This 3-sentence summary provides the high-level details of the TLCP project proposal:
The TLCP project proposes a ticket-less payment system for para-transit riders over a 2-5 year period to address the problems that elderly and disabled riders face with lost or forgotten passes by creating an automated payment and tracking system using wireless devices to book and pay for rides. The goals are to reduce the financial and mental burdens on riders and caregivers, increase independence and safety, and improve efficiency for the para-transit system.
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3. Problem Statement: Several factors can be identified and inter-
A. Senior and disabled citizens often encounter difficulties
remembering or handling financial responsibilities. Daily, monthly or
yearly passes are often lost, misplaced or forgotten thus the rider
must purchase another causing a burden to their often monthly
limited income. TriMet tracks non payment leading to false negative
financial reports based on these situations.
B. Para-transit programs are running on limited integrated legacy
C. Convenience
State & Local Funding
Federal Government Grants
4. Case Example: Economic Impact on Citizens
Based on personal experience and 18 years of nursing.
My 83 year old Mother suffers from mild dementia and memory loss
caused by transient ischemic attacks. Her chronic memory loss issues
have repeatedly caused financial duplication from hiding or
misplacing her wallet or purse containing her TriMet monthly Lift pass
which cost $48.00/ month to purchase. Otherwise, passengers on this
Lift program pay a $1.60/ ride. My mother is not alone in these
situations and compounded / multiplied by the number of riders or
programs across any metro area one can see the economic impact on
the elderly, disabled or their families including Tri Met when riders
dont pay. Convenience is a matter of perspective, I dont have the
time to run to the newest depot to obtain a replacement.
Portland Metro monthly scheduled ridership is approximately 85,000
rides/month with a Central business office, 6 Metro sub-stations
providing lift services.
5. Value/ Purpose/ Objective / Goal :
The purpose of this project is to reduce the emotional, physical and
mental demands on clients, caregivers and TriMet related to the
financial burdens for current rider-ship payment process.
Assurance is also a burden on the elderly, caregivers and family.
Security - Provide Emotional Wellbeing in Ease of Use to Tri
Met Lift Clients
Creates an accurate tracking system
Create an automated environment for future elderly growth &
statistical predictions of inverted caregiver to elderly base
Increase community independence, increase safety and Lift
Service business efficiency.
Overall Goodwill for Tri Met / Win: Win for humanity
6. Partners:
TriMet Metro Dispatch Pam Merlo Rd Dispatch Program Manager
TriMet Administration Kathy TriMet Administration Services
Banking Partners US Bank, U of B, Wells Fargo, First Tek, On Point, all
National Banking Vendors
Department of Human Services DHS
Senior & Disabled Services
NIST Gives away in Grants and other moneys $800 billion / year.
CAT Committee on Accessible Transportation
CAC Committee Administration Council
TriMet Board of Directors
TIP Transit Investment Plan
Urban planning at Portland State
TriMet disabled planning
Look for national organizations, USA government support
Look for state agencies to help.
7. Proof of Concept / Concept Device
Automated methods of purchasing Lift Tickets.
Automated charging of customers
Wireless portable computers /w wi-max
Database, GPS loaded on TriMet buses
Database & software schedules pick ups.
UPS has software that does this
Consistent Constant Tracking Method
Concept Device / End State
Small form factor maybe the personal compute module (PCM)
and LCD screen
Maybe use the ultra light mobile PC
Database shows location on GPS map, provides driving instructions
to drivers, gives location of buses to dispatch.
8. Project 1 - Step 1: Local Pilot Test Program
Create Unique Technology/ Hardware - VB MS Stand-alone OS application concept device
to cross-connect & merge (4) systems
A. Client Wellbeing /growth factors
B. TriMet Financial (Accountability) / Desktop Security / manageability / Goodwill
C. Banking Ease of Use / convenience / payment tracking methods / statistical analysis
D. Global Positioning System Safety/ Orientation / Modularity/ flexibility
1. Client Calls /internet into TriMet / Banking system (1-800) and pays for TLCP.
2. TriMet Administration linked to payment received; clients name goes on a list.
3. Dispatch linked to rider list, schedules and Prints/sends via device Manifest & Map
4. Manifest contains all riders with Red Stars on paid riders, buses are linked to GPS.
5. When riders enter the bus driver ensures them their payment was made and shows
them the printed manifest with their star & mapped location. The rides are better
mapped because the GPS identifies the location by address and doesnt send the driver
and unwilling passengers all over the metro area fearing for their lives on a bus full of
strangers. The ability to monitor passengers and drivers decreases the risk of
malicious intent or disorientation.
9. Project 1 Step 2: Implement Metro Wide Program
Enlarge Client base and locations to entire Metro Oregon Lift
Project 1 Step 3: Implement Nation Wide Program - analyze /
10. Schematic:
Customer IT/ Software Hardware
Automation / E-commerce
Purchase Request
Online Banking
1-800 call#
Online Trip Planner
Web Interface
Cell/digital phone
Analog line
Banking /
Clearing House
Ultra-light Mobile
In-put/ Out-put
Vehicle / Pool
Universal Security & Manageability Operations (vPRO)
Integrated Para-Transit Planning