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Tony Wisniewski
Marketing Career Highlights   914.258.0001
Marketing Expertise

 Strategic Marketing

 Brand Awareness

 Integrated Marketing

 Digital Marketing

 Affiliate MDF Program
Strategic Marketing
 Samsung Electronics - French Door Refrigerator
    Two tiered launch approach
        Soft = Basic models to gain footprint
        Hard = Advanced models to gain Share of
    Competitive research and Market Position
    $6.1 Million North American Launch budget
        Multi-media spend including television and
Brand Awareness -
Ice Cream Truck

 Needed Innovative Brand
  Awareness Vehicle
 Worked with Local Agency to
  Develop Graphics
 Rented, Wrapped and Locally
 Retail and Event Focused
 5 Day per Week Operation at
  times of High Traffic
 Hit of the Summer!
     Replicated in 3 Markets.
Brand Awareness -
Subway Domination

 Needed Awareness in Asian
  Markets, Build Confidence in
 Secured all 2-Sheet panels in
  Flushing, NY MTA Station
 3 Month Duration
 Directed Agency on Design
  and Execution
    Photo Shoot
    Panel Layout - 39 in All
 Net Result is 60% increase in
  Brand Awareness in Asian
Brand Awareness -
Asian Television

 Continued Focus on Asian
  Brand Awareness
 Developed Locally Produced
  and Aired Ads
 Directed Network on Target
  and Message
 Produced Two Commercials
  that Run in Rotation
 Negotiated 6 Month Buy,
  Twice Daily Rotation
Brand Awareness -
Asian Television

 Continued Focus on Asian
  Brand Awareness
 Developed Locally Produced
  and Aired Ads
 Directed Network on Target
  and Message
 Produced Two Commercials
  that Run in Rotation
 Negotiated 6 Month Buy,
  Twice Daily Rotation
Brand Awareness -
Asian Television

 Continued Focus on Asian
  Brand Awareness
 Developed Locally Produced
  and Aired Ads
 Directed Network on Target
  and Message
 Produced Two Commercials
  that Run in Rotation
 Negotiated 6 Month Buy,
  Twice Daily Rotation
Brand Awareness -
Asian Television

 Continued Focus on Asian
  Brand Awareness
 Developed Locally Produced
  and Aired Ads
 Directed Network on Target
  and Message
 Produced Two Commercials
  that Run in Rotation
 Negotiated 6 Month Buy,
  Twice Daily Rotation
Brand Awareness -
Guerilla Tactics

 Developed Unique Awareness
  Campaign for Urban Themed
 Utilize Graffiti and Tattoo
 Nighttime Bombing of stores
 In-Store Appearances and
  Leave Behind Art
Integrated Marketing -
Follow the Mermaid

 Built SMS Opt-In Raffle
  Promotion to Drive Awareness
  of Store Locations
 Timed with Siren Fest at
  Coney Island
    Online, SMS and MMS
    Posters and Flyers in 50
     Regional Locations
    Themed Festival Giveaways
    Costumed Mermaid at
Integrated Marketing -
Cultural Domination    -./0%12 3%4567

 Tasked to Increase Sales in                                                       !"#$"%&'(
  Asian Communities                                                                 )%*+,$"%

 Tactics Used
       Subway Ad Domination
       In-Language Materials     )*+,-.#/0#12
                                                                               34567#89'$                                    :;<#=>?@ABC

       In-Language Street
                                  DE#FG#@#HI#5JKLMNO                           PQR#STUV%                                      5JP34_VS`
                                                                               !"#$%&'()*+                                    !,-./(01+

        Team Presence
       ROP Advertising in High
                                     RS6%TB $                             50

        Visibility Newsprint       =>?@AB(CDB(EB(F2G
                                   H(IJ(KL                                                                                             !"#$%&'()*+,


       Television Buy

       Event Sponsorships
Digital Marketing -

 Experienced in
    Analytical Tools
    SEO, SEM
    Media Buy
    Website Design
    Media Generation
    Facebook Community
    Twitter Utilization
Digital Marketing -
                                                          Like Us
Integrated Dealer Campaign
 Request by Dealer to Develop              a pair of Yankee                                                                                                           tickets
  Online Presence                                                                                                  plus: 2 hour Pregame Party at Yankee Stadium
                                                                                                                                        (Malibu Rooftop Deck)

    Built 5 Facebook Pages                                                                                                                                                        GAME DAY
    Developed In-Store Ads                                                                                                                                                          Sept. 7th

    Executed SMS Promotion                 30inPairs                                                                      July 15 through August 15
                                            30 Days                                                                       Winners will be notified by 08.24
     to build page Likes
                                            Like us                                                                                                                                                                                 Follow us
                                  fb.me/MetroBK001                                                                 888.8metro8 | metropcs.com                                                                                  @MetroBK001
                                  Limited time offer, subject to change, offer ends August 15, 2011. Only followers of our Twitter feed and Likes to our Facebook page are eligible to win. One pair per winner. 30 winners will be selected. Must be
                                  able to attend on September 7th. Odds depend on the number of entries. No purchase neccessary. Coverage and services not available everywhere. Visit metropcs.com or a MetroPCS store for information on
                                  specific Terms and Conditions of Service, coverage areas, handset capabilities and any applicable restrictions. Rates, services and features subject to change. MetroPCS related trademarks, service marks, and
                                  other intellectual property are the exclusive properties of MetroPCS Wireless, Inc.

    30 Day Campaing
    SMS blast to current
    Customized posters in each
    SMS Accepts = 412
    FB Likes = 626
 Total Cost = $5,000
Co-Op Marketing -
Turnkey MDF Program

 Developed Turnkey Dealer Co-
  Op Program
    Voluntary Program
    1/3-2/3 MDF Split
    Ground level Tactics
       Flyer Teams
       Direct Mail
       Door Tags
 170 Door Participation in
 $150,000 Monthly Spend
Tony Wisniewski
THANK YOU!!!!   914.258.0001

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Tony wisniewski marketing highlights

  • 1. Tony Wisniewski Marketing Career Highlights 914.258.0001 tony.wisniewski@gmail.com
  • 2. Marketing Expertise Strategic Marketing Brand Awareness Integrated Marketing Digital Marketing Affiliate MDF Program Management
  • 3. Strategic Marketing Samsung Electronics - French Door Refrigerator Launch Two tiered launch approach Soft = Basic models to gain footprint Hard = Advanced models to gain Share of Consumer Competitive research and Market Position Strategy $6.1 Million North American Launch budget Multi-media spend including television and print
  • 4. Brand Awareness - Ice Cream Truck Needed Innovative Brand Awareness Vehicle Worked with Local Agency to Develop Graphics Rented, Wrapped and Locally Staffed Retail and Event Focused Activation 5 Day per Week Operation at times of High Traffic Hit of the Summer! Replicated in 3 Markets.
  • 5. Brand Awareness - Subway Domination Needed Awareness in Asian Markets, Build Confidence in Brand Secured all 2-Sheet panels in Flushing, NY MTA Station 3 Month Duration Directed Agency on Design and Execution Layout Translation Photo Shoot Panel Layout - 39 in All Net Result is 60% increase in Brand Awareness in Asian Neighborhoods
  • 6. Brand Awareness - Asian Television Continued Focus on Asian Brand Awareness Developed Locally Produced and Aired Ads Directed Network on Target and Message Produced Two Commercials that Run in Rotation Negotiated 6 Month Buy, Twice Daily Rotation
  • 7. Brand Awareness - Asian Television Continued Focus on Asian Brand Awareness Developed Locally Produced and Aired Ads Directed Network on Target and Message Produced Two Commercials that Run in Rotation Negotiated 6 Month Buy, Twice Daily Rotation
  • 8. Brand Awareness - Asian Television Continued Focus on Asian Brand Awareness Developed Locally Produced and Aired Ads Directed Network on Target and Message Produced Two Commercials that Run in Rotation Negotiated 6 Month Buy, Twice Daily Rotation
  • 9. Brand Awareness - Asian Television Continued Focus on Asian Brand Awareness Developed Locally Produced and Aired Ads Directed Network on Target and Message Produced Two Commercials that Run in Rotation Negotiated 6 Month Buy, Twice Daily Rotation
  • 10. Brand Awareness - Guerilla Tactics Developed Unique Awareness Campaign for Urban Themed Handset Utilize Graffiti and Tattoo talent Nighttime Bombing of stores In-Store Appearances and Leave Behind Art
  • 11. Integrated Marketing - Follow the Mermaid Built SMS Opt-In Raffle Promotion to Drive Awareness of Store Locations Timed with Siren Fest at Coney Island Tactics: Online, SMS and MMS Activation Posters and Flyers in 50 Regional Locations Themed Festival Giveaways Costumed Mermaid at Festival
  • 12. Integrated Marketing - Cultural Domination -./0%12 3%4567 !"#$%&'$( Tasked to Increase Sales in !"#$"%&'( Asian Communities )%*+,$"% Tactics Used Subway Ad Domination 89%:";$:#%<=>?%@AB%CDB%EFB% In-Language Materials )*+,-.#/0#12 $G%HIJ%K3%LM%NOPQ' 34567#89'$ :;<#=>?@ABC In-Language Street DE#FG#@#HI#5JKLMNO PQR#STUV% 5JP34_VS` !"#$%&'()*+ !,-./(01+ WXXYZ[(]^ Team Presence ROP Advertising in High RS6%TB $ 50 2345678(893:(;< Visibility Newsprint =>?@AB(CDB(EB(F2G H(IJ(KL !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$%&'$(&)*(+$%#,-$+()".(&#&,/&0/$($#$%123$%$4(5,+,.(6$.%"7-+4-"6("%(&(8$.%"9!:(+."%$(;"%(,);"%6&.,")(")(+7$-,;,-(<$%6+( Television Buy &)*(!")*,.,")+(";(:$%#,-$=(-"#$%&'$(&%$&+=(3&)*+$.(-&7&0,/,.,$+(&)*(&)1(&77/,-&0/$(%$+.%,-.,")+4(>&.$+=(+$%#,-$+(&)*(;$&.?%$+( +?0@$-.(."(-3&)'$4(8$.%"9!:(%$/&.$*(.%&*$6&%A+=(+$%#,-$(6&%A+=(&)*(".3$%(,).$//$-.?&/(7%"7$%.1(&%$(.3$($B-/?+,#$(7%"7$%.,$+( ";(8$.%"9!:(C,%$/$++=(D)-4(E)*%",*(,+(&(.%&*$6&%A(";(F""'/$(D)-4(( Event Sponsorships
  • 13. Digital Marketing - Experience Experienced in Analytical Tools SEO, SEM Media Buy Website Design Media Generation Facebook Community Building Twitter Utilization
  • 14. Digital Marketing - Like Us WIN Integrated Dealer Campaign and Request by Dealer to Develop a pair of Yankee tickets Online Presence plus: 2 hour Pregame Party at Yankee Stadium (Malibu Rooftop Deck) Built 5 Facebook Pages GAME DAY Developed In-Store Ads Sept. 7th Executed SMS Promotion 30inPairs July 15 through August 15 30 Days Winners will be notified by 08.24 to build page Likes Promotion Like us Follow us fb.me/MetroBK001 888.8metro8 | metropcs.com @MetroBK001 Limited time offer, subject to change, offer ends August 15, 2011. Only followers of our Twitter feed and Likes to our Facebook page are eligible to win. One pair per winner. 30 winners will be selected. Must be able to attend on September 7th. Odds depend on the number of entries. No purchase neccessary. Coverage and services not available everywhere. Visit metropcs.com or a MetroPCS store for information on specific Terms and Conditions of Service, coverage areas, handset capabilities and any applicable restrictions. Rates, services and features subject to change. MetroPCS related trademarks, service marks, and other intellectual property are the exclusive properties of MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. 30 Day Campaing SMS blast to current customers Customized posters in each location Results SMS Accepts = 412 FB Likes = 626 Total Cost = $5,000
  • 15. Co-Op Marketing - Turnkey MDF Program Developed Turnkey Dealer Co- Op Program Voluntary Program 1/3-2/3 MDF Split Ground level Tactics Employed Flyer Teams Direct Mail Door Tags Events 170 Door Participation in October $150,000 Monthly Spend
  • 16. Tony Wisniewski THANK YOU!!!! 914.258.0001 tony.wisniewski@gmail.com

Editor's Notes