This document summarizes a company's competency in Ruby and Rails development. It lists Rails solutions for e-commerce, eLearning, CRM, and blogs/social networks. Key skills include Rails, Ruby, HAML, databases, and deployment on Heroku. Sample projects include e-learning platforms, mobile search apps, and customer relationship management systems.
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TMA Brochure Ruby on Rails
1. Ruby Competency
Ruby Solutions
Rails e-Commerce solutions
Rails eLearning solutions
Rails CRM solutions
Rails Blogs, Widge and Social Network solutions
Rails 2.x, 3.x
Ruby Engine
RESTful web services
SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
Mongo DB
Tools: Test::Unit, Shoulda, webrat, rSpec,
Third-parties: ActiveMerchant, Devise, Resque,
Canvas, Social Stream, Redis, Etherpad,
Sphinx, Sunspot, Solr
Cloud deployment: Heroku, Amazon S3
Sample Projects
Mobile Search
Real Estate Management
Basketball Coaches Portal
Relationship Management
Customer Engagement
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