2. Brand
Defining the brand: Putting that thought
Reach out
Spreading the word: Content, Social, Email,
Keeping them users stuck to our products
Apps, Integrations and whatever users want
3. Brand
Define certain brand
Same to reflect on website,
social, design, graphic content,
Helps in recall, building a
connect, conversion (website to
download), overall image of the
Goal is to build a userbase that
loves the product & talks about it
Build specific keywords for
posts, SEO, social media
Creation of standardised
design guidelines (Eg: Uber,
Housing (re)branding)
Associate with (or support
mutually) the teams or
targets or partners
personal brand
Set a base for UI/UX for
mobile/desktop apps
4. Reach Out
Content & Social
Next level content: Blog, Video
Content the our target audience
consumes. (New ideas)
Multiple twitter accounts -
support or a like & (re)tweet bot
(Eg: @SlackLoveTweets)
Linkedin page?
Facebook & Linkedin videos (The
simple ones with text and music)
& More
Presence in events (Start
up conferences, Expos)
Search Ads (If financially
viable) or any promotion
with high return (Need
research & testing)
Talk more for more PR -
Getting to be a speaker
Co-working spaces
5. Engage
Lovable e-mails(I like
quartz & huckberry)
Product tour before and
after sign up, also a
help/tour feature
User research: pain points
to help build better product
Contests, Campuses,
Groups, Community etc.
Product features -
Delegate tasks to teams?
Communication options?
Task viewers, reminders -
more options
Apps/integrations/bots on
what users want
Moving towards (more)