing rail corridors and what to do in emergencies, teaching keys skills to work safely near trains. It covers required knowledge of Queensland Acts and national compliance standards. Practical observation and simulated scenarios are used to demonstrate safe procedures.
Snowplow operators should take special care when clearing snow at highway/railway crossings to protect safety. Operators should stop at least 5 meters from the tracks, look and listen for trains, and only cross when it is safe to do so with enough room on the other side. Piling snow at crossings can reduce visibility and should be avoided, and salt or chemicals should never be dumped directly on or near tracks as it can cause signal issues. Maintenance work near tracks also requires railway permission for safety.
The goal of this module is to reduce truck-train collisions nationwide by bringing this video and safety materials to professional truck drivers.
A training program (video available) and support materials for truck driver instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
To reduce vehicle-train collisions nationwide by bringing this video and safety material to professional motor coach and transit drivers.
A training program (video available) and support materials for motor coach and transit driver instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
The information contained in this program increases driver awareness of potential dangers at highway/railway crossings. It also teaches procedures to follow at such crossings to ensure the safety of their passengers and themselves.
A training program (video available) and support materials for school bus driving instructors, students, and a quiz for everyone. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
Emergency responders devote their lives to the care of others. Taking care of others and themselves around trains, crossings, and railway property is critical. These tips help emergency responders look, listen, and live, even in trying circumstances.
A guide to emergency responders (fire, police, EMS, etc.) on how to keep themselves and those in their care safe around trains and railway property. More rail safety information is at http://www.operationlifesaver.ca
This article provides an overview of the role of signallers and highlights interviews with two signallers - Jim Boyle who works at Poppleton signal box controlling four trains per hour, and Jenna Oldroyd who works at York IECC controlling up to ten trains simultaneously. It describes the challenges of the job, including dealing with delays, failures of equipment, and ensuring safety. Signallers require focus, teamwork, and an understanding of both traditional and modern signalling technologies used on Britain's complex rail network.
Infographique de s辿curit辿 ferroviaire au Canada Op辿ration GareautrainOperation Lifesaver
Jetez un coup dil cet infographique pour plus dinformation sur la s辿curit辿 ferroviaire au Canada. Ayant 辿t辿 cr辿辿 pour la Semaine de la sensibilisation la s辿curit辿 ferroviaire 2014, celui-ci inclut des statistiques r辿v辿latrices sur les incidents aux passages niveau et li辿s lintrusion sur le domaine ferroviaire travers le Canada. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : www.OperationGareautrain.ca
Check out this infographic for information about rail safety in Canada. Produced for Public-Rail Safety Week 2014, it includes eye opening stats on trespassing and highway/railway crossing incidents in Canada. For more information visit: www.operationlifesaver.ca
This annual report summarizes the activities of Operation Lifesaver in 2012. It achieved its goals of expanding its successful Train to Drive program, presenting awards for its Off the Rails contest, and launching a new database. It provided rail safety education through over 500 presentations and events across Canada. Operation Lifesaver also recognized the efforts of its volunteers and continued adapting its messages using new media which led to awards for its online content. The report highlights the organization's ongoing work to prevent rail-related deaths and injuries through education, enforcement, and engineering initiatives.
The document summarizes Operation Lifesaver's annual report for 2011. Some key points:
- Operation Lifesaver is dedicated to preventing deaths and injuries related to highway-railway crossings and trespassing incidents through education.
- In 2011, they saw decreases in both crossing and trespassing accidents compared to previous years. They held over 300 events across Canada during Rail Safety Week and saw many community outreach activities.
- New initiatives in 2011 included the Off the Rails Contest targeted at youth and developing standalone PowerPoint materials for areas without presenters. Total presentations were over 500 for the year.
So in summary, the report outlines Operation Lifesaver's successes in 2011 in reducing rail-
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi, vinodpr111@gmail.com
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Oral exam Kenneth Bech - What is the meaning of strategic fit?MIPLM
Tips for Rail Fan
9. When taking pictures from public railway crossings, 5. Resist the temptation to walk down the middle of railway tracks,
stay at least 5 metres away from the nearest rail. even at a rail museum where trains are not moving. Impressionable
This rule applies for staged photo run-bys" as well. children may be tempted to imitate your behaviour on the railway
10. Obey all highway-railway crossing signs and signals. tracks near home.
11. Cooperate fully with railway police or
other law enforcement officers when contacted. 6. What is your message when you pose small children on railway tracks
12. If suspicious activities are noted, report them to the railway police or other rail equipment for family photos? Are you misleading them
(CPR Police 1-800-716-9132/CN Police Services 1-800-465-9239), to believe it is OK to climb on railcars parked on a siding in your
or local law enforcement officers. community?
7. Please consider all this for everyones safety.
By following these guidelines, rail fans can enjoy their hobby and help
maintain the security of our nation's rail transportation system. Contact Operation Lifesaver or your provincial safety council/league to
TIPS AND SECURITY ADVISORY schedule a free highway/railway safety presentation. Certified Presenters are
SET AN EXAMPLE available to speak to students in school and driver training classes, youth and
community groups, company safety programs and the general public. In
addition, specialized presentations are available for educators, emergency
Rail fans display a great interest in the overall operation of trains and loco- responders, professional drivers and recreational groups.
motives; they enjoy taking pictures, making videos or just watching railway Too many people die each year because they do not understand railways.
operations. However, such recreational activities and hobbies often occur They underestimate the power of trains and the dangers around the rails. Please also consider joining the many volunteers across the country trained
near vital infrastructure and pose significant security concerns. Today, the Operation Lifesaver, a non-profit, national public education program for to deliver Operation Lifesavers safety message. For more information on how
rail fan's first responsibility must be safety. rail safety, asks you to be more conscientious when it comes to safe behav- you can become an Operation Lifesaver Presenter, call Operation Lifesaver
iour around tracks and trains. or your provincial safety council/league.
Maintaining and enhancing the safety and security of the nation's rail trans-
portation system and the people it affects remains a priority of Operation People, especially children, learn by example. What you do may be more LOOK, LISTEN AND LIVE!
Lifesaver and its partners. significant than what you say.
With current increased apprehension about public protection, the rules of 1. Remember, most people do not understand that walking or playing OPERATION LIFESAVER
behaviour for rail enthusiasts have changed and so Operation Lifesaver and on railway property is trespassing: it is illegal and it can be deadly. 99 Bank Street, Suite 1401
its partners urge rail fans to adhere to THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: Moreover, law enforcement considers it to be a serious security risk. Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6B9
Tel: (613) 564-8100
General Safety Tips for All Rail Fans 2. If you're a railway photographer, give the crew a break! They have Fax: (613) 567-6726
experienced too much tragedy and too many close calls already. E-mail: admin@operationlifesaver.ca
1. Do not trespass on railway property or rights-of-way. It is illegal and Please photograph trains from public property only. Operation Lifesaver www.operationlifesaver.ca
dangerous, and will be viewed by law enforcement as a security risk.
2. Do not enter private property without permission. 3. For your own safety, please stand back at least 5 metres from the
3. Avoid taking pictures of military trains and equipment. nearest rail when filming at a public railway crossing.
4. Never walk out on a railway bridge or trestle.
5. Stay out of railway tunnels. 4. Walking across a railway trestle or into a railway tunnel is much too
6. Do not climb on railway property such as signal bridges, dangerous. If your photographs suggest otherwise, you are leading
cabinets or other structures. other people into harm's way. Think about it.
7. Never climb on or crawl under railway cars or equipment.
8. Only take photographs or view trains from public locations.