
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Write an informative
pro鍖le headline.
Your headline is a short, memorable
professional slogan. For example,
Honors student seeking marketing
position. Check out the pro鍖les of
students and recent alumni you
admire for ideas.
Pick an appropriate photo.
LinkedIn isnt Facebook. Upload a
high-quality photo (your pro鍖le will
be 7x more likely to be viewed) of
you alone, professionally dressed.
No party shots, cartoon avatars, or
puppy pics!
Show off your education.
Include all your schools, major(s)
and minor, courses, and study
abroad or summer programs. Dont
be shy  LinkedIn is an appropriate
place to show off your GPA, test
scores, and honors or awards.
Develop a professional
Your Summary statement is like the
鍖rst few paragraphs of your
best-written cover letter  concise
and con鍖dent about your
quali鍖cations and goals. Include
relevant work and extracurriculars.
Fill Skills & Expertise
with keywords.
This section is the place to include
keywords and phrases that
recruiters search for. Find relevant
ones in job listings that appeal to
you and pro鍖les of people who
have the kinds of roles you want.
2 3
4 5
Showcase your experience and
professional interests on LinkedIn!
Building a Great
Student Pro鍖le
Update your status regularly.
Posting updates helps you stay on
your networks radar and build your
professional image. Mention your
projects, professional books or
articles, or events youre attending.
Many recruiters read your feed!
Collect diverse
The best pro鍖les have at least one
recommendation for each position a
person has held. Recruiters are most
impressed by recommendations
from people who have directly
managed you.
Claim your unique
LinkedIn URL.
To increase the professional results
that appear when people search for
you online, set your LinkedIn pro鍖le
to public and create a unique URL
Share your work.
You can also add actual examples of
your writing, design work, or other
accomplishments on your pro鍖le,
where you can share rich media or
documents. What better way to sell
your skills than to show employers
exactly what you can produce?
Show your connectedness.
Groups you join appear at the
bottom of your pro鍖le. Joining
some shows that you want to
engage in professional
communities and learn the lingo.
Start with your university and
industry groups.
8 9
Copyright 息 2013 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks
of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
Get going at www.linkedin.com
Get a Great Pro鍖le.

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  • 1. Write an informative pro鍖le headline. Your headline is a short, memorable professional slogan. For example, Honors student seeking marketing position. Check out the pro鍖les of students and recent alumni you admire for ideas. Pick an appropriate photo. LinkedIn isnt Facebook. Upload a high-quality photo (your pro鍖le will be 7x more likely to be viewed) of you alone, professionally dressed. No party shots, cartoon avatars, or puppy pics! Show off your education. Include all your schools, major(s) and minor, courses, and study abroad or summer programs. Dont be shy LinkedIn is an appropriate place to show off your GPA, test scores, and honors or awards. Develop a professional Summary. Your Summary statement is like the 鍖rst few paragraphs of your best-written cover letter concise and con鍖dent about your quali鍖cations and goals. Include relevant work and extracurriculars. Fill Skills & Expertise with keywords. This section is the place to include keywords and phrases that recruiters search for. Find relevant ones in job listings that appeal to you and pro鍖les of people who have the kinds of roles you want. 1 2 3 4 5 Showcase your experience and professional interests on LinkedIn! Building a Great Student Pro鍖le
  • 2. Update your status regularly. Posting updates helps you stay on your networks radar and build your professional image. Mention your projects, professional books or articles, or events youre attending. Many recruiters read your feed! Collect diverse recommendations. The best pro鍖les have at least one recommendation for each position a person has held. Recruiters are most impressed by recommendations from people who have directly managed you. Claim your unique LinkedIn URL. To increase the professional results that appear when people search for you online, set your LinkedIn pro鍖le to public and create a unique URL (e.g.,www.linkedin.com/in/JohnSmith). Share your work. You can also add actual examples of your writing, design work, or other accomplishments on your pro鍖le, where you can share rich media or documents. What better way to sell your skills than to show employers exactly what you can produce? Show your connectedness. Groups you join appear at the bottom of your pro鍖le. Joining some shows that you want to engage in professional communities and learn the lingo. Start with your university and industry groups. 6 8 9 10 7 Copyright 息 2013 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved. Get going at www.linkedin.com Get a Great Pro鍖le.