The document summarizes evidence that Captain John Parker's militia company at the Battle of Lexington was fully armed and equipped, contrary to common misconceptions. Lexington took steps in late 1774 and early 1775 to comply with orders from the Massachusetts Provincial Congress to equip its militia. Town records, probate inventories, and primary accounts indicate the militia assembled with firearms, bayonets, cartridge boxes, powder horns, packs, blankets and other gear. This suggests the militia was prepared for military engagement, not sparsely armed as sometimes believed.
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“To see that the plans of the provincial congresses are faithfully carriede into executione” a review of the arms and e (1)
1. “To See That the Plans of the Provincial Congresses Are Faithfully
Carriede into Executione”
A Review of the Arms and Equipment Carried by Captain John
Parker’s Company at the Battle of Lexington.
5. What did Captain Parker’s Company Carry at the Battle of
● A common misconception about the Battle of Lexington is that Captain John Parker’s
Company was sparsely armed and equipped.
● A review of period documentation, including primary accounts of the Battle of
Lexington, town records and probate inventories shows that the Lexington Company
actually assembled on the common fully equipped for a military campaign.
● In other words, the militia fielded with packs, blankets, cartridge boxes, powder horns
and edged weapons.
6. What Documentation/Material was Relied Upon for this
● Lexington town meeting records from 1774 - 1776.
● Probate estate inventories for those Lexington men who died between January 1, 1774
and December 31, 1775.
● Surviving artifacts
● Claim submitted by Lexington residents to the Massachusetts Provincial Congress for
property lost, damaged or destroyed on April 19, 1775.
● Primary accounts of the Battle of Lexington
○ Depositions
○ Official government records
○ Military reports
○ Sermons and public statements
7. What the Analysis of Primary Documentation Revealed
1. Lexington was on a wartime footing as early as September, 1774.
2. In December, 1774, Lexington resolved to strictly follow the military
recommendations of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.
3. That same month a committee composed of Lexington men, including John Parker,
was created and oversaw the execution of the orders of the Massachusetts Provincial
Congress to properly equip the militia.
4. Local Lexington men were making and supplying arms and equipment to Captain
Parker’s Company.
5. Accounts of the Battle of Lexington establish that the company was fully armed and
equipped at the engagement.
8. Lexington was Preparing for War
● A full month before the Massachusetts Provincial Congress first ordered the residents
of the colony to reorganize its militia system and create minute companies, Lexington
was already in full wartime preparation.
● According to the Reverend Clarke, the Lexington militia were “training” and
“showing arms” as early as September 15, 1774.
● On September 26, 1774, Lexington voted to provide a pair of drums for the use of the
military company in town.
● Finally, on November 3, 1774, the town gathered to plan “military discipline and to
put themselves in a position of defense against their Enemies.”
9. The Massachusetts Provincial Congress
● On December 10, 1774, the Provincial Congress declared “The improvement of the militia in general in the art
military has been therefore thought necessary, and strongly recommended by this Congress. We now think that
particular care should be taken by the towns and districts in this colony, that each of the minute men, not
already provided therewith, should be immediately equipped with an effective firearm, bayonet, pouch,
knapsack, thirty rounds of cartridges and balls . . . [that], as the security of the lives, liberties and
properties of the inhabitants of this province, depends under Providence, on their knowledge and skill in the
art of military, and in their being properly and effectually armed and equipped, it is therefore recommended,
that they immediately provide themselves therewith; that they use their utmost diligence to perfect themselves
in military skill”
● Most towns passed additional resolutions that expanded upon this order to include canteens, powder horns and
10. Lexington Resolves to Carry Out Congress’ Orders
● When the Massachusetts Provincial Congress issued a resolution regarding the arms
and equipment to be carried by its minute and militia companies, Lexington quickly
● Two days after the Provincial Congress order, the Lexington selectmen ordered the
militia to appear at the meeting house for an inspection. During the review,
deficiencies in arms and equipment were apparently observed. As a result, the
selectmen quickly scheduled a town meeting.
● On December 27, 1774, the residents reviewed their options and voted to form a
committee that would oversee measures to ensure the militia was prepared for war.
“Votede . . . That seven persons be appointed as a committee of inspections to see that
the plans of the . . .Provincial Congresses are faithfully carriede into executione.”
11. ● One of the individuals assigned to the committee was Captain
John Parker, commander of the Lexington militia.
● Over the next several months it appears that this committee,
under the leadership of Parker, took steps to ensure the company
was properly armed and equipped.
● As a result, several men in Lexington personally contributed to
Lexington’s effort to properly arm and equip the town’s militia
for war.
12. Who Helped Arm and Equip the Lexington Militia?
● Jonathan Harrington Sr. - father of company fifer Jonathan Harrington, was
charged with making cartridge boxes and belting for the militia.
● Phillip Russell- was also making cartridge boxes and bayonets for members of the
● Jonas Parker - was cutting back gunstocks so muskets could accept socket bayonets.
● Nathan Simonds - was providing blankets to those Lexington militiamen who could
not afford them.
● John Parker - Was possibly making powder horns for the Lexington Company
13. Bullets and Powder
● Joshua Reed and an “Ensign Harrington” were even
scrambling to acquire gunpowder and lead for bullets for the
● “Granted an ordere to pay Ensign Harrington £2.12.10 in full . .
. for 104 lbs. of bullets & . . . for going to Walthame for
powdere & to Bostone for leads.”
● “Grantede an ordere to pay Mr. Joshua Reed . . . in full for his
bringing up leade from Boston and running the bullets.”
15. Inspections
● In February, 1775, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress notified all the towns in the
colony that they were expected to be in full compliance with its December 10, 1774
● Officers of militia and minute companies were instructed to conduct inspections and
submit returns to the Provincial Congress as proof of compliance.
● Unfortunately, an inspectional return from Lexington does not exist.
● However, a review of surviving artifacts, probate returns and period accounts
suggests that John Parker and his committee were successful in their mission.
16. Was Captain Parker and the Committee Successful?
Items Required by the
Massachusetts Provincial
Congress in the Event of War
with England
Cartridge Box
Items Acquired by Lexington in
Preparation for War
Cartridge Box
Powder Horn
Two Iron Field Pieces
18. There are Three Pieces of Evidence That Support the
Theory Captain John Parker’s Company Assembled Fully
Equipped for a Military Campaign
● The legal term “Alarmed”.
○ “Alarmed” was a 17th and 18th century legal term describing a militia’s response to an
emergency situation.
○ Under Massachusetts militia laws between 1690 and 1773, when a company was alarmed,
they were also required to rally armed and equipped for a military campaign.
○ Massachusetts militia laws went into great detail describing what arms and equipment a
militia man was required to carry during an alarm: a firelock, edged weapon, ammunition,
powder horn, pack, blanket and canteen.
19. ● In the aftermath of the Battle of Lexington, thirty three
Lexington militiamen signed a deposition asserting they were
“alarmed” and appeared at the company parade.
● Thus, when the Lexington men stated they had assembled on the
Lexington Green due to an “alarm”, they were asserting that
they were lawfully responding to an emergency and carrying all
lawfully required equipment.
20. ● The Account of the Battle of Lexington by the Reverend Jonas Clarke
○ According to the Reverend Clarke, there was a debate over whether the company should
dismiss and reform at another location. Clarke also discussed how Parker’s Company was
prepared to respond to any military emergency, regardless of the location.
○ “Upon this intelligence, as also upon information of the conduct of the officers as
above-mentioned, the militia of ths town were alarmed, and ordered to meet on the
usual place of parade; not with any design of commencing hostilities upon the king’s
troops but to consult what might be done for our own and the people’s safety; And
also to be ready for whatever service providence might call us out to, upon this
alarming occasion in case overt acts of violence or open hostilities be committed by this
mercenary hand of armed and blood thirsty oppressors.”
21. ○ Clarke’s statement “[and] also to be ready for
whatever service providence might call us out
to” meant Captain Parker’s Company was
assembled on the common, fully equipped for a
military campaign and prepared to march to any
location to repel the enemy.
22. ● The official correspondence from Lt. Colonel Francis Smith.
○ In his report to General Thomas Gage regarding the events of April 19th, Smith
specifically states the Lexington militia was drawn up in military order, armed
and equipped for a campaign!!
○ “I think it proper to observe, that when I had got some miles on the march from
Boston, I detached six light infantry companies to march with all expedition to seize
the two bridges on different roads beyond Concord. On these companies' arrival at
Lexington, I understand, from the report of Major Pitcairn, who was with them, and
from many officers, that they found on a green close to the road a body of the
country people drawn up in military order, with arms and accoutrement, and, as
appeared after, loaded.”
23. ● According to 18th Century military treatises, the term “accouterment” collectively
included the following items:
○ Cartridge boxes
○ Edged weapons
○ Musket tools
○ Belting
○ Knapsacks
○ Canteens
○ Ammunition
24. What if John Parker had Permitted his Militia Company to
Field Unprepared for a Military Campaign?
25. ● On April 5, 1775, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress adopted Rules and
Regulations for the Massachusetts Army.
● These regulations addressed a variety of military matters, including conduct for
officers, proper behavior for soldiers and punishment for neglect of duty.
● These regulations applied to John Parker and his militia company.
● As the commanding officer, Parker was responsible for ensuring his officers and men
were properly armed and equipped.
● If he had been negligent and permitted his men to field improperly prepared for a
military campaign, he would have been charged with violating the Rules and
Regulations for the Massachusetts Army and faced a court martial hearing. If
convicted, he would have been cashiered and stripped of his rank.
26. ● American officers after Lexington and Concord were routinely charged for neglect of
● Colonel Gerrish was charged and convicted of neglect and improper behavior.
● Colonel Scamman was charged with neglect and improper conduct at the Battle of
Bunker Hill.
● A Captain Ingersoll was charged with defamation, neglect and nepotism.
● A Lieutenant Walker was tried by a general court martial for neglect of duty.
● Captain Samuel Grideley was charged with “backwardness in the execution of his
duty” and negligence.
● Finally one Captain Town was accused of “behaving in an unofficer like manner”.
27. In Conclusion
● Captain Parker and the residents of Lexington undertook measures to properly arm
and equip its militia company.
● Captain Parker’s Company complied with traditional militia laws and were properly
armed and equipped for a military campaign when it assembled on the Lexington
Common the morning of April 19, 1775
● Thus, a militia man at the Battle of Lexington carried a firelock, edged weapon,
canteen, knapsack, blanket, cartridge box and powder horn.