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COUNSELLORS TITLE AGENCY                                                                     DECEMBER 2011

                     TITLE WISE
Counsellorstitle.com                                                                                                 Volume 11, Issue 6

     New Year Brings Brighter Promise
     to New Jersey Real Estate Market

   Happy Holidays
 Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. is
                                       Report Predicts Delinquency Drop
                                       Sharplyto credit reporting agency TransUnion, predicated
                                                                                                               Seven Real
 pleased to extend to you and your      According
 families greetings during the
 holiday season. I must say that
                                       upon current trends, and if the U.S. economy avoids any significant
                                       economic setbacks, the percentage of current mortgage holders             Estate
 the way we exit this past year        behind on their payments should decline significantly by the end
 feels a bit different than the way
 we entered it. When we moved
                                       2012. TransUnion issued this statement on Wednesday, December
                                       07, 2011.
                                           For mortgage delinquency rates, percentages of borrowers more
 into the first quarter, there was a   than 60 days behind on their payments will move to 6% through the
 great deal of trepidation as to the   first three months of 2012 and then drop to 5%, TransUnion said. In     Fannie Mae says consumers
 state of the economy and what the     overview, this will represent a 30% improvement from the peak of        more positive about home
 coming year would bring.              6.89% reported in the fourth quarter of 2009.                           prices
                                           Steven Chaouki, a TransUnion group vice president, told Dow
 Now having weathered these            Jones Newswires that the rate fell because more foreclosures have       Americans expect falling home
 months, I believe that we have        worked their way through the housing market, reducing the number        prices and higher rental rates:
 turned the corner, and if we keep     of outstanding delinquencies.                                           Fannie Mae
 putting our best foot out in front,       In addition, TransUnion forecasts that consumer confidence and
 we will experience better things      the economy will improve next year, though well above the pre-          Fannie Mae survey shows more
 throughout 2012.                      recession rates of 1.5 to 2%. The mortgage delinquency rate is also     Americans consider renting
                                       declining due to the slowly improving job market and a stabilizing
 At Counsellors Title Agency, we       housing market.                                                         Consumer pessimism reaches
 have worked with our clients,             On the credit card front: card delinquencies—payments late by 90    new high in August: Fannie
 agents and loan officers to assist    days or more—dropped to their lowest levels in 17 years during the      Mae
 them in doing their jobs with as      spring, then saw a slight increase in the third quarter. TransUnion
                                       said credit card balances have fallen to an average of $4,762, down
                                                                                                               Fannie Mae says limited
 little stress as possible. I am                                                                               demand perpetuates uncertainty
                                       about $1,000 from 2009 due to more customers choosing to reduce
 proud to say that we have grown                                                                               of housing recovery
                                       borrowing. In all, 39 states and the District of Columbia are
 significantly this past year and we   projected to see credit card delinquency rates decline in 2012.
 believe that we can continue to be                                                                            More bankers expect economic
                                           TransUnion expects further edging up in the current quarter and
 a business asset to our friends and   the first three months of 2012, but then late payments on bank-issued
                                                                                                               improvement before 2011:
 business family.                      cards should fall again.                                                Grant Thornton

 I look forward to a prosperous                                                                                World housing prices stagnate
                                                          Pending Home Sales Soar 10% in October               in 3Q
 and healthy 2012 and invite you                          Pending home sales soared more than 10% in
 to feel free to reach out to us if                       October, remaining above year-ago levels. This
 there is any way that we can                             marks a hopeful sign for the nation’s housing
 possibly answer a question or be                         market, reported the National Association of
 of service.                                              Realtors.
 Wishing you the very best,                               The NAR’s pending home sales index surged
 Ralph Aponte President                                   10.4% to 93.3 in October from 84.5 in
                                                          September. The index is based on signed real
 Counsellors Title Agency is an                           estate contracts for existing single-family homes,
 authorized agent for Old Republic                        condos and co-ops.
 National Title Insurance
Counsellors Title is Proud to                                                 Networking Tips
                                        Celebrate Our 17th Year of                                             Holiday parties can be
                                                                                                               minefields: never assume that
                                          Service in New Jersey                                                they are neutral territories.
                                                                                                               Tips for 2011:
                                                                                                               1. Be prepared. Find out who
                                       As we enter our 17th year          6. Privately owned and               will be attending, and learn their
                                       of service to the New              operated                             names before you go. Write
Counsellors Title Helps                Jersey Real Estate Market,                                              their names on an index card,
                                                                          7. Rock-solid title searching
 You Close the Deal                    our commitment to
                                                                                                               and practice saying their names
                                                                          8. Online quotes & estimates         out loud before the event.
                                       delivering expedient
 Closing Services                                                         9. Meticulous attention to           2. Place the host and hostess
                                       service, expertise and                                                  names in your Google News
 Counsellors Title prides itself       accuracy has never                 detail
                                                                                                               Alert for the two weeks
 on providing attorneys, loan          wavered. Here are CTA’s            10. Insurance from #1 rated          preceding the event, and be
 officers and Realtors with fast,      Seventeen Service                  U.S. carrier                         ready to report any ‘good news’
 dependable and knowledgeable          Commitments:                       11. 24/7 settlement services         to them when you have a chance
 title insurance services. Our                                                                                 at the event itself - getting
                                       1. Courteous client focused        12. Web-based title delivery
 closing department brings                                                                                     people to talk about themselves
 together a knowledgeable staff        2. Typically able to provide       system
                                                                                                               in a good light makes for a
 to ensure that your purchasers        a title commitment in 24           13. Provides full closing and        memorable connection.
 and borrowers have a smooth           hours                              settlement service here on            3. Ask good questions. The
 closing. You will have a              3. Specializing in writing         premises or off-premises             better your questions, the faster
 closer assigned to your               only one kind of insurance:                                             they will discover that you are
                                                                          14. UCC searches
 account, so that the services         title insurance                                                         interested in them - have a
 you receive can be customized                                            15. 1031 tax-deferred
                                       4. Proven knowledge in                                                  ‘teaser’ trend or tip to share.
 for you. Our closing                                                     exchange
                                       title research & all facets of                                          Maybe a funny article from the
 department provides many                                                 16. 1099 reporting                   Wall Street Journal – then you
 services, some are as follows:        closing procedures
                                                                          17. Commercial due                   could forward them the actual
   E-sign closings                     5. Consistently striving to                                             article in an email to follow up.
                                                                          diligence services
   Order payoffs
                                       exceed expectations with                                                4. Don’t Drink! Some of the
                                       an assiduous attention to                                               most horrific events have
   Order homeowners
                                       detail                                                                  occurred at ‘holiday parties’
 insurance changes
                                                                                                               when too much ‘truth serum’ is
   Clear up old mortgages and
                                                                                                               taken unsuspectingly.
                                                                                                               5. Reconnaissance precedes
   Order subordination                                                                                         Confidence. If it’s a big event,
 agreements                                                                                                    do a walk-through the day
   Coordinate closing with                                                                                     before the event actually
 lender and borrower                                                                                           happens. Mentally you train
   Closings are available for                                                                                  yourself to be ‘familiar with the
 evening and weekend                                                                                           terrain.’
                                                                                                               6. Gratitude’s the best mindset
                                                                                                                to create opportunity.

                     Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. specializes in providing title       Counsellors Title Agency, Inc.
                         insurance, title search services and loan closing services      Mr. Ralph Aponte
                         serving attorneys, Realtors, banks and various mortgage         President
                  companies throughout the State of New Jersey. CTA offers full          Counsellors Title Agency, Inc.
                  search and insurance capabilities within all 21 counties of New        504 Hooper Ave.
                         Jersey for commercial, residential and new construction         Toms River, NJ 08753
                         purchases in both our Toms River and Linden locations.          Phone: 732-914-1400
                  CTA is equipped with the latest digital technologies to ensure a       Fax: 732-914-8898
                                                  complete and timely transaction.       Ralph@counsellorstitle.com

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  • 1. COUNSELLORS TITLE AGENCY DECEMBER 2011 TITLE WISE Counsellorstitle.com Volume 11, Issue 6 New Year Brings Brighter Promise to New Jersey Real Estate Market Happy Holidays Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. is Report Predicts Delinquency Drop Sharplyto credit reporting agency TransUnion, predicated Seven Real pleased to extend to you and your According families greetings during the holiday season. I must say that upon current trends, and if the U.S. economy avoids any significant economic setbacks, the percentage of current mortgage holders Estate the way we exit this past year behind on their payments should decline significantly by the end feels a bit different than the way we entered it. When we moved 2012. TransUnion issued this statement on Wednesday, December 07, 2011. For mortgage delinquency rates, percentages of borrowers more Trends into the first quarter, there was a than 60 days behind on their payments will move to 6% through the great deal of trepidation as to the first three months of 2012 and then drop to 5%, TransUnion said. In Fannie Mae says consumers state of the economy and what the overview, this will represent a 30% improvement from the peak of more positive about home coming year would bring. 6.89% reported in the fourth quarter of 2009. prices Steven Chaouki, a TransUnion group vice president, told Dow Now having weathered these Jones Newswires that the rate fell because more foreclosures have Americans expect falling home months, I believe that we have worked their way through the housing market, reducing the number prices and higher rental rates: turned the corner, and if we keep of outstanding delinquencies. Fannie Mae putting our best foot out in front, In addition, TransUnion forecasts that consumer confidence and we will experience better things the economy will improve next year, though well above the pre- Fannie Mae survey shows more throughout 2012. recession rates of 1.5 to 2%. The mortgage delinquency rate is also Americans consider renting declining due to the slowly improving job market and a stabilizing At Counsellors Title Agency, we housing market. Consumer pessimism reaches have worked with our clients, On the credit card front: card delinquencies—payments late by 90 new high in August: Fannie agents and loan officers to assist days or more—dropped to their lowest levels in 17 years during the Mae them in doing their jobs with as spring, then saw a slight increase in the third quarter. TransUnion said credit card balances have fallen to an average of $4,762, down Fannie Mae says limited little stress as possible. I am demand perpetuates uncertainty about $1,000 from 2009 due to more customers choosing to reduce proud to say that we have grown of housing recovery borrowing. In all, 39 states and the District of Columbia are significantly this past year and we projected to see credit card delinquency rates decline in 2012. believe that we can continue to be More bankers expect economic TransUnion expects further edging up in the current quarter and a business asset to our friends and the first three months of 2012, but then late payments on bank-issued improvement before 2011: business family. cards should fall again. Grant Thornton I look forward to a prosperous World housing prices stagnate Pending Home Sales Soar 10% in October in 3Q and healthy 2012 and invite you Pending home sales soared more than 10% in to feel free to reach out to us if October, remaining above year-ago levels. This there is any way that we can marks a hopeful sign for the nation’s housing possibly answer a question or be market, reported the National Association of of service. Realtors. Wishing you the very best, The NAR’s pending home sales index surged Aponte, Ralph Aponte President 10.4% to 93.3 in October from 84.5 in September. The index is based on signed real Counsellors Title Agency is an estate contracts for existing single-family homes, authorized agent for Old Republic condos and co-ops. National Title Insurance
  • 2. Counsellors Title is Proud to Networking Tips Celebrate Our 17th Year of Holiday parties can be minefields: never assume that Service in New Jersey they are neutral territories. Tips for 2011: 1. Be prepared. Find out who As we enter our 17th year 6. Privately owned and will be attending, and learn their of service to the New operated names before you go. Write Counsellors Title Helps Jersey Real Estate Market, their names on an index card, 7. Rock-solid title searching You Close the Deal our commitment to and practice saying their names 8. Online quotes & estimates out loud before the event. delivering expedient Closing Services 9. Meticulous attention to 2. Place the host and hostess service, expertise and names in your Google News Counsellors Title prides itself accuracy has never detail Alert for the two weeks on providing attorneys, loan wavered. Here are CTA’s 10. Insurance from #1 rated preceding the event, and be officers and Realtors with fast, Seventeen Service U.S. carrier ready to report any ‘good news’ dependable and knowledgeable Commitments: 11. 24/7 settlement services to them when you have a chance title insurance services. Our at the event itself - getting 1. Courteous client focused 12. Web-based title delivery closing department brings people to talk about themselves together a knowledgeable staff 2. Typically able to provide system in a good light makes for a to ensure that your purchasers a title commitment in 24 13. Provides full closing and memorable connection. and borrowers have a smooth hours settlement service here on 3. Ask good questions. The closing. You will have a 3. Specializing in writing premises or off-premises better your questions, the faster closer assigned to your only one kind of insurance: they will discover that you are 14. UCC searches account, so that the services title insurance interested in them - have a you receive can be customized 15. 1031 tax-deferred 4. Proven knowledge in ‘teaser’ trend or tip to share. for you. Our closing exchange title research & all facets of Maybe a funny article from the department provides many 16. 1099 reporting Wall Street Journal – then you services, some are as follows: closing procedures 17. Commercial due could forward them the actual E-sign closings 5. Consistently striving to article in an email to follow up. diligence services Order payoffs exceed expectations with 4. Don’t Drink! Some of the an assiduous attention to most horrific events have Order homeowners detail occurred at ‘holiday parties’ insurance changes when too much ‘truth serum’ is Clear up old mortgages and taken unsuspectingly. judgments 5. Reconnaissance precedes Order subordination Confidence. If it’s a big event, agreements do a walk-through the day Coordinate closing with before the event actually lender and borrower happens. Mentally you train Closings are available for yourself to be ‘familiar with the evening and weekend terrain.’ 6. Gratitude’s the best mindset to create opportunity. Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. specializes in providing title Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. insurance, title search services and loan closing services Mr. Ralph Aponte serving attorneys, Realtors, banks and various mortgage President companies throughout the State of New Jersey. CTA offers full Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. search and insurance capabilities within all 21 counties of New 504 Hooper Ave. Jersey for commercial, residential and new construction Toms River, NJ 08753 purchases in both our Toms River and Linden locations. Phone: 732-914-1400 CTA is equipped with the latest digital technologies to ensure a Fax: 732-914-8898 complete and timely transaction. Ralph@counsellorstitle.com www.counsellorstitle.com