Toastmasters Vice President Public Relations training given by Sharon Dawson at the Toastmasters Leadership Institute for District 37 (North Carolina) on June 28, 2014.
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Toastmasters Vice President Public Relations Training
1. Vice President
Public Relations
District 37 (North Carolina)
Toastmaster Leadership Institute East
Presented by: Sharon Dawson, ATM-S, AL-B
Date: June 28, 2014
Twitter: SharonADawson
3. TM’s Definition of VP PR Role
Protect and publicize the Toastmasters
Promote the club to local media.
Maintain a club website.
Join a Toastmasters-moderated social
networking website.
Produce and distribute a club newsletter
4. At the Club Meeting
Ask for contributions to the newsletter and
Promote events from other clubs, such as
T3 S3 in August
Promote TLIs, District Conferences
Promote Area, Division contests
5. Flyers & Business Cards
Members can distribute at their
workplace, church, etc
Different themes: Want to Nail That
Interview? Fear of Public Speaking?
Elevator Speech
Pick Target Audience
Neighborhood Welcome Kits
6. The Toastmaster Magazine
Post articles (with permission) to your club
website or blog
Add label to front with your club website,
Facebook, Meetup links
Leave at doctor's offices, coffee shops,
gyms, break rooms at work
7. Members hang their
ribbons/trophies/certificates in their cube
Promote club member achievements in
company newsletter/intranet/bulletin
Place club banner in company lobby, so
even visitors can see it
Table in break room/lobby with goodies to
advertise club
Corporate Clubs
8. Corporate Clubs
Seminars for co-workers on Elevator
Speeches, Giving Presentations, etc.
Invite Senior Management to present at
meeting open to everyone
Put up signs in advance of meetings, but
take down afterwards
9. Press Releases
Club events - anniversaries, contests
New officers
Members earning levels (CC, ACB, DTM,
Be sure include info about club at bottom
11. Press Releases
Include 5 Ws
Link to your website talking about same
Facts not opinions
12. Activity: Write a Press Release
1. Opening grabs readers attention
2. One to Two Paragraphs with more details
3. Quote from club officer/member
4. Call to Action
5. About Toastmasters International at
13. Public Relations Committee
Delegate – Extravagant titles
 Majordomo of Multimedia Marketing
 Internet Marketing Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Handle updates on social media they’re
comfortable with
Looks great on a resume! 13
15. Facebook
Be sure to setup as a FB Page, not a
Setup with a generic email address for
Populate with Testimonials from club
Advertise themes for the meetings
Post meeting summaries/pictures 15
17. Twitter
Tweet about meetings, TLI, club events
 Reminders before meetings
 Word of Day
 Summary of speakers main points
Include @Toastmasters
Include Toastmasters in your personal
Twitter profile
21. LinkedIn Group
Setup one for your club/city
Networking opportunities
Share knowledge to gain new members
Members add Toastmaster club to their
profile page
23. Google Your Club
Facebook, Twitter, Meetup shows up?
Older websites out there with your Club's
name & old data?
Is your club listing on accurate?
24. 24
First video is from a
talking bird; from 2011
Last updated 2011
Old, no current listings
on there