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Top 10 do’s and don’ts when doing
Agile offshoring in Sweden

•   Ove Holmberg, OHC
•   Odd Sivertzen, Rumbline
•   Hannes Fries, H&M Hennes & Mauritz
•   Johan Berneskog, Don't Stop Believin'
•   John Cannerborg, Bridge Global IT Staffin
The Agile Offshoring network in
•   Founded during the spring of 2012
•   IT professionals with different backgrounds and
    industries, based in the Stockholm region
    o   Seven members in the core team
    o   Total of 25 members accessing our discussions
•   Host regular meetings to discuss around the
    topics of Agile, Offshoring and the combination
    of them
The study 10 Do's and Don'ts -
Agile Offshoring in Sweden
•   Last decade's increased interest in Offshoring and
    Agile processes in Sweden
    o   Successful, cost effective projects?

•   Agile requires tight team work
    o   How can it be combined with offshoring where team members in
        different cultures and timezones?

•   Study of companies and organizations in Sweden
    actively working with agile offshoring initiatives
•   Aim to define a number of important categories and
    complete a list of 10 Do's and 10 Don'ts to guide
    Swedish organizations
How the study was done
•   Based on open discussions - common interest in
    understanding what makes agile offshoring
    initiatives successful
    o   Focus on Sweden

•   Started with survey to find companies and
    organizations with experiences to share
    o   Survey

•   In depth interviews
•   The core team's own experiences
•   Experiences were given scores in voting
    o   Top 10 Do's and 10 Don'ts
Offshore Categories
•   The following categories have been identified during
    the work:
    o   Culture
    o   Geographical distance
    o   Learning curve
    o   Processes
    o   Organization & Roles
    o   Expections
    o   Mindset
    o   Tools

•   For each of the items on the Top 10 lists, the
    corresponding category is presented
#10 - Do - Organization & Roles
Clarify team loyalties

•   If the offshore team has a manager setting their bonus
    based upon quantity and a you as a project manager
    wants other focus, such as good quality - the offshore
    manager always will out-rule you.
•   Make sure that you are synchronized with the offshore
    manager on the expectations of the team.
#9 - Do - Processes
Delimit the scope

•   Do not rely too much on others' experiences
    - each organization is unique
     o Delimit the efforts until enough experience is gained to invest

•   Identify one or a few systems that are most suitable for
    offshoring to begin with
     o Get it all to work in a small scale first
#8 - Do - Tools
Same development tools allover

•   Use same development tools offshore as you use
    o If you use JIRA, GitHub or Leankit internally also let
       the offshore team do the same.
•   There are a lot of great tools out there, use them!
#7 - Do - Mindset
"Big Picture"

•   Make sure the offshore team understands the "big
    picture" of the project and not only understand the task
    they have been assigned.
     o Not fun to execute tasks without purpose and
     o More motivating to be part of something big
     o Fair setting to make a good job
     o DN.se
#6 - Do - Mindset
Long term vision

•   If you have the vision of working long term with an
    offshore team - Treat the offshore team in the same
    way as you treat your onshore team
     o Part of intranet
     o Internal newsletter
     o Let them live by your companies values
     o Outcome will be: motivated team members, people
        that stay long
#5 - Do - Tools
Working infrastructure

•   Make sure that you have a infra structure that are on
    the same level offshore as you have onshore.
    (Good quality of WIFI.)
•   "Reduce the distance" with help of good Internet
•   Get rid of all technical barriers
     o Video conference system
#4 - Do - Processes
Let members of the offshore team work onsite

•   Will make the offshore team members feel important
    and valuable
•   Gain better understanding of the business
•   Two teams will get to know each other and become
    friends, which benefit the actual work
•   Very good incentive as having onsite experience in CV
    is valuable and could help for extra motivation
     o Onsite rotational program with leads as well as team
#3 - Do - Processes
Visit the offshore site regularly

•   Make sure to meet the development team as well as the
    management team.
•   The dialogue with the development team should be
    made by a technical skilled person (e.g. Solution
    Architect) in order to really understand the developers
•   Involve end client
#2 - Do - Processes
Establish common values & terminology
and a learning culture
•   Establish common values
    o   Define and exemplify the values that are to be followed
          Examples:
              • The resources should propose improvements if possible and not just
                 implement according to the specification
              • It is ok to deliver later then planned (in dialogue with the project
                 manager) if the quality requires

•   Establish a common terminology
    o   Define the entities within the business domain and make shore the offshore
        resources understands them
    o   Define routines for how projects are implemented in your organization align them
        with the offshoring part

•   Establish a culture of continuous learning in the Agile way of working
    o   Get the resources used to continuous improvement where they are an important
        source for the improvements
#1 - Do - Culture, Geographical distance
Get to know the team members

•   As with all teams, each member is an individual
•   Important to get to know the offshore team members to
    learn who does what and to which quality
     o Good for assessing what responsibility to give to
•   Best way is to spend time with the team, preferably at
    the offsite location
The final score top 10 Do's
No    Description                                    Category
#1    Get to know the resources
                                                     Geographical distance

      Establish common values & terminology and a
#2                                                   Processes
      learning culture

#3    Visit the offshore site regularly              Processes

#4    Let members of the offshore team work onsite   Processes

#5    Working infrastructure                         Tools

#6    Long term vision                               Mindset

#7    "Big Picture"                                  Mindset

#8    Same development tools allover                 Tools

#9    Delimit the scope                              Processes

#10   Clarify team loyalties                         Organization & Roles
#10 - Don´t - Processes
Don't start any development without defined
criteria's being in place
•   Don't allow the development of a Feature to start unless there are:
    o Proper specifications
         The more complex a Feature is, the more important the specification
    o   Detailed estimates
         The bigger a Feature is, the more an estimate needs to be broken
    o   A common understanding between the business side
        (requirements owner) and the development team
         Could be secured via:
             •   a short "handover meeting" between the developer and the
                 requirements owner before the development starts
             •   a short "handover meeting" between the developer and the tester
                 before the testing starts
#9 - Don´t - Culture
When problems occur, don't focus on who
was responsible
•   Present what the problem was and exemplify and
    discuss how to avoid the problem in the future
    o Speak in general terms instead of focusing on the
•   Promote asking as problems occur
    o Could be against their culture
    o "Very good you asked! This saved us 20 hours as
       we now do not have to rewrite this piece of code!"
#8 - Don´t - Processes
Don't outsource before internal team is "on
the boat"
•   Don't take a management decision to outsource before
    internal team is "on the boat". Everyone need to
    understand the motive, the benefits and the reason for
    doing it.
     o Risk for internal conflicts
     o Risk that internal team works against the situation
     o Workshop
     o Interesting input from operations
     o Result: motivated staff - successful offshore initiative
#7 - Don´t - Processes
Don't underestimate the extra time needed
for admin work
•   Team leads will most certain have to spend time in
    additional status meetings etc. to get the remote team
    up and running
    o Easy to underestimate the actual time needed

•   The team lead role can potentially be very different from
    when only working with local teams
    o More regularly checking team status
    o Control questions to verify progress is according to
#6 - Don´t - Learning curve, Processes
Don't scale up too quickly

•   Don't increase the number of projects until the routines are
    established and the offshoring team is working well
    o Start with one or two pilot projects that are limited in
       size and complexity
         The planning should allow the project to be successful
    o Train the offshoring team regularly in the routines and
       the Agile way of working
         Get them used to continuous improvement where they are an
           important source for the improvements
#5 - Don´t - Organization & Roles
Don't forget the business side

•   Don't forget to involve the business side (requirements
    owner) in the work made by the development team.
•   They need to be involved daily and learn to know the
    people who work offshore
#4 - Don´t - Processes
Don't underestimate the importance of
physical meetings
•   "Internal english" takes time to understand
•   Body language
•   Hard to understand over the phone
#3 - Don´t - Culture
Don't assume things

•   Don't assume things - instead ask the extra question to
    build consensus
    o If you have not met
    o Different cultures
    o Please repeat
#2 - Don´t - Culture
Don't underestimate employee resistance

•   Organizations that do not have English as their
    corporate language or (experience of international
    cooperation) will most likely see resistance from
     o Linguistic and cultural barrier
          Both day-to-day interactions with the remote team
          Speaking in front of the team in daily stand-up meetings
•   Work with the HR department
•   Communicate the motives and goals with the offshoring
#1 - Don´t - Mindset
We and them

•   Don't embrace a mindset of "we and them". It should be
    us together as a team.
•   Teambuild
•   Visit a home
•   Agree on and communicate the common goal
The final score top 10 Dont's
No    Description                                                    Category

#1    We and them                                                    Mindset

#2    Don't underestimate employee resistance                        Culture

#3    Don't assume things                                            Culture

#4    Don't underestimate the importance of physical meetings        Processes

#5    Don't forget the business side                                 Organization & Roles

#6    Don't scale up too quickly                                     Learning curve, Processes

#7    Don't underestimate the extra time needed for admin work       Processes

#8    Don't outsource before internal team is "on the boat"          Processes

#9    When problems occur, don't focus on who was responsible        Culture

      Don't start any development without defined criteria's being
#10                                                                  Processes
      in place
Thanks for listening

•   Contact us on LinekdIn:

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Top 10 do's and dont's in agile offshoring

  • 1. Top 10 do’s and don’ts when doing Agile offshoring in Sweden • Ove Holmberg, OHC • Odd Sivertzen, Rumbline • Hannes Fries, H&M Hennes & Mauritz • Johan Berneskog, Don't Stop Believin' • John Cannerborg, Bridge Global IT Staffin
  • 2. The Agile Offshoring network in Stockholm • Founded during the spring of 2012 • IT professionals with different backgrounds and industries, based in the Stockholm region o Seven members in the core team o Total of 25 members accessing our discussions • Host regular meetings to discuss around the topics of Agile, Offshoring and the combination of them
  • 3. The study 10 Do's and Don'ts - Agile Offshoring in Sweden • Last decade's increased interest in Offshoring and Agile processes in Sweden o Successful, cost effective projects? • Agile requires tight team work o How can it be combined with offshoring where team members in different cultures and timezones? • Study of companies and organizations in Sweden actively working with agile offshoring initiatives • Aim to define a number of important categories and complete a list of 10 Do's and 10 Don'ts to guide Swedish organizations
  • 4. How the study was done • Based on open discussions - common interest in understanding what makes agile offshoring initiatives successful o Focus on Sweden • Started with survey to find companies and organizations with experiences to share o Survey • In depth interviews • The core team's own experiences • Experiences were given scores in voting o Top 10 Do's and 10 Don'ts
  • 5. Offshore Categories • The following categories have been identified during the work: o Culture o Geographical distance o Learning curve o Processes o Organization & Roles o Expections o Mindset o Tools • For each of the items on the Top 10 lists, the corresponding category is presented
  • 6. #10 - Do - Organization & Roles Clarify team loyalties • If the offshore team has a manager setting their bonus based upon quantity and a you as a project manager wants other focus, such as good quality - the offshore manager always will out-rule you. • Make sure that you are synchronized with the offshore manager on the expectations of the team.
  • 7. #9 - Do - Processes Delimit the scope • Do not rely too much on others' experiences - each organization is unique o Delimit the efforts until enough experience is gained to invest more • Identify one or a few systems that are most suitable for offshoring to begin with o Get it all to work in a small scale first
  • 8. #8 - Do - Tools Same development tools allover • Use same development tools offshore as you use onshore. o If you use JIRA, GitHub or Leankit internally also let the offshore team do the same. • There are a lot of great tools out there, use them!
  • 9. #7 - Do - Mindset "Big Picture" • Make sure the offshore team understands the "big picture" of the project and not only understand the task they have been assigned. o Not fun to execute tasks without purpose and meaning... o More motivating to be part of something big o Fair setting to make a good job o DN.se
  • 10. #6 - Do - Mindset Long term vision • If you have the vision of working long term with an offshore team - Treat the offshore team in the same way as you treat your onshore team o Part of intranet o Internal newsletter o Let them live by your companies values o Outcome will be: motivated team members, people that stay long
  • 11. #5 - Do - Tools Working infrastructure • Make sure that you have a infra structure that are on the same level offshore as you have onshore. (Good quality of WIFI.) • "Reduce the distance" with help of good Internet connections. • Get rid of all technical barriers o Video conference system
  • 12. #4 - Do - Processes Let members of the offshore team work onsite • Will make the offshore team members feel important and valuable • Gain better understanding of the business • Two teams will get to know each other and become friends, which benefit the actual work • Very good incentive as having onsite experience in CV is valuable and could help for extra motivation o Onsite rotational program with leads as well as team members
  • 13. #3 - Do - Processes Visit the offshore site regularly • Make sure to meet the development team as well as the management team. • The dialogue with the development team should be made by a technical skilled person (e.g. Solution Architect) in order to really understand the developers situation. • Involve end client
  • 14. #2 - Do - Processes Establish common values & terminology and a learning culture • Establish common values o Define and exemplify the values that are to be followed  Examples: • The resources should propose improvements if possible and not just implement according to the specification • It is ok to deliver later then planned (in dialogue with the project manager) if the quality requires • Establish a common terminology o Define the entities within the business domain and make shore the offshore resources understands them o Define routines for how projects are implemented in your organization align them with the offshoring part • Establish a culture of continuous learning in the Agile way of working o Get the resources used to continuous improvement where they are an important source for the improvements
  • 15. #1 - Do - Culture, Geographical distance Get to know the team members • As with all teams, each member is an individual • Important to get to know the offshore team members to learn who does what and to which quality o Good for assessing what responsibility to give to whom • Best way is to spend time with the team, preferably at the offsite location
  • 16. The final score top 10 Do's No Description Category Culture, #1 Get to know the resources Geographical distance Establish common values & terminology and a #2 Processes learning culture #3 Visit the offshore site regularly Processes #4 Let members of the offshore team work onsite Processes #5 Working infrastructure Tools #6 Long term vision Mindset #7 "Big Picture" Mindset #8 Same development tools allover Tools #9 Delimit the scope Processes #10 Clarify team loyalties Organization & Roles
  • 17. #10 - Don´t - Processes Don't start any development without defined criteria's being in place • Don't allow the development of a Feature to start unless there are: o Proper specifications  The more complex a Feature is, the more important the specification is o Detailed estimates  The bigger a Feature is, the more an estimate needs to be broken down o A common understanding between the business side (requirements owner) and the development team  Could be secured via: • a short "handover meeting" between the developer and the requirements owner before the development starts • a short "handover meeting" between the developer and the tester before the testing starts
  • 18. #9 - Don´t - Culture When problems occur, don't focus on who was responsible • Present what the problem was and exemplify and discuss how to avoid the problem in the future o Speak in general terms instead of focusing on the individual • Promote asking as problems occur o Could be against their culture o "Very good you asked! This saved us 20 hours as we now do not have to rewrite this piece of code!"
  • 19. #8 - Don´t - Processes Don't outsource before internal team is "on the boat" • Don't take a management decision to outsource before internal team is "on the boat". Everyone need to understand the motive, the benefits and the reason for doing it. o Risk for internal conflicts o Risk that internal team works against the situation o Workshop o Interesting input from operations o Result: motivated staff - successful offshore initiative
  • 20. #7 - Don´t - Processes Don't underestimate the extra time needed for admin work • Team leads will most certain have to spend time in additional status meetings etc. to get the remote team up and running o Easy to underestimate the actual time needed • The team lead role can potentially be very different from when only working with local teams o More regularly checking team status o Control questions to verify progress is according to plan
  • 21. #6 - Don´t - Learning curve, Processes Don't scale up too quickly • Don't increase the number of projects until the routines are established and the offshoring team is working well o Start with one or two pilot projects that are limited in size and complexity  The planning should allow the project to be successful o Train the offshoring team regularly in the routines and the Agile way of working  Get them used to continuous improvement where they are an important source for the improvements
  • 22. #5 - Don´t - Organization & Roles Don't forget the business side • Don't forget to involve the business side (requirements owner) in the work made by the development team. • They need to be involved daily and learn to know the people who work offshore
  • 23. #4 - Don´t - Processes Don't underestimate the importance of physical meetings • "Internal english" takes time to understand • Body language • Hard to understand over the phone
  • 24. #3 - Don´t - Culture Don't assume things • Don't assume things - instead ask the extra question to build consensus o If you have not met o Different cultures o Please repeat
  • 25. #2 - Don´t - Culture Don't underestimate employee resistance • Organizations that do not have English as their corporate language or (experience of international cooperation) will most likely see resistance from employees o Linguistic and cultural barrier  Both day-to-day interactions with the remote team  Speaking in front of the team in daily stand-up meetings • Work with the HR department • Communicate the motives and goals with the offshoring initiative
  • 26. #1 - Don´t - Mindset We and them • Don't embrace a mindset of "we and them". It should be us together as a team. • Teambuild • Visit a home • Agree on and communicate the common goal
  • 27. The final score top 10 Dont's No Description Category #1 We and them Mindset #2 Don't underestimate employee resistance Culture #3 Don't assume things Culture #4 Don't underestimate the importance of physical meetings Processes #5 Don't forget the business side Organization & Roles #6 Don't scale up too quickly Learning curve, Processes #7 Don't underestimate the extra time needed for admin work Processes #8 Don't outsource before internal team is "on the boat" Processes #9 When problems occur, don't focus on who was responsible Culture Don't start any development without defined criteria's being #10 Processes in place
  • 28. Thanks for listening • Contact us on LinekdIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4404631