tixCraft.com is a cloud-based ticket sales platform founded in 2013 by KT Chiu. Their mission is to sell tickets as fast and smoothly as possible while bringing people together both virtually and in reality. Their solutions include event creation tools, a highly scalable and available cloud system, and user-oriented features like multiple selling channels, seating charts, and payment options. They provide real-time reporting and access control through physical and electronic tickets.
5. Event Creation
? Receive event info
? Create/modify venue data
? Setup ticketing configuration
? Areas, rows, seat, prices
? Setup selling information
? Discounts, selling time
? Access control data
6. Cloud-Based System
? High scalability
? Super fast
? Amei: 120,000 tickets in 12 minutes
? High availability
? Global structure
? Flexible infrastructure
7. User-Oriented: selling methods
? Regular sale
? Start selling at the same time
? Fan club pre-sale
? Limited amount with membership
? Pre-order lottery with membership: developing
? Sponsorship discount
? Combo tickets
? Movie festival, THSR with concerts, etc.
8. User-Oriented: seating tickets
? Seating tickets
? Events, areas, prices, rows and seats
? Non-seating tickets
? General admission
? Line up with serial number
14. Access Control
? Real tickets
? By mail
? Pick up in CVS
? E-tickets
? QR code
? NFC contactless cards
16. Where We Come From
Est. 2000
Website production
Allgenki Inc.
System provider of ibon
Est. 2013
Started from 2003
Acquisition in 2014
Value as capital