Tom Forlander, like any fisherman, tells his stories with fever and exaggerations. He definitely has his fair share of fishing stories. His epic adventures of ones that got away and celebratory stories of times when he caught everything in the sea.
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Tom Forlander
1. Tom ForlanderA Deep Sea Experience
Tom Forlander believes he sees new fish each time he takes an underwater
adventure. He has been down into the water so many times, but each time he goes
down under, its a different experience.
2. Tom Forlander : Fisherman Tales
Tom Forlander, like any fisherman,
tells his stories with fever and
exaggerations. He definitely has his
fair share of fishing stories. His epic
adventures of ones that got away
and celebratory stories of
times when he caught
everything in the sea. Like
any good story, the best
part is trying to figure out
which part is true and
which was completely
made up.
3. Tom Forlander : Tennis Lover
Tennis is one of Tom Forlander's
favorite sports. It is a sport that he
and his wife enjoy playing
together, and even challenging
some of their friends to a friendly
couples game.
Despite his age, he does not
let it define him, though he
knows he cannot do
everything as he has done
before, he still loves to go
out and play sports
recreationally, not just for
his physical healthy, but his
mental as well.
4. Tom Forlander : A Golf Guy
Tom Forlander loves playing the full eighteen on a good weather
Saturday or Sunday. The precision sport is another hobby of his, one
he is enthusiastic to share. The average handicap for a male golfer in
America is 16.1. With a wink and grin, Tom would tell anyone he
could hit better than that. Being out in the sun with friends and the
green is what he believes is a great day.