Mobile collaborative applications allow users to interact and achieve joint objectives. CooS is a middleware that supports coordination for these applications using location-based protocols. It handles coordination tasks like dynamically determining collaboration partners and managing interactions between partners. CooS requires location from mobile devices and handles the coordination protocol to support applications. It was prototyped using applications like TeamEnhancerApp, PassengerApp and TaxiApp to test coordination of tasks.
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COOS - Coordination Support for Mobile Collaborative Applications
1. CooS
Coordination Support for Mobile Collaborative
M叩rio Henrique Cruz Torres
iMinds Distrinet - KULeuven
December 2012
3. Mobile Collaborative Apps
users interact to achieve either their own, or joint
location is a 鍖rst class citizen
mix of crowd-sourcing, location services, mobile
users are an active component of the system, so called
4. Research
Collaborative traf鍖c routing 1
Search and Rescue 2
Public transportation optimization 3
Remote sensing 4
Dynamic Task Allocation 5
1 - SignalGuru: leveraging mobile phones for collaborative traf鍖c signal schedule advisory 2010
2 - Overseer: a mobile context-aware collaboration and task management system for disaster response Luqman 2010
3 - Towards a new mobility concept for cities: architecture and programming of semi-autonomous electric vehicles Rocha
4 - Task-Oriented Systems for Interaction with Ubiquitous Computing Environments Vo 2010
5 - Dynamic task allocation and coordination in cooperative multi-agent environments Suarez 2011
5. Problem
How to organize a group of workers who are geographically
spread but have to perform actions together?鍖uKWYRC_w
8. Key Challenges
Dynamically determine collaboration partners
Collaboration scale
Manage the interactions between collaboration
Coordinate collaboration partners actions
9. Coordination Challenges
Modeled as a task assignment problem
Known as Minimum Latency Problem - NP-hard
Similarities with the TSP
Minimize waiting time to perform each task
A simple and effective metaheuristic for the Minimum
Latency Problem - Melo Silva 2012
17. Pro鍖ling Setup
server: Intel i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10 GHz, 4 GiB of RAM,
executing an Ubuntu O.S. with the Linux kernel
clients siege the server using Siege (
HTTP POST request of 392 bytes each (header+CooS
18. 40
500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Transaction Rate (transactions/s)
CPU Load - at server side
23. Coordination Evaluation
500 workers
5000 machines
Mean time to repair a machine set to 1 hour
Standard deviation time to repair a machine set to 4
Average moving speed set to 20 km/h
80% of tasks require only one worker
26. Lessons Learned &
Open Issues
At the technical level. Concetps survive, but perhaps
we need to test other languages that could be better
(e.g. AmbientTalk)
Assigning tasks collaboratively is feasible. Is it good?
Compare collaborative solutions with meta-heuristic
Compare to other collaborative solutions, from Multi-
Agent Systems domain, for instance