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User Experience view
of the Toledo Region

         Keith Instone
About me
   Bowling Green, BGSU, Computer science,

   IBM > CIO > User experience (web focus)

       Here to share my expertise

       Hidden agenda: My kids have an option to live
        here when they grow up

   Telecommute for a Globally Integrated Enterprise

       I can do my job from anywhere I want
User experience? Huh?
 All aspects of a product or service as
  perceived by users
 The sum of a series of interactions (with
  technology, with people via technology)
 Bottom-up: start with (web) user interface
  design, then broaden to total experience
 Compare with TRS brand - Stories told in
  a market
The assignment from
 Do some UX thinking for TRS: baby step
 Target audience: Entrepreneurs
 Business goal: Job creation
 Competition: Dayton, focus on Dayton
Common user
        experience artifacts
   User model, characteristics

   Stories told from the users point of view (personas, scenarios)

   Experience maps (across touch points)

   User research reports

       Ethnographic, observational

       Usability tests


   Evaluations and recommendations
Simple model (that is wrong) but can further the discussion about users & goals
                                       Educational system
Local       Local                                                             Reason for visit
asset       asset                                                                                            Tourists
                                          Things to do

Local       Local
asset       asset   Contribute to   Employment opportunities                              One criteria                  Meeting planners

                                                                                                                                       Main criteria
Local       Local                                                                                                           Hotel rates
asset       asset

                                               Etc.                                                                     Conference facilities

Local       Local                                                                                                          Travel logistics
asset       asset
                                                       Aspects of                                                               Etc.

                                          Quality of Life                                        Residents

                                                        Select a region
                                                           based on

                                         Entrepreneurs                                           Companies


                                                                                            Site selectors
Business goals for job
 Talent attraction: Convincing certain types
  of people to live here
 Talent retention: Keeping certain types of
  people here
 Talent growth: Helping people become the
  type of person we are targeting
Target person = Entrepreneur
User goals

 High quality of life
 Work life balance? (that perfect state of
 needs lots more help here...
Hey, it is all about story
     telling, right?*
   (Attract) Joe, engineering wiz in Texas, is starting up an advanced energy
    company, looking for the best place to locate his company, willing to move
    his family to the right place...

   (Retain) Mary, employed at HCR Manor Care, has some ideas for a new
    Internet start-up for the healthcare industry, wondering who else around
    here she can talk with about her ideas, ...

   (Grow) Frank, new UT grad, has a dream is to start up a local company, but
    he is not sure how to get started...

       *That is, we can also use story telling from a users point of view to help us make the regional brand come to life
   Dayton Patented. Originals wanted. - http://www.daytonoriginals.org/

   Telling stories of creative thinkers, does, achievers

       What makes Dayton unique, its local assets (companies, products,

       These testimonials help demonstrate the appeal Dayton offers for
        innovative people and businesses, while illustrating the contributions that
        "Dayton Originals" are making in our community today.

   Brand: City as a place of imagination and innovation
Toledo Regional Story - User Experience
My reaction
   Seems like a start, in the right direction: Collecting
    the stories

   I am missing the bigger picture: how to use these
    stories to satisfy speci鍖c user goals

       Could not 鍖nd enough to create / try out speci鍖c
        scenarios (easily)

       Could not 鍖nd any Dayton Economic
        Development connections to Dayton Originals yet
Basic usability / bug / label had
 an impact on my experience
Other Dayton pieces not connected
                                                                                 Un-original - never mentions it on this page

   Mentions many qualities of the region, but place of
     imagination and innovation not any of them

                                                                                                             You cannot get to
                Hometown heros sounds like Originals                                                     Originals from here, tho
                         but it is different

4 different sites, 4 different visual expressions of brands, none even close to Dayton Originals in story, style, words or images
Possible next steps
   Better user model - much better

   Better scenarios for talent acquisition, retention, growth

       RGP and other experts who do this every day

       Interviews with target audience (Ugly Data, Sdudi, etc.) on speci鍖cs of
        the regional brand story

   Play out the scenarios more, document, present

       Good activity for local agencies, gets them involved and starts them
        thinking about the application of the brand (plus, I do not have enough
        time to do it well)

   What else?

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Toledo Regional Story - User Experience

  • 1. User Experience view of the Toledo Region Story Keith Instone keith2010@instone.org
  • 2. About me Bowling Green, BGSU, Computer science, Research IBM > CIO > User experience (web focus) Here to share my expertise Hidden agenda: My kids have an option to live here when they grow up Telecommute for a Globally Integrated Enterprise I can do my job from anywhere I want
  • 3. User experience? Huh? All aspects of a product or service as perceived by users The sum of a series of interactions (with technology, with people via technology) Bottom-up: start with (web) user interface design, then broaden to total experience Compare with TRS brand - Stories told in a market
  • 4. The assignment from Eric Do some UX thinking for TRS: baby step Target audience: Entrepreneurs Business goal: Job creation Competition: Dayton, focus on Dayton Originals
  • 5. Common user experience artifacts User model, characteristics Stories told from the users point of view (personas, scenarios) Experience maps (across touch points) User research reports Ethnographic, observational Usability tests Designs Evaluations and recommendations
  • 6. Simple model (that is wrong) but can further the discussion about users & goals Educational system Local Local Reason for visit asset asset Tourists Things to do Local Local asset asset Contribute to Employment opportunities One criteria Meeting planners Main criteria Family Local Local Hotel rates asset asset Etc. Conference facilities Local Local Travel logistics asset asset Aspects of Etc. Quality of Life Residents Select a region based on Employ Create Entrepreneurs Companies Locate Site selectors
  • 7. Business goals for job creation Talent attraction: Convincing certain types of people to live here Talent retention: Keeping certain types of people here Talent growth: Helping people become the type of person we are targeting Target person = Entrepreneur
  • 8. User goals High quality of life Work life balance? (that perfect state of balance?) needs lots more help here...
  • 9. Hey, it is all about story telling, right?* (Attract) Joe, engineering wiz in Texas, is starting up an advanced energy company, looking for the best place to locate his company, willing to move his family to the right place... (Retain) Mary, employed at HCR Manor Care, has some ideas for a new Internet start-up for the healthcare industry, wondering who else around here she can talk with about her ideas, ... (Grow) Frank, new UT grad, has a dream is to start up a local company, but he is not sure how to get started... *That is, we can also use story telling from a users point of view to help us make the regional brand come to life
  • 10. WWDD? Dayton Patented. Originals wanted. - http://www.daytonoriginals.org/ Telling stories of creative thinkers, does, achievers What makes Dayton unique, its local assets (companies, products, people) These testimonials help demonstrate the appeal Dayton offers for innovative people and businesses, while illustrating the contributions that "Dayton Originals" are making in our community today. Brand: City as a place of imagination and innovation
  • 12. My reaction Seems like a start, in the right direction: Collecting the stories I am missing the bigger picture: how to use these stories to satisfy speci鍖c user goals Could not 鍖nd enough to create / try out speci鍖c scenarios (easily) Could not 鍖nd any Dayton Economic Development connections to Dayton Originals yet
  • 13. Basic usability / bug / label had an impact on my experience
  • 14. Other Dayton pieces not connected Un-original - never mentions it on this page Mentions many qualities of the region, but place of imagination and innovation not any of them You cannot get to Hometown heros sounds like Originals Originals from here, tho but it is different 4 different sites, 4 different visual expressions of brands, none even close to Dayton Originals in story, style, words or images
  • 15. Possible next steps Better user model - much better Better scenarios for talent acquisition, retention, growth RGP and other experts who do this every day Interviews with target audience (Ugly Data, Sdudi, etc.) on speci鍖cs of the regional brand story Play out the scenarios more, document, present Good activity for local agencies, gets them involved and starts them thinking about the application of the brand (plus, I do not have enough time to do it well) What else?