1) The passage encourages Christian youth to dedicate themselves to serving God and working to save souls.
2) It suggests that youth can form groups led by experienced teachers to develop methods for sharing their faith and doing missionary work at home and abroad.
3) The most important work is saving souls for God, and youth should make this their main life goal, cooperating with Christ in this important task.
2. 41 His
48 So when they sawJerusalem every year at the
parents went to
Him, they were amazed;
45 So when they did not find Him, they returned
Feast of the Passover.
and His motherwas twelve years old,why have You
42 And when He said to Him, Son, they went up
to Jerusalem, seeking Him.
46to Jerusalem according to the custom of the have
Now so it to us? Look, Your father and I feast.
done this was that after three days they found
Him in the sought finished in the midst of the
43 When they hadYou anxiously. as they
temple, sitting the days,
49 And He said to them, Why is it that you
teachers, both listeningJesus lingered asking
returned, the Boy to them and
soughtin Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother
Behind Me? Did youquestions.that I must be
them not know
did not know it;
47 And all about My Fathers business?
who heard Him were astonished at His
44 but supposing Him to have been in the company,
50 But they did not understand the statement
understanding and answers. among
they went a days He spoke to sought
which journey, and them. Him
their relatives and acquaintances.
3. 22 17 And he said tohatedWell done, good servant;
14And his said to him, Out of and sent a delegation
But he citizens him, him, your own mouth I will
Now as they heard these things, He spoke
26 For I say to you, that to everyone who has
judgeanother parable,servant. You knew near I to
after him, saying, Webecausehave little, have
because you wicked will not very thisthat was
you, you were faithful in a He was man
will be given; andreign overwhat I did not deposit
an Jerusalem andfrom himthey thought the
austere man, collecting ten cities. not have,
authority over us. does
even what it was came,be taken away from mina
18 And theand reaping what I he returned,your him.
15 And so he has will saying, Master, having
second that when did not sow.
kingdom of God would appear immediately.
27 But bring here those
23 Why then did you not heenemies of mine,these
then commanded who
12 Therefore He said: A five minas. in the went
received the kingdom, put my money
has earned certain nobleman bank,
19 Likewisemy said to tomight have the money, with
did not want me hereign over them, and slay
servants, tocominghim, You alsocollected it to be
that at a farwhom I to receive for over five a
he country had given be himself cities.
20 Andto him, that he might know howhere is every
them interest? return.
called another came, saying, Master, much your
kingdom and
24 And he said to those who stood a handkerchief.
mina, whichman had gainedaway in by, Take the
I have kept put by trading.
13 So he called ten of his servants, delivered to
2116mina from him, first,give you Master, your mina
For I feared you, and saying, are an austereten
Then came the because it to him who has man.
them tenyou did not deposit, and reap what
minas, and minas. them,
You collect what earned ten
has minas. said to
Do business till I come.
25 (But they said to him, Master, he has ten minas.)
you did not sow.
4. 13 And
he called his ten servants,
and delivered them ten pounds,
and said unto them,
Occupy till I come.
5. To everyone his the greatestus? is Christ's
Thereforeworkit work,beforeconsequence
Now the it ofof belong to this No,want
Does any is that is and us we it is
clearlyItunderstand in clear a work of mercy,
work. to understand. It is linesWeis not to
that we is not the man's work. He it is to
received by us from above. what
are to
abe laborers togetherbestis in Christ's to be
work ofall he very with God. We must his
occupy tolove, has to do Christ. We cannot
feel that the a work just to attend lines.
knowledge that
imbued with the Spirit ofHe says that the
own individual worked. there is a broader
Just as Christ self. No, responsibility,
we have, and sense ourour intellect or our
labor with God merely from
nobleman went ato occupythrough to every
is long journey, and us
field. He light shine till I come, to
and let our
education. We cannot buy the grace of God
man he and whatwork."to occupy"?agent is
gave his is it, The human
those that are around us, and in doing
with money; we cannot buy it with eloquence;
To be laborers together divine. our
to cooperate with the with God.
that we are doing the work of God.
we cannot buy it with the power of
intellect. It is God's to begin with.
6. 37 ThenHe said to His disciples,
The harvest truly is plentiful, but
the laborers are few.
8. There are many Christian youthlove and fear
You should consultand women, and children
Let young men, with men who that can do
God,to work in the experience in theLet them
a good work have name learn lessons in the
go and who if they will of Jesus. work, that
unite together uponthe theplan God you may
under the of Christ of some great Teacher. of
school movings from Spirit of and order
action. Cannotdevelop methods by which you
form plans and you form evangelists, and
Even though pastors, a band of workers,
may work in earnest and for certain results. The
and have set times to pray together andthe
teachers should neglect the seeking of ask
Lord will help those who will use their God-
the Lord not the you His grace, and put forth
lost, let to give children and youth neglect
intrusted capabilities to His name's glory. Will
our young men united action?
to be doers of the word. who believe
and young women . . .
the truth become living missionaries?. . .
{{MYP 197.2}}
MYP 197.1
9. Every true disciple is born
into the kingdom of God as a missionary.
{ DA 195.2 }
10. Dear young friends, remember that it is not
necessary to be an ordained minister in order to
serve the Lord. There are many ways of working
for Christ. Human hands may never have been
laid on you in ordination, but God can give you
fitness for His service. He can work through you
to the saving of souls. If, having learned in the
school of Christ, you are meek and lowly in heart,
He will give you words to speak for Him. . . .
{ MYP 226.2 }
11. The work above all work,--the business above all
Work the works of God and demonstrate your
faith in your Saviour by toiling for engage O that
others which should draw and others. the
young andof the soul,--is the work of saving souls
energies old were thoroughly converted to God,
for whom Christ hasthe duty that lies next them,
and would take up died. Make this the main, the
important as they have opportunity,your special
and work work of your life. Make it becoming
life work. Co-operate with Christ in this grand and
laborers together with God!
noble work, and become home and foreign
missionaries. Be ready and efficient1893. at
The Youth's Instructor, May 4, to work
home or in far-off climes for the saving of souls.
{MYP 227.2}
12. But first the young men who would serve God,
Will not our young men respond to the invitation
andChrist, and answer, "Here am I; send me"?
of give themselves to His work, must cleanse
the soulmen, pressall impurity, and enthrone
Young temple of to the front, and identify
Christ in the heart; then they will be enabled to
yourselves as laborers together with Christ,
taking up theinto their Christian effort,carrywill
put energy work where He left it, to and it on
manifest enthusiastic zeal in persuading men to
to its completion.
be reconciled to Christ.
--Review and Herald, June 16, 1891.
{MYP 25.1}
13. 2Ti 4:1 Andbeseech you therefore, brethren, by
Rom 12:1 I they shall turn away theirGod, and
4:4 I charge thee therefore before ears from
the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick a
the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.bodies
mercies of God, that ye present your
and4:5sacrifice, holy, acceptable untokingdom;
2Ti theBut watch thou in all things, endurewhich
living dead at his appearing and his God,
2Ti 4:2 reasonable work ofbe instant in season, out
afflictions, do the service. an evangelist, make full
is your Preach the word;
of season; And be not conformed to this all
proof12:2 reprove, rebuke, exhort with world:
Rom of thy ministry.
longsuffering untodoctrine.given in the behalf of
Php be ye For and you it is renewing of your
but 1:29 transformed by the
2Ti 4:3that onlytime will come when they will not
Christ, not ye maybelieve on him, butgood,to
mind, For the to prove what is that also and
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts
suffer for hisand perfect, will of God.
acceptable, sake;
shall they heap to themselves teachers, having
itching ears;