This document discusses various development tools including version control systems, debuggers, profilers, emulators, documentation generators, and bug tracking software. It provides examples of specific tools for different programming languages and environments like Git, DoxyGen, Jira, and Xcode. The document also covers topics like build systems, static analysis, logging, and using scripts and simulations to aid the development process.
6. DoxyGen example
* <A short one line description>
* <Longer description>
* <May span multiple lines or paragraphs as needed>
* @param Description of method's or function's input parameter
* @param ...
* @return Description of the return value
37. Logs, Dumps, Event Traces
Debug by prints
Embedded / multithreaded
Log to file, to ram (may be shared)
Filter by module/severity
Dump part of the state
Event Traces
Binary, lightweight
38. Statistics
Event counts
In domain, or internal
Amount of function calls
Time of processing
CPU/RAM usage
39. Diagnostics
Now check them all!
During normal operation
Special diagnostics mode
For intrusive things
49. Scripting Engine
JS, Python, Lua, C# for .Net
Atom, Sublime text editors
Some games use Lua
VirtualBox uses Python
Even better automation! ^_^
51. Volodymyr Shymanskyy
Embedded Trainer
Embedded Software Developer
GL Hackerspace Co-Founder
skype: vshymanskyi
LinkedIn, Facebook
If youre using these materials for presentation, please add my name and LinkedIn to the Thanks slide. Also submit your ideas and corrections.