The document summarizes information on the surface condition of steel reinforcement. It states that a light coating of rust does not negatively impact the bond between steel reinforcement and concrete. More significant corrosion can occur if reinforcement is exposed to salt water, with chloride ions promoting corrosion. Severely corroded reinforcement with loose corrosion products should be cleaned prior to use or may need to be replaced. The document provides references supporting that initial rusting does not impair bonding.
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1. 9 E8 H7 I6C A L 4 N O T 2 1
The Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia is a national non-profit organisation providing
information on the many uses of steel reinforcement and reinforced concrete. Since the
information provided is intended for general guidance only, and in no way replaces the services
of professional consultants on particular projects, no legal liability can be accepted for its use.
January 2008
3 E
The bond and anchorage NORMAL CONDITIONS POTENTIAL PROBLEMS loose corrosion and salt[4]. Severely
properties of bars and mesh corroded and pitted steel should
Hot-rolled bars, as delivered from the The major potential problem with rust not be used unless the material has
are not detrimentally affected mill, have a layer of tightly adhering on reinforcement is caused by rain been checked for strength and cross-
by a light coating of rust which mill-scale on the surface. If stored washing particles onto the formwork sectional area limitations.
has formed on the steel surface under cover this mill-scale will help and this can subsequently cause
after normal exposure to the to preserve the steel. However, staining of the concrete surface on AS 3600, CLAUSE 19.2.4
atmosphere[1][2]. with handling and storage of the floor soffits and external facades. This SURFACE CONDITION
rods and bars, the mill-scale can be problem can be avoided by ensuring
loosened and, if stored in the weather, that all loose and extraneous material AS 3600, Clause 19.2.4 states:
rusting can occur and the mill-scale is removed from the formwork prior At the time concrete is placed, the
surface condition of reinforcement
can become detached and loose. to placing concrete. In some critical
shall be such as not to impair its bond
Research has shown that the sorting situations, galvanised reinforcement
to the concrete or its performance in
and normal handling and placing of could be used to eliminate potential the member. The presence of millscale
bars removes the loose scale and the staining problems. or surface rust shall not be cause for
remaining rust and bonded scale is rejection of reinforcement under this
Where reinforcing steel is exposed
not detrimental to the bar bond. Clause.
to salt water, more significant
Under some climatic conditions, problems may occur. Corrosion AS 3600 Commentary on Clause
where the atmosphere is hot and of reinforcement in concrete is 19.2.4 states:
humid, black rust may form on promoted by the presence of chloride Rust and millscale has little effect on
bundled bars. When unbundled ions which are present in salt water[3]. bond [1],[2]. Moderate rusting has been
and exposed to dry conditions, the Reinforcing steel which has been shown to improve bond [5].
corrosion products will dry and subjected to salt water exposure
convert to red rust which is powdery and has been severely rusted should
and will tend to readily fall off the bar. not be placed in concrete without
some prior treatment such as high-
pressure washing to remove the
2. 9 E8 H7 I6C A L 4 N O T 2 1
The Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia is a national non-profit organisation providing
information on the many uses of steel reinforcement and reinforced concrete. Since the
information provided is intended for general guidance only, and in no way replaces the services
of professional consultants on particular projects, no legal liability can be accepted for its use.
2 January 2008
3 E
[1] Kemp, E. L. et al, Effect of Rust and The bond and anchorage
Scale on the Bond Characteristics
properties of bars and mesh
of Deformed Reinforcing Bars, ACI
Journal, Proceedings, Vol. 65, No. 9,
are not detrimentally affected
Sept 1968. by a light coating of rust which
has formed on the steel surface
[2] Rejab, H. M. et al, Effect of Rust on
Bond of Welded Wire Fabric, Techni-
after normal exposure to the
cal Bulletin No. 265, American Road atmosphere[1][2].
Builders Association, 1986.
[3] Campbell-Allen, D. and Roper, H.,
Selection of Materials to Improve
Performance of Materials in Service,
Handbook of Structural Concrete,
Kong F. K. et al, 1983.
[4] Pollock, D. J. and Kay, E. A., Concrete
Construction in Hot Climates, Hand-
book of Structural Concrete, Kong
F. K. et al, 1983.
[5] The Effect of Initial Rusting
on the Bond Performance of
Reinforcement CIRIA Report No.
71, ISSN 0305-408X