is a free online tool that allows students with Tourette's Syndrome to sync their to-do lists, schedules, and projects with teachers, counselors, and parents. It can be accessed from any desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device by creating an account with a Google account. Special features include adding reminders, notifications and flags for due dates, tracking productivity daily and weekly, breaking tasks into sub-tasks, and automatic synchronization across all devices.
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1. A free online tool to support students with Tourette¡¯s Syndrome!
2. Capabilities:
Sync to-do lists and daily schedules with teachers, counselors, and parents.
Share projects with teachers and receive timely feedback.
3. Accessibility:
1. Each account can be accessed on any desktop or laptop
computer as well as tablets and mobile devices.
2. Accounts can be created using a Google Account.
4. Special Features:
1. Reminders, notifications, and priority flags can be added for important due
2. Productivity is easily tracked on a daily and weekly basis.
5. Special Features Cont.
1. Can easily break complex tasks into sub-tasks and large projects into subprojects
2. Fast and automatic data synchronization.