The document discusses the history and future of coworking from the perspective of Tony Bacigalupo. It describes coworking as emerging organically throughout history as people gathered together out of mutual self-interest. Recently, the first official coworking space opened in 2005 and the industry grew rapidly, with over 2,000 spaces by 2012. Going forward, coworking has the potential to fundamentally change how people relate to work by providing increasingly sophisticated support systems for independent workers.
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The History of Co
1. The History of Coworking
As presented from the perspective of Tony Bacigalupo.
Follow him on twitter @tonybgoode.
Download this presentation at
4. How to approach this?
Three perspectives:
Big history, recent history, and future history.
Big history,! Recent history,! Future history.!
7. Throughout history, mankind has been finding ways to
Gather with intention
out of mutual self-interest.
It is in our nature.
38. Coworking has
the potential
to change
the worlds
(largely pretty rotten)
with work
As more and more of these
communities form and mature,
they evolve into increasingly sophisticated
support systems for this new workforce. They shift the role
work plays in our lives. At least
39. They can if they want to.
While the emergence of coworking communities is a natural
phenomenon, the extent to which they support this new
workforce is something thats yet to be determined.
As coworking becomes increasingly identified with the
workspace rental business model it is often predicated on,
the need grows for these spaces to engage in meaningful
conversation around how they can be the best
possible vehicles for facilitating this shift.