The document introduces the TIS Techno Innovation Park in South Tyrol, Italy. The park focuses on knowledge and technology transfer, business incubation, and developing clusters and networks in key sectors like food and wellbeing, alpine technologies, energy and environment, and digital technologies. The park helps South Tyrolean companies achieve their goals and brings know-how and technology to local firms.
3. Local organisations for economic growth Export Innovation Business Location Marketing Export advice Marketing Business Incubator Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer Cluster and network supervision business location marketing supervision for business settlement site development for industrial parks marketing for the province tourism marketing cooperation with other buseiness sectors for means of advertising
4. Fields of play TIS innovation park Know-how and technology transfer Incubator Food & Wellbeing Alpine Technologies Energy & Environment Digital Technologies Material & Simulation Develop South-Tyrolean core competences and create networks for companies working in these sectors. Bring know-how and technology to South Tyrolean companies
6. 03.04.11 Enerbuild ENERBUILD : ENERgy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the BUILDing Sector in the Alpine Space. Comparing labelling in Alpine Space; Monitoring performance of building Healthy dwelling
7. 03.04.11 TIS innovation park Area Tecnologie Alpine-Cluster Bau Maria Giulia Faiella V ia Siemens 19 39100 Bolzano | Italia T +39 0471 068 152 F +39 0471 568 100 Thank you!