
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
    Failure Modes Driven Strategy is defined as                        The Objective: (Prevention or early identification
    maintenance strategies (PM/PdM) focused on                         of a Failure Mode)
    prevention or identification of specific
                                                                       1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure
    failure modes
                                                                       modes and their causes) typically on critical
                                                                       equipment first.
           Its all about the Failure Modes
                                                                       2nd: To prevent a failure mode from occurring
                                                                       through known best practices such as the right
                                                                       lubrication at the right time.
                                                                       3rd: Equipment runs failure free longer because of
                                                                       the application of repeatable, effective procedures.

             Equipment Maintenance Plan
                   (Source: AlliedReliability)

A Failure Mode is the condition that causes a                                       I-PF Curve  AlliedReliability
Functional Failure.
                                                                       The Objective: (Identification of a Failure Mode
A Functional Failure is the inability of an item (or                   early on the PF Curve  Potential Failure)
the equipment containing it) to meet a specified
performance standard.                                                  1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure
                                                                       modes and their causes) typically on critical
Example: Motor bearing is failing due the Failure                      equipment first, this is 5-20% of your assets.
Mode Abrasion caused by improper lubrication                         2nd: To identify a failure mode early enough to
(see chart above). A Functional Failure would be if a                  correct the Defect (abnormality) before the
roller bearing did not rotate. If the bearing is not                   equipment fails. An example is high vibration with a
changed before it stops rotating other damage within                   severity of Low. Planning the job effectively,
the motor and coupling could occur.                                    executing the job using repeatable procedures with
                                                                       specifications/standards. (see PF Curve  Early
A Potential Failure is an identifiable physical
condition that indicates a functional failure is
imminent and is usually identified by a Maintenance
Technician using predictive or quantitative
preventive maintenance.

                                                                              Page油1油of油2油                                     GPAllied
                                油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油If油you油have油questions油or油would油like油any油of油the油references:油油                Suite油110油
                        油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油rsmith@gpallied.com油                    Charleston,油SC油29405油
                                                                           www.gpallied.com油                       Fax油(843)油4145779油
3rd: Scheduling the corrective work without
interrupting operations. Corrective work
conducted during Windows of Opportunity.

4th: Scheduling corrective work based on
Potential Failures

        Proactive Planning and Scheduling a
                  Potential Failure

    References: Modern Approach to Risk Management Article
                       - AlliedReliability
             FRACAS 際際滷 Presentation - GPAllied

                                                                                Page油2油of油2油                                     GPAllied
                                  油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油If油you油have油questions油or油would油like油any油of油the油references:油油                Suite油110油
                          油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油rsmith@gpallied.com油                    Charleston,油SC油29405油
                                                                             www.gpallied.com油                       Fax油(843)油4145779油

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Tool Box Training - Failure Mode Driven Strategy 1

  • 1. Failure油Modes油Driven油Strategy油 MONTHY油TRAINING油TOPICS油油Journey油to油World油Class油 This油training油is油designed油for油a油maintenance油manager油or油reliability油manager油油 to油train油their油staff油in油known油best油practices油 油 Failure Modes Driven Strategy is defined as The Objective: (Prevention or early identification maintenance strategies (PM/PdM) focused on of a Failure Mode) prevention or identification of specific 1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure failure modes modes and their causes) typically on critical equipment first. Its all about the Failure Modes 2nd: To prevent a failure mode from occurring through known best practices such as the right lubrication at the right time. 3rd: Equipment runs failure free longer because of the application of repeatable, effective procedures. Equipment Maintenance Plan (Source: AlliedReliability) A Failure Mode is the condition that causes a I-PF Curve AlliedReliability Functional Failure. The Objective: (Identification of a Failure Mode A Functional Failure is the inability of an item (or early on the PF Curve Potential Failure) the equipment containing it) to meet a specified performance standard. 1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure modes and their causes) typically on critical Example: Motor bearing is failing due the Failure equipment first, this is 5-20% of your assets. Mode Abrasion caused by improper lubrication 2nd: To identify a failure mode early enough to (see chart above). A Functional Failure would be if a correct the Defect (abnormality) before the roller bearing did not rotate. If the bearing is not equipment fails. An example is high vibration with a changed before it stops rotating other damage within severity of Low. Planning the job effectively, the motor and coupling could occur. executing the job using repeatable procedures with specifications/standards. (see PF Curve Early Detection) A Potential Failure is an identifiable physical condition that indicates a functional failure is imminent and is usually identified by a Maintenance Technician using predictive or quantitative preventive maintenance. Page油1油of油2油 GPAllied 4360油Corporate油Road油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油If油you油have油questions油or油would油like油any油of油the油references:油油 Suite油110油 油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油rsmith@gpallied.com油 Charleston,油SC油29405油 Office油(843)油4145760油 www.gpallied.com油 Fax油(843)油4145779油 油
  • 2. Failure油Modes油Driven油Strategy油 MONTHY油TRAINING油TOPICS油油Journey油to油World油Class油 This油training油is油designed油for油a油maintenance油manager油or油reliability油manager油油 to油train油their油staff油in油known油best油practices油 油 3rd: Scheduling the corrective work without interrupting operations. Corrective work conducted during Windows of Opportunity. 4th: Scheduling corrective work based on Potential Failures Proactive Planning and Scheduling a Potential Failure References: Modern Approach to Risk Management Article - AlliedReliability FRACAS 際際滷 Presentation - GPAllied Page油2油of油2油 GPAllied 4360油Corporate油Road油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油If油you油have油questions油or油would油like油any油of油the油references:油油 Suite油110油 油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油rsmith@gpallied.com油 Charleston,油SC油29405油 Office油(843)油4145760油 www.gpallied.com油 Fax油(843)油4145779油 油