1. This document authorizes an agent/lawyer to represent Gunze United Limited in trademark matters.
2. It provides the trademark registration number, goods/service classifications, contact details for the applicant and agent.
3. The applicant, Gunze United Limited, authorizes the law firm of Bepry & Bepry to act as its agent and revokes any previous authorizations.
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1. Eqn->o qt-f{ / Form TM-to
rFffccH'rq qfr* frvm eu{otlt qft#q qffi 6g.fi{ qfrfifr ql qEn&q fraH qr
ffi afrfift * qknfffr ifutTd qr{rn
Form ofAuthorization ofAgnt/Advocate in a oramer relating to Tndernarks prcceeding or alteratim ofAgeiouAdvocate.
lfrft u(s), u(r), (t) .sR )'o(o) eSTl / t&ures (a)r, s(2), (a)and 13(3)N.8.]
>r 6scffi n-{siqrs, <fr qfis:
l. Trade Mark Registration Numbe{if any:
rl rt tr 1l er<Iir clft (cs'eq '{$fi c{ft Bm{ oBnr ctT+.}
2. Classificdior of goods/ssrvicrs:
er TRfitqel 'f'E
qlBr fi=fiTr q6qs-$3q a {fr-{drf,T c+rq 6!rfi{ ft<ffird{
3. For decoding address for services in Bangladesh for the applicant for registration/ flor registered proprietorl for registered user/ for opponnt.
FutlName: Gunze United Limited
fr'fi-dt ......"...
Address: Plot#Z9'l Half,298 Half,299&300, DEPZ Extension Area, Ganakbari Savar, Dhaka-I349, Bangladesh.
q'f8To-t! . ... .... (tfftfiu ryt+ erre 6qFT sr*T c+-f* trtta qr* {ffo
Nationality: acompanyincorporatedunderthelawsof... Bangladesh...-..........(Legalentityofcountryoforigin)
Telephone Number:
a r &s-{r{ fr{srr* qrtsqrst*, ffio 19.llffi, ffiu m{r*sft, frrdlfior$fi 'E=r M dBfift qI q:ta$fr fuT1rB ffiE 6v.{cr6 Afrfifq it
qtffii-sarc rgfr+rrt
4. Name ofapplicanV for agenVrcgrstued proprieor/registered user/opponent etc.
Mr. Md. Abu Talh4 Mr. Md. Ariful Islarq Mr. M. Kanal Hossain, and Mr. Md. Monirul Islan, Prtners and all being msmbers of
M/s. Beprry & Bcpary, of 68-69 Conqqpt Tower, Suite # 215-216 (lst Floor), Cyreen Road, Dhaka-1205, BANGLADESH.
0't (+) dffi {EfiR d !fltc6? frast l: qtfrfctdnl ofi"s ar e e tffrko rlft,zr qmnAlfilcid qcF Gfrffico 6s'rflr<f"{ ffffirq-d qtnri-d qt ctmrB?
q--ip-q $I{{I{B sfq +fr*e s?T Ts6t q{q +frqfcr
5 (a) Trade Mark Agent/lawyer: to Act as my/our agent for [as shown in Column 4].
({) G''6srd dfrfttt sf qtc-6*{ ftsrif {fr-qr qfr/ffi qmFvqr$G:r 1rr cd&E(i5 (wr fu{fi{s qr{E?r 1' eo'q(ffi qE-q rrd{Brs rrq
+kffi q-dr tmrT{ fut"r-1u 6uar6 affifi r eFrSAa FnqH .rsErfi {fr-E Fffqrfi r
(b) 8qpke ofTrade Mark AgenUlawyer: I or we herebv revoke all previous authorization. ifanv.
ut "rqslfr'{hdtqffi-{dcrrE
6. Address for services:
gomd fr-<rra wr<m-+rfr7 ffis "g'fril*
Owner/ Applicant
Gunze United Limited
fr,ftu qrcffi-$ff/ futffir d$-g s otB{:
Signature of Owner/Applicant with date:
c,f6b, ffin s Mqqfthw
Eqwffir, ffsg<rq
The Registrar
Department ofPatents, Designs and Trade Marfts
Trademarks Wing
Vn 6ffit' afrff,trcFnffft{ rqe s ErR{s
Signature of Agent/Iawyer with date
z7rl* Awdn zatT