El documento presenta los antecedentes de un caso sometido al Consejo para la Transparencia en relaci坦n a una solicitud de acceso a informaci坦n sobre el "Caso Alto Hospicio" realizada a Carabineros de Chile. Carabineros recurri坦 la decisi坦n del Consejo que acogi坦 el amparo presentado, alegando que la informaci坦n solicitada no se encuentra en su poder dado que los hechos ocurrieron antes de la obligaci坦n de mantener dicha informaci坦n y entregarla.
Voter turnout in US elections has been declining, with over 55 million eligible voters not casting ballots in the 2012 election. The organization Let Democracy Vote (LDV) was launched in 2008 with the goal of increasing voter participation. Through partnerships with companies like Google, LDV helped register over 100,000 voters in 2012 and provided voting information to over 30 million people in 2014. LDV has now developed a tool to make voting by mail easier in order to increase turnout for future elections.
Afinium.com Big Data Big Sales White Paper 2014 Afinium
Customer centricy drives sales, and real time data analytics allows creation of uniquely personalized buyer experiences to convert even casual browsers into loyal customers.
This document provides a quick guide to selecting test markets for new product development. It recommends asking questions about whether a product would be well-received in certain cities known as bellwethers, including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Peoria, Libertyville, and Boston. Each city is rated 1 through 5 based on proprietary criteria for factors like demographics, regulations, competition, and marketing needs. The guide stresses the importance of understanding consumer and location characteristics before launching in a test market.
Materia de Aplicaciones matematicas, problema de optimizacionBrian G Jimenez
La carta presenta a los profesores Cesar Guadarrama Uribe y Mar鱈n Albino Mar鱈a del Carmen de la Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnolog鱈a del Instituto Polit辿cnico Nacional. Incluye un saludo de buenos d鱈as y una cita de Albert Einstein sobre la importancia de poder explicar un tema a los dem叩s.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de materiales geosint辿ticos, incluyendo geotextiles, geomembranas, geomallas y geocompuestos. Explica las propiedades, clasificaciones y aplicaciones principales de cada uno. Los geotextiles se clasifican seg炭n su m辿todo de fabricaci坦n y composici坦n, y se usan com炭nmente para separaci坦n, filtraci坦n, drenaje y refuerzo. Las geomembranas son barreras impermeables hechas de pl叩stico como polietileno. Las geomallas son estructuras tridimensionales que refuerzan su
This document contains a collection of over 50 photographs pairing famous celebrities and public figures from various fields such as music, film, politics, and activism. Some of the pairings included are Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein, Freddie Mercury and Jane Seymour, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, and John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The document credits the rare photos to a website and includes background music from Queen.
This document promotes Syria as a hub of civilization and culture with a diverse business field and exciting destinations across mountains, canyons, and fields. It notes that beyond infrastructure, Syria offers friendly people who are welcoming, helpful, and unmatched in hospitality. It concludes by asking to leave Syria alone since they do not have oil.
Materia de Aplicaciones matematicas, problema de optimizacionBrian G Jimenez
La carta presenta a los profesores Cesar Guadarrama Uribe y Mar鱈n Albino Mar鱈a del Carmen de la Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnolog鱈a del Instituto Polit辿cnico Nacional. Incluye un saludo de buenos d鱈as y una cita de Albert Einstein sobre la importancia de poder explicar un tema a los dem叩s.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de materiales geosint辿ticos, incluyendo geotextiles, geomembranas, geomallas y geocompuestos. Explica las propiedades, clasificaciones y aplicaciones principales de cada uno. Los geotextiles se clasifican seg炭n su m辿todo de fabricaci坦n y composici坦n, y se usan com炭nmente para separaci坦n, filtraci坦n, drenaje y refuerzo. Las geomembranas son barreras impermeables hechas de pl叩stico como polietileno. Las geomallas son estructuras tridimensionales que refuerzan su
This document contains a collection of over 50 photographs pairing famous celebrities and public figures from various fields such as music, film, politics, and activism. Some of the pairings included are Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein, Freddie Mercury and Jane Seymour, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, and John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The document credits the rare photos to a website and includes background music from Queen.
This document promotes Syria as a hub of civilization and culture with a diverse business field and exciting destinations across mountains, canyons, and fields. It notes that beyond infrastructure, Syria offers friendly people who are welcoming, helpful, and unmatched in hospitality. It concludes by asking to leave Syria alone since they do not have oil.
1187 what-happens-when-you-take-a-photo-at-the-right-angle-a-slideshowGIA VER
Taking photos at the right angle can produce interesting effects. This slideshow explores different angles for photography and how they can distort perspective and scale in photos. Viewers will see examples of photos taken at high, low, and sideways angles and how they manipulate what is shown in the frame.