Interested in Hosting an Eat Think Vote Event?
Its easy the Eat Think Vote Toolkit is Here to Help You!
We have put together this handy toolkit as a step-by-step guide to hosting a successful event.
Find more about the campaign here:
3. Welcome to the Eat Think Vote Team
So you are thinking of hosting an Eat Think Vote
event in your community? Were here to help!
The Eat Think Vote toolkit is a valuable how-to
guide on hosting a successful event in your
Together you and thousands of Canadians across
the country will make food a priority in the
upcoming federal election.
Thank you, your help is essential!
4. Why organize an Eat Think Vote event?
To personally meet your candidates and show
that you and people in your community care
about food
To unite your voice with individuals and
organizations across the country advocating for
a national food policy
To make food a major election issue.
5. Eat Think Vote Events
Serving food with a message engaging candidates
and citizens on national food policy issues while
enjoying a community meal!
Between July and October 19th.
Keep reading this guide to find out!
6. What makes an
Eat Think Vote Event?
1. Offer food
2. Invite all candidates
3. Invite your community
4. A clear, united message
5. Following up with us
8. Food brings people together
Eat Think Vote events invite federal candidates
and citizens to share a meal and discuss food
issues. The events can be picnics, barbecues, or
meals at a food bank.
First decide what kind of event you want to host,
small or big: a tasting at a farmers market, a
breakfast in a school cafeteria or sharing a meal
in a community center ...
Your choice of food can carry a message or
be the catalyst for a great conversation about
food. Its up to you!
9. Ask food markets, neighborhood restaurants or local
farmers if they are willing to donate food. Dont
forget to acknowledge their contribution at the event!
If you have costs (food, rental, etc.) dont hesitate to
pass around a donation box during your event.
Participants often appreciate the opportunity to
[EAT]Food sourcing
11. We want to hear from all political parties. No
matter who is elected, we want politicians to
know Canadians in all ridings are passionate
about national food policy and food issues.
Once you have a vision, get informed on the
candidates availabilities and give them
advance notice - at least two weeks.
Invite candidate from all parties
Download here a template letter to
send to your candidates.
12. Who is my MP?
Which electoral riding am I in?
Who are the candidates in my electoral
Find my MPs Twitter handle and other
social media accounts.
Connect with your federal candidates!
14. The goal is to have a time and place for
your community to meet candidates.
Resources are always tight, integrate Eat
Think Vote into already planned events or
find partners locally to co-host your event.
The more you are, the merrier!
Partner locally
15. Your Eat Think Vote event can be open or
closed - it doesnt matter. Getting people
around the table who care about food is
the important part.
Candidates will come to events of 10, 20
or 100 people. They want to meet you and
other voters.
Download here a template letter to
send to your community.
Invite your community
17. Across Canada we will all repeat the same key
message: that Canada needs a national food policy.
Our members and allies have chosen 4 key Canadian
food issues to focus on. Each of these is an important
part of a national food policy.
Select all four, or the one issue that matters the most to
you and others in your riding. Why are these issues
important to you and your community?
Print off and share the materials on key issues with
candidates and people attending the meeting.
A clear, united message
18. Download our media tools if your need a media
advisory, press release or example of an op-ed.
Print and share material on the key issues with
the candidates and participants. This will help
move the conversation forward. You can even
send them in advance.
Communicate with the media
19. Select a facilitator that introduces the event, keeps track
of time and takes questions
Download an example of script to introduce your event.
Introduce the Eat Think Vote campaign and each
candidate attending the event
Offer the candidates the opportunity to explain their
views and whether they are willing to sign the pledge.
Dont forget to give them an equal amount of time.
Facilitate the event
Make sure you leave space and time for
questions and answers by the community and
why food is important to you and others in your
Dont forget to have someone taking notes!
21. Have a table with some documents is accessible or
where you can collect participants email.
Be sure to encourage the candidates to sign our
online candidates pledge during the event, and
participants to sign the petition.
We want to hear from you! What happened? What
did the candidates say? Report back to us and share
your story!
Take pictures, its a great photo opp!
Sign on and follow up
23. Your check-list
Contact your partners and volunteers
Decide the format and date of the event.
Select a venue and your food sourcing
Let your candidates know there will be an event
Sign up your event on our website. Here is how!
Outreach to community partners and volunteers
Invite the community and all political candidates
Give your local and provincial media a heads up !
Print and send out material on the key issues
Host the event!
Follow up with our national team and campaign
coordinators by filling this form.
24. Share the word before, during and after your
Re-use and adapt our press release
Facebook / Google + / Twitter
Get the word out!
25. Make Food Matter Advocacy Resource
Real Food Challenge
INTRAC Advocacy and Campaigning
Course Toolkit
Toronto Youth Food Policy Advocacy
Other resources
26. 1. Template of letter for your community
2. Template of letter for you candidates
3. How to register your event
4. Media tools
5. Example of script to introduce event
6. Template of poster for your event
7. Print-friendly document to collect petition
8. Follow up questionnaire
Index of resources
27. Our Eat Think Vote campaign coordinators are
here to support you!
Quebec, Atlantic Canada & Northern Territories
Hugo - hugo[at]
Ontario, Prairies & BC
Derek -[at]
Questions? Contact Us