A Failure Mode Driven Strategy focuses is when you maintenance strategies are focused on preventing a failure or identifying it early enough so that we have time to plan and schedule a repair before it fails.
This document discusses the Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) process for identifying equipment failures and eliminating or mitigating their effects. FRACAS involves analyzing failure reports from maintenance management systems to identify common failure patterns, defects, and causes across assets. This allows organizations to focus reliability improvements on eliminating recurring failures. The document provides examples of how to validate an equipment hierarchy, conduct a criticality analysis, and develop failure codes to track specific failure modes in order to continuously improve maintenance strategies through the FRACAS process.
Matthew Berchen is seeking a field service technician position after leaving the Navy in July 2015. He has experience as a sonar technician in the Navy working with electronics, troubleshooting, and mechanical systems. He is skilled in electrical work and a fast learner.
The FMEA embodies a process that is intended to identify equipment failure modes, their causes, and finally the effects that might result should these failure modes occur during product operation.
The document summarizes the key features of OMCS International's PMO2000TM Reliability Assurance Software Suite. It allows for reliability centered maintenance, risk analysis, integration with SAP systems, and customizable reporting. The software provides a complete solution for asset reliability from initial analysis through implementation and management.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a proven, logical, sensible approach that helps companies improve reliability.
Yet most companies are not getting the return they expected. They see RCM as too much trouble for too little reward.
So thats why we decided to publish this new report. Find out why RCM doesnt work, what needs to change and how to put RCM to work at your company so it doesnt become another Resource Consuming Monster.
El anime es el t辿rmino que identifica a los dibujos animados de origen japon辿s, que es un medio de entretenimiento comercial y arte tecnol坦gico popular en Jap坦n dirigido a todos los p炭blicos. El anime puede abordar temas diversos como el amor, la aventura, la ciencia ficci坦n y los deportes. Tradicionalmente se dibuja a mano, pero ahora tambi辿n se hace con animaci坦n por computadora. Sus guiones incluyen varios g辿neros de ficci坦n y se transmiten por televisi坦n, video y pel鱈culas, con much
Parece ser muito f叩cil escolher a principio,
nossas escolhas sempre ultrapassam limites que desempenha a nossa vida por esta terra,por isso entendemos que escolher 辿 a dire巽達o da vida.
o que nos cabe cumprir por esta via da historia?
O documento descreve as impress探es de uma aluna sobre o projeto UCA. Ela apontou como desafios o tamanho da tela e teclado do computador, al辿m de algumas nomenclaturas do sistema. Por outro lado, ela destacou os avan巽os de ter aprendido a usar o mouse e se familiarizado com o sistema do computador.
El documento describe la historia y caracter鱈sticas de la t辿cnica de pintura al pastel. Comenz坦 en el siglo XVI en Francia e Italia y alcanz坦 su apogeo en el siglo XVII, especialmente en retratos. Artistas como Degas popularizaron el pastel en el arte moderno debido a su amplia gama de colores brillantes. Los colores pastel se caracterizan por contener al menos un 65% de blanco, lo que los hace suaves, tranquilos y asociados con la paz y la intimidad.
Interesantismo manual de vocabulario tecnologico explicado por ni単os, lo que hacen que se entiendan sin problemas palbras poco familiares y complicadas para el usuario final.
1. A pesquisa brasileira de m鱈dia 2015 revela que a televis達o continua sendo o meio de comunica巽達o mais consumido pelos brasileiros, que passam em m辿dia 4h31 por dia assistindo TV.
2. Cerca de metade dos brasileiros usa internet, e o tempo gasto online aumentou para quase 5 horas por dia, mais do que o tempo gasto com a TV.
3. Jornais continuam sendo os ve鱈culos de m鱈dia mais confi叩veis para os brasileiros, mas poucos os leem diariamente, e a leitura de vers
Este projeto de pesquisa analisar叩 as principais dificuldades de leitura e escrita em crian巽as do 1o ano do ensino fundamental. As hip坦teses incluem que a falta de incentivo leitura e escrita e o ambiente leitor contribuem para as dificuldades, e que novas metodologias docentes podem melhor叩-las. A pesquisa usar叩 question叩rios, pesquisa bibliogr叩fica e de campo com abordagem qualitativa.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear una p叩gina web para el Colegio Ana Julia Holgu鱈n de Hurtado utilizando Google Sites. Las instrucciones incluyen realizar una b炭squeda en Google sobre c坦mo crear p叩ginas web con Google Sites, descargar informaci坦n sobre c坦mo crear una p叩gina web en Google Sites desde 際際滷Share despu辿s de crear una cuenta, y crear y publicar la p叩gina web del colegio en Google Sites y Edmodo, as鱈 como hacer un tutorial sobre Google Sites en formato de video para publicar en YouTube utilizando herramientas de captura
O documento lista 14 pessoas e suas respectivas informa巽探es sobre iniciar ou n達o o processo noturno de RVCC da 4a classe. Algumas pessoas v達o iniciar o processo, uma n達o quer iniciar, e outras est達o em grupos LB98 da 4a classe.
This job posting is for a Factory HR Assistant located in Ny鱈rb叩tor, Hungary. The main duties of the role include providing assistance to fulfill labor and social insurance needs according to regulations, delivering high quality HR services to employees, and tracking and addressing issues. Additional responsibilities involve recruitment, payroll administration such as distributing payslips, and preparing various reports. The ideal candidate will have a degree in HR, intermediate English skills, at least 2 years of HR experience, and good computer and communication skills.
ND Pharma & Biotech produces PUREMEAT TM, a natural potassium L-lactate preservative made through sugar fermentation. It has a mild salty flavor, antimicrobial properties, and neutral pH. The formula consists of a food-grade potassium lactate with exceptional organoleptic capabilities. It meets current FDA and EFSA legislation standards for use as a food preservative.
Douglas Ness has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneurial businessman and aerospace professional. He has founded multiple companies, held CEO and COO positions, and successfully identified new business opportunities, planned products, led teams, and managed employees. He is seeking a new opportunity involving office management, business development, product management, marketing, training, and customer support where he can apply his broad experience.
Estudio de Empresas Gacela y de Alto crecimientoa v2INFORMA D&B
A ra鱈z de los estudios llevados a cabo por David Birch, un investigador del MIT, que en los a単os 70 demostraban las que PYMEs eran el motor de la creaci坦n de empleos m叩s que las grandes empresas como se pensaba generalmente, se han multiplicado los estudios sobre las denominadas empresas de Alto Crecimiento y Gacelas.
Loter鱈a "Monumentos de la ciudad de M辿xico"MillieBi
Este documento presenta un proyecto de dise単o gr叩fico para crear un juego de loter鱈a sobre los monumentos m叩s importantes de la Ciudad de M辿xico. El juego incluir叩 24 tarjetas ilustradas con monumentos, 4 tablas de juego, y fichas comestibles con forma de frijoles. El objetivo es ense単ar la cultura mexicana a trav辿s de un juego divertido y tradicional.
Maintenance Supervisors are the people who make the largest impact on reliability in most organizations and thus I created this program to provide ideas which will allow them to far exceed managements expectations and make a real difference in day to day maintenance of their equipment and motivation of their staff
CompTIA exam study guide presentations by instructor Brian Ferrill, PACE-IT (Progressive, Accelerated Certifications for Employment in Information Technology)
"Funded by the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Grant #TC-23745-12-60-A-53"
Learn more about the PACE-IT Online program: www.edcc.edu/pace-it
Operator Care is a simple process that engages all of the personnel working within the organization towards a common goal of increased throughput and decreased equipment delays.
It is simple in that it engages all of the ears, eyes, and noses in the early identification of equipment abnormalities (rather than the subsequent failures) and provides a simple means to report and track the repairs to be performed.
El documento describe la historia y caracter鱈sticas de la t辿cnica de pintura al pastel. Comenz坦 en el siglo XVI en Francia e Italia y alcanz坦 su apogeo en el siglo XVII, especialmente en retratos. Artistas como Degas popularizaron el pastel en el arte moderno debido a su amplia gama de colores brillantes. Los colores pastel se caracterizan por contener al menos un 65% de blanco, lo que los hace suaves, tranquilos y asociados con la paz y la intimidad.
Interesantismo manual de vocabulario tecnologico explicado por ni単os, lo que hacen que se entiendan sin problemas palbras poco familiares y complicadas para el usuario final.
1. A pesquisa brasileira de m鱈dia 2015 revela que a televis達o continua sendo o meio de comunica巽達o mais consumido pelos brasileiros, que passam em m辿dia 4h31 por dia assistindo TV.
2. Cerca de metade dos brasileiros usa internet, e o tempo gasto online aumentou para quase 5 horas por dia, mais do que o tempo gasto com a TV.
3. Jornais continuam sendo os ve鱈culos de m鱈dia mais confi叩veis para os brasileiros, mas poucos os leem diariamente, e a leitura de vers
Este projeto de pesquisa analisar叩 as principais dificuldades de leitura e escrita em crian巽as do 1o ano do ensino fundamental. As hip坦teses incluem que a falta de incentivo leitura e escrita e o ambiente leitor contribuem para as dificuldades, e que novas metodologias docentes podem melhor叩-las. A pesquisa usar叩 question叩rios, pesquisa bibliogr叩fica e de campo com abordagem qualitativa.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear una p叩gina web para el Colegio Ana Julia Holgu鱈n de Hurtado utilizando Google Sites. Las instrucciones incluyen realizar una b炭squeda en Google sobre c坦mo crear p叩ginas web con Google Sites, descargar informaci坦n sobre c坦mo crear una p叩gina web en Google Sites desde 際際滷Share despu辿s de crear una cuenta, y crear y publicar la p叩gina web del colegio en Google Sites y Edmodo, as鱈 como hacer un tutorial sobre Google Sites en formato de video para publicar en YouTube utilizando herramientas de captura
O documento lista 14 pessoas e suas respectivas informa巽探es sobre iniciar ou n達o o processo noturno de RVCC da 4a classe. Algumas pessoas v達o iniciar o processo, uma n達o quer iniciar, e outras est達o em grupos LB98 da 4a classe.
This job posting is for a Factory HR Assistant located in Ny鱈rb叩tor, Hungary. The main duties of the role include providing assistance to fulfill labor and social insurance needs according to regulations, delivering high quality HR services to employees, and tracking and addressing issues. Additional responsibilities involve recruitment, payroll administration such as distributing payslips, and preparing various reports. The ideal candidate will have a degree in HR, intermediate English skills, at least 2 years of HR experience, and good computer and communication skills.
ND Pharma & Biotech produces PUREMEAT TM, a natural potassium L-lactate preservative made through sugar fermentation. It has a mild salty flavor, antimicrobial properties, and neutral pH. The formula consists of a food-grade potassium lactate with exceptional organoleptic capabilities. It meets current FDA and EFSA legislation standards for use as a food preservative.
Douglas Ness has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneurial businessman and aerospace professional. He has founded multiple companies, held CEO and COO positions, and successfully identified new business opportunities, planned products, led teams, and managed employees. He is seeking a new opportunity involving office management, business development, product management, marketing, training, and customer support where he can apply his broad experience.
Estudio de Empresas Gacela y de Alto crecimientoa v2INFORMA D&B
A ra鱈z de los estudios llevados a cabo por David Birch, un investigador del MIT, que en los a単os 70 demostraban las que PYMEs eran el motor de la creaci坦n de empleos m叩s que las grandes empresas como se pensaba generalmente, se han multiplicado los estudios sobre las denominadas empresas de Alto Crecimiento y Gacelas.
Loter鱈a "Monumentos de la ciudad de M辿xico"MillieBi
Este documento presenta un proyecto de dise単o gr叩fico para crear un juego de loter鱈a sobre los monumentos m叩s importantes de la Ciudad de M辿xico. El juego incluir叩 24 tarjetas ilustradas con monumentos, 4 tablas de juego, y fichas comestibles con forma de frijoles. El objetivo es ense単ar la cultura mexicana a trav辿s de un juego divertido y tradicional.
Maintenance Supervisors are the people who make the largest impact on reliability in most organizations and thus I created this program to provide ideas which will allow them to far exceed managements expectations and make a real difference in day to day maintenance of their equipment and motivation of their staff
CompTIA exam study guide presentations by instructor Brian Ferrill, PACE-IT (Progressive, Accelerated Certifications for Employment in Information Technology)
"Funded by the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Grant #TC-23745-12-60-A-53"
Learn more about the PACE-IT Online program: www.edcc.edu/pace-it
Operator Care is a simple process that engages all of the personnel working within the organization towards a common goal of increased throughput and decreased equipment delays.
It is simple in that it engages all of the ears, eyes, and noses in the early identification of equipment abnormalities (rather than the subsequent failures) and provides a simple means to report and track the repairs to be performed.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a process that determines the best policies for managing asset functions and failures. It considers all asset management options like condition monitoring, scheduled restoration, and scheduled discard. RCM provides the optimal mix of reactive, time-based, condition-based, and proactive maintenance practices. When applied to commercial airlines in the 1970s, RCM reduced equipment-related crashes from 40 to 0.3 per million take-offs.
This document provides an overview of a 12-month training course titled "Maintenance Excellence for Supervisors" aimed at teaching maintenance supervisors best practices for maintenance, reliability, and leadership. The course consists of 12 sessions held over web meetings. It aims to help facilities transition to higher levels of asset utilization, availability, and a proactive maintenance culture. Supervisors are expected to complete homework between sessions and apply what they learn to see a 2-3x return on the $1,995 course investment within 12 months. Expected outcomes include improved asset availability and OEE as well as lower costs and a true change to a proactive maintenance culture.
Reliability Centred Maintenance is a process used to determine what must be done to ensure that any physical asset continues to fulfil its intended functions in its present operating context.
The document discusses Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA). It explains that every product or process can have failure modes, even established ones, and that effective FMEAs require a team effort and should be done early in the design process. It also outlines the basic steps for a process FMEA, which involves identifying potential failures, effects, risks, and taking actions to reduce high-risk failures. The objective is to uncover process problems and reduce the risk of failures affecting products, efficiency or safety.
The document provides an overview of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as a tool to identify, analyze, and prevent potential product and process failures. It discusses the history and definitions of FMEA, the different types of FMEAs (system, design, process), how to conduct an FMEA including forming a team, terminology, scoring, and developing action plans to address high risks.
Reliability Centered Maintenenance Intro by Carl Byington - PHM Design, LLCCarl Byington
Carl Byington of PHM Design, LLC discusses Reliability Centered Maintenance.
RCM provides a great basis for developing a better CBM strategy. It assists us by:
Defining system functions
Defining modes of operation
Developing reliability models
Defining failure mode effects on higher levels
Defining severity and frequency of failure modes
The Antidote to Implementation Failure in the World of Asset ManagementNancy Regan
This presentation details how implementation of asset management strategies can be vastly improved by establishing a bedrock of fundamental knowledge across a team before any reliability improvement process is ever initiated. And it provides the steps on how to do it.
FMEA is a procedure for analyzing potential failures in a system. It helps identify failures, classify them by severity, and determine how failures affect the system. FMEA is used in manufacturing to design quality and reliability into products early in development. It involves identifying potential failure modes, studying their effects, and recommending actions to address failures with high risks. FMEA aims to improve reliability by analyzing failures before problems occur.
CADmantra Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best Cad training company in northern zone in India . which are provided many types of courses in cad field i.e AUTOCAD,SOLIDWORK,CATIA,CRE-O,Uniraphics-NX, CNC, REVIT, STAAD.Pro. And many courses
Contact: www.cadmantra.com
This document outlines the fundamentals of an effective maintenance program. It discusses key aspects such as viewing maintenance as part of the manufacturing process, having clear roles and responsibilities, keeping equipment clean, using a maintenance management system to track work, developing maintenance strategies based on equipment criticality and failure modes, fixing breakdowns quickly using problem analysis, and ensuring maintenance staff have high skills and perform quality work.
Part II - Why-asset-management-system-software-implementations-failTranscendent
The document discusses common reasons why asset management system software implementations fail. It identifies 5 critical points of failure: 1) poorly defined project scope, 2) not prioritizing the most impactful parts of the system, 3) unresponsive technical support, 4) lack of benchmarks, and 5) ineffective training. It stresses the importance of managing expectations, including customer objectives, required customization, and responsibilities of each party. Clear expectations help address many potential points of failure.
CompTIA exam study guide presentations by instructor Brian Ferrill, PACE-IT (Progressive, Accelerated Certifications for Employment in Information Technology)
"Funded by the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Grant油#TC-23745-12-60-A-53"
Learn more about the PACE-IT Online program: www.edcc.edu/pace-it
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a structured process that identifies the underlying causes of undesirable events. It can be used for both single and multidisciplinary cases. The RCA process involves data collection, identifying the immediate causes and basic causes of failures, and determining where lack of control contributed. Common investigation techniques include STEP, FMEA, and fault tree analysis. Laboratory analysis of failed parts is also important for identifying causes like material defects, corrosion, or overloading. Identifying root causes allows corrective actions to be implemented to prevent future recurrence.
This document outlines the key knowledge, skills, and responsibilities required of proactive maintenance technicians. It discusses topics like maintenance best practices, preventive and predictive maintenance, planning and scheduling, execution, safety compliance, technical knowledge, and leadership. The document emphasizes that technicians should have defined roles and responsibilities, follow repeatable processes, and use metrics to monitor performance and drive improvement. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements to be a successful proactive maintenance technician.
Having experience as a Maintenance Manager and Maintenance Consultant I wrote this article. The one Maintenance Manager that inspired me the most was Rick Mullen, former Engineering and Maintenance Manager at Anheuser Busch, who by far the #1 Maintenance Manager I ever met.
What does a "Day in the Life of a Proactive Maintenance Planner" look like. This article was writen based on my experience at Alcoa Mt Holly (Certified as World Class Maintenance).
A proactive maintenance supervisor's day involves:
1. Updating the equipment status and production schedule and ensuring technicians are prepared and assigned to the correct work.
2. Visiting job sites to check on work and ensure no problems will delay the maintenance schedule.
3. Validating work order documentation and codes are accurate before closing out work orders from the previous day.
How to know if your maintenance planning and scheduling is not effectiveRicky Smith CMRP, CMRT
Many times companies have Maintenance Planning and Scheduling however it is not effective as they like it to be. This article helps anyone who is struggling the Planning and Scheduling with a few ideas.
If you have questions email me at rsmith@worldclassmaintenance.org
Ever wondered what a "Day in the Life of a Proactive Maintenance Supervisor". Checkout this article and see how it matching where you are. If you have questions send Ricky an email to rsmith@worldclassmaintenance.org
A proactive maintenance technician is a highly trained professional who is an expert in his or her skills area, has knowledge of other skills areas, including safety and production, and has a desire to learn more. This professional knows and can
implement a failure-modes driven maintenance strategy for any piece of equipment.
A proactive maintenance technician uses knowledge and experience to ensure the maintenance process is optimized by making constructive recommendations to
management concerning improvement areas.
To ensure success, a proactive maintenance technician is proactive in everything he or she does. This person constantly reviews information to ensure procedures are accurate and issues are resolved quickly and does what is required to ensure the work is repeatable. Such a professional leads by example and takes responsibility for training new employees on how to be a proactive and effective maintenance technician.
The document discusses best maintenance repair practices and identifies issues that commonly prevent organizations from following them. It finds that 70% of equipment failures are self-induced due to maintenance personnel not knowing or following basic maintenance practices. Surveys showed over 90% of maintenance personnel lacked complete mechanical maintenance fundamentals. The document outlines best practices such as taking a proactive rather than reactive approach, ensuring maintenance personnel have requisite skills, and providing discipline and direction to follow practices. It recommends organizations identify whether issues exist, determine the causes, provide training to change maintenance culture, and develop a proactive maintenance strategy to implement changes and measure financial gains from following best practices.
The objective of the Parts Checkout process to ensure the right part is in stock when required by Maintenance / Operations to provide Production with Reliable Assets.
> Parts / Material Checkout Guiding Principles:
All parts/material used for an asset will be charge to the asset via a Work Order
No blanket work orders blanket work orders lead to lack of failure information due to failure threads of like parts/material
Overnight ordering of parts is an exception and not the general rule
The Materials Management Process will be managed with Leading and Lagging KPIs
... and so much more
Best Maintenance Lubrication Practices are essential to
optimal life for ball and rolling element bearings.
There are four factors that are important when
lubricating bearings:
1. What type of lubrication?
2. How much lubrication?
3. How frequently should lubrication be applied?
4. How should the lubrication be applied to ensure
contamination control?
... and so much more covered on this document
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling is critical to success of any Maintenance Organization resulting in a significant increase in Wrench-time (Hands on Tool Time). Planning and Scheduling are two distinct functions which are dependent on each other.
Top 7 Reasons why Maintenance Work Orders are Closed Out AccuratelyRicky Smith CMRP, CMRT
Closing out work orders accurately is critical for leadership to make the right decisions at the right time with accurate data and it can only occur if work orders are Closed with the Right Information/Data.
If metrics and Key Performance Indicators are so important where are people pulling the data from without their work orders having the right data on them when they are closed into that dark hole called the CMMS or EAM.
Without good data you are lost and probably are making decisions based on passion and not facts.
Very few organizations pay attention to hydraulic leaks and how they can impact production capacity, asset reliability, and reactivity when a mitigation strategy is in place.
This Tool Box Talk may help you take that next step.
Most companies spend a lot of money training their maintenance personnel to troubleshoot a hydraulic system.
If we focused on preventing system failure then we could spend less time and money on troubleshooting a hydraulic system. We normally except hydraulic system failure rather than deciding not to except hydraulic failure as the norm. Lets spend the time and money to eliminate hydraulic failure rather than preparing for failure.
Preventive Maintenance - Actions performed on a time- or machine-run-based schedule that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level. (Definition Source: SMRP Best Practices)
Maintenance Skills Training for industry is a hot subject right now. In many areas of the country, companies are competing for skilled maintenance personnel.
A Deloitte study found that the skills gap may leave an estimated 2.4 million positions unfilled between 2018 and 2028, with a potential economic impact of $2.5 trillion
The skill level of the maintenance personnel in most companies is well below what industry would say is acceptable. In the past, I have been involved with the assessment of the skill level for hundreds of maintenance personnel in the U.S. and Canada and found 80% of the people assessed scored less than 50% of where they need to be in the basic technical skills to perform their jobs. The literacy level of maintenance personnel is also a problem. In some areas of the United States we find that up to 40% of maintenance personnel in a plant are reading below the eighth grade level. After performing the Gunning FOG index, we find the reading level for mechanical maintenance personnel should be the twelfth year level and electrical maintenance personnel the fourteenth year level (associate degree).
Much has been written about lean manufacturing and the lean enterpriseenough that nearly all readers are familiar with the concepts as well as the phrases themselves. But what about lean maintenance?
Is it merely a subset of lean manufacturing? Is it a natural fall-in-behind spinoff result of adopting lean manufacturing practices?
Much to the chagrin of many manufacturing companies, whose attempts at implementing lean practices have failed ignominiously, lean maintenance is neither a subset nor a spinoff of lean manufacturing. It is instead a prerequisite for success as a lean manufacturer. This article will explain why.
The document discusses best maintenance repair practices and identifies that 70% of equipment failures are self-induced due to a lack of following these practices. Surveys found that 30-50% of failures are from a lack of basic maintenance knowledge by personnel, and another 20-30% are from personnel who have skills but do not follow practices. Most maintenance personnel lack complete basic mechanical maintenance fundamentals. The article then outlines some best practices, such as taking a proactive rather than reactive approach and ensuring personnel have the proper skills. Not following these practices can significantly impact a company's bottom line through things like reduced production capacity. The reasons companies often do not follow best practices include a reactive culture, unskilled personnel, a lack of discipline
This document provides information on preventive maintenance and steps to improve a preventive maintenance program. It begins with a definition of preventive maintenance as actions taken on a scheduled basis to detect and mitigate system degradation. It then announces a workshop on preventive maintenance fundamentals. The fundamentals discussed are focusing preventive maintenance procedures on specific failure modes and including instructions, specifications, and space for recording condition findings and recommendations. It recommends including failure history when assigning work orders and investigating root causes for critical failures between maintenance cycles. Finally, it outlines six steps to take if preventive maintenance is not meeting expectations, starting with acknowledging the problem and creating an optimization team.
Every wondered what the life of a Proactive Maintenance Technician looks like. This article was written based on my experience as a Proactive Maintenance Technician.
Tool Box Training - Failure Mode Driven Strategy 1
1. Failure油Modes油Driven油Strategy油
Failure Modes Driven Strategy is defined as The Objective: (Prevention or early identification
maintenance strategies (PM/PdM) focused on of a Failure Mode)
prevention or identification of specific
1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure
failure modes
modes and their causes) typically on critical
equipment first.
Its all about the Failure Modes
2nd: To prevent a failure mode from occurring
through known best practices such as the right
lubrication at the right time.
3rd: Equipment runs failure free longer because of
the application of repeatable, effective procedures.
Equipment Maintenance Plan
(Source: AlliedReliability)
A Failure Mode is the condition that causes a I-PF Curve AlliedReliability
Functional Failure.
The Objective: (Identification of a Failure Mode
A Functional Failure is the inability of an item (or early on the PF Curve Potential Failure)
the equipment containing it) to meet a specified
performance standard. 1st: To know how specific equipment fails (failure
modes and their causes) typically on critical
Example: Motor bearing is failing due the Failure equipment first, this is 5-20% of your assets.
Mode Abrasion caused by improper lubrication 2nd: To identify a failure mode early enough to
(see chart above). A Functional Failure would be if a correct the Defect (abnormality) before the
roller bearing did not rotate. If the bearing is not equipment fails. An example is high vibration with a
changed before it stops rotating other damage within severity of Low. Planning the job effectively,
the motor and coupling could occur. executing the job using repeatable procedures with
specifications/standards. (see PF Curve Early
A Potential Failure is an identifiable physical
condition that indicates a functional failure is
imminent and is usually identified by a Maintenance
Technician using predictive or quantitative
preventive maintenance.
Page油1油of油2油 GPAllied
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