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Top 10 Responsive Web Design & UX Trends
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
With the beginning of the New Year, we are eagerly looking forward to the responsive web design and UX/UI Design Trends
that are going to show up in 2019. When you think about the websites you’ve come across in the year 2018, you find some of
them having a user-friendly interface and an appealing layout, while some sites you must have visited might have provided
you terrible user experience.
In today’s online world a good user experience and creative web design are both not completely unique as expected.
However, the designers in the present time are effectively making the best use of videos and movement opportunities for
grabbing the user’s attention. These efforts are meant to keep the online visitors on the web page for an extended time
period. Many companies with custom web design services are giving their best for consistent enhancements in the
upcoming year.Check Out here
To p 1 0 R e s p o n s i v e We b D e s i g n A n d U X Tr e n d s I n T h e Ye a r 2 0 1 9
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
1 . N o n - t r a d i t i o n a l S c r o l l i n g
There are many website design companies which are coming up with different scrolling techniques for a user to experience something unique.
Generally, designers use vertical scrolls, but now some of the web design agencies even use a horizontal scroll at the top of their websites to grab
the attention of the audience. These types of sites also showcase their content in different ways. Other websites may still stick to traditional scrolling,
but they still focus on various parts of the web design explained down the page. In 2019, we are eagerly waiting to use multiple forms of non-
traditional or irregular scrolling designs for different websites.
2 . R o t t i n g A n i m a t i o n s
Trying to show more promotional content on the website is an ultimate web design strategy that will engage the visitors on your site. The disruption
company facilitated in leaving a new advertisement or innovative brand that is created and is involved in their sites, each time you refresh the
homepage. There are some brands which call out as well as rotate the title of an article to target user’s attention. So, every time a user visits a
website, he will experience something unique on the site which leaves a good impact and remark.
3 . D e s i g n C o n t a i n i n g G r a d i e n t s
Gradient is a great feature for the designers as they will get more space to play with a variety of colors. In order to use the gradients, we must be
knowing about the color theory initially. This theory can be used for checking the usage of the correct number of gradients in user interfaces. Web
pages provide gradients names and they look natural. Instead of using solid colors, gradients can be used to provide transitions which are natural
between tones. Bringing gradients to user interfaces is easy but we must be careful while doing it. Overdoing must be avoided as it will take you far
away from the realistic approach. According to color theory, it is better to select subtle colors by relying on a light source.
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
4 . I n t e r a c t i v e W e b D e s i g n F o r U s e r I n t e r a c t i o n
A web design company always looks forward to incorporating user interactivity and become very popular to continue as well as grow further. The
users are spending a lot of time on responsive websites and pages developed for providing responsive web design services. Their services offer
the users to utilize the website’s features and bring improvements in all their interactions. For example, Cocainenomics from the journal of Wall
Street is the best example which can showcase visual talent as well as increases the website’s page and brand awareness.
5 . U X D r i v e n D i a g n o s t i c s L i n e s
There are trends that we have seen with the use of horizontal and straight lines for separating the sections on the pages as well as on websites. A
diagonal line design comes with a visually intriguing intend, and it also creates a directional purpose of grabbing the user’s eyeballs. They can even
follow down the page and point to call out to any action. By using diagonal lines in the design, we can increase the number of users to scroll through
the entire website length. The increase in targeted users is the reason why TaxiNet has implemented the above trend on their websites and other
web pages.
6 . S c r o l l - T r i g g e r e d A n i m a t i o n
The scroll animation is a very interesting trend that we have been noticing throughout these months. This kind of web design focuses on visual
design talent and skill based on front-end development. There is a website, which makes the users click or scroll through the website page layout to
see the entire service lines. This website design advancement will continue to be more effective and make it easier for the users to navigate easily.
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
7 . U t i l i z i n g C o l o r B r a n d i n g C r e a t i v i t y
There are multiple companies which are using color branding creative designs for their websites, depending on the type production page. This
sort of web design helps the users to navigate through the site and associate to which service page or product are they looking at based on
8 . A d d i n g M o r e D e p t h t o D e s i g n s
In creating flat designs which appear 3-dimensional, makes a website look more appealing and will ultimately lead users to the next step of the
sales process. Using drop-shadow and two-tone color schemes will help to add more depth to the web design.
9 . A t t e n t i o n G r a b b i n g T i t l e
Users have very less time to spend on websites, because of their busy schedule. So, these day websites are adopting long titles which are bold
and can grab the user’s attention. The body of content is minimized for better understanding and saving time.
1 0 . U s i n g A b s t r a c t S h a p e s
There are brands which began to use more versatile shapes for their websites to grab the attention of their audience. Many companies have
also started modern gradient integration for their web designs, and they have done a great job by introducing the abstract shapes and graphics
to resemble and a lava lamp.
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
K e y Takeaways
The website design companies in India will try to expand their offerings and their features for every possible
web design project in the year 2019. It is clear that in the coming year, technology will continue to get perfect
and incorporate advancements into web design projects. In the following time, website interactions will become
more seamless and remarkably smoother. Also, the custom website design services will become more
efficient and effective making the business scenarios more competent to win new projects.
“Award Winning Digital Web Agency”
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com
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Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com

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Top 10 responsive web design & ux trends in 2019

  • 1. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com Top 10 Responsive Web Design & UX Trends 2019
  • 2. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com With the beginning of the New Year, we are eagerly looking forward to the responsive web design and UX/UI Design Trends that are going to show up in 2019. When you think about the websites you’ve come across in the year 2018, you find some of them having a user-friendly interface and an appealing layout, while some sites you must have visited might have provided you terrible user experience. In today’s online world a good user experience and creative web design are both not completely unique as expected. However, the designers in the present time are effectively making the best use of videos and movement opportunities for grabbing the user’s attention. These efforts are meant to keep the online visitors on the web page for an extended time period. Many companies with custom web design services are giving their best for consistent enhancements in the upcoming year.Check Out here To p 1 0 R e s p o n s i v e We b D e s i g n A n d U X Tr e n d s I n T h e Ye a r 2 0 1 9
  • 3. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com 1 . N o n - t r a d i t i o n a l S c r o l l i n g There are many website design companies which are coming up with different scrolling techniques for a user to experience something unique. Generally, designers use vertical scrolls, but now some of the web design agencies even use a horizontal scroll at the top of their websites to grab the attention of the audience. These types of sites also showcase their content in different ways. Other websites may still stick to traditional scrolling, but they still focus on various parts of the web design explained down the page. In 2019, we are eagerly waiting to use multiple forms of non- traditional or irregular scrolling designs for different websites. 2 . R o t t i n g A n i m a t i o n s Trying to show more promotional content on the website is an ultimate web design strategy that will engage the visitors on your site. The disruption company facilitated in leaving a new advertisement or innovative brand that is created and is involved in their sites, each time you refresh the homepage. There are some brands which call out as well as rotate the title of an article to target user’s attention. So, every time a user visits a website, he will experience something unique on the site which leaves a good impact and remark. 3 . D e s i g n C o n t a i n i n g G r a d i e n t s Gradient is a great feature for the designers as they will get more space to play with a variety of colors. In order to use the gradients, we must be knowing about the color theory initially. This theory can be used for checking the usage of the correct number of gradients in user interfaces. Web pages provide gradients names and they look natural. Instead of using solid colors, gradients can be used to provide transitions which are natural between tones. Bringing gradients to user interfaces is easy but we must be careful while doing it. Overdoing must be avoided as it will take you far away from the realistic approach. According to color theory, it is better to select subtle colors by relying on a light source.
  • 4. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com 4 . I n t e r a c t i v e W e b D e s i g n F o r U s e r I n t e r a c t i o n A web design company always looks forward to incorporating user interactivity and become very popular to continue as well as grow further. The users are spending a lot of time on responsive websites and pages developed for providing responsive web design services. Their services offer the users to utilize the website’s features and bring improvements in all their interactions. For example, Cocainenomics from the journal of Wall Street is the best example which can showcase visual talent as well as increases the website’s page and brand awareness. 5 . U X D r i v e n D i a g n o s t i c s L i n e s There are trends that we have seen with the use of horizontal and straight lines for separating the sections on the pages as well as on websites. A diagonal line design comes with a visually intriguing intend, and it also creates a directional purpose of grabbing the user’s eyeballs. They can even follow down the page and point to call out to any action. By using diagonal lines in the design, we can increase the number of users to scroll through the entire website length. The increase in targeted users is the reason why TaxiNet has implemented the above trend on their websites and other web pages. 6 . S c r o l l - T r i g g e r e d A n i m a t i o n The scroll animation is a very interesting trend that we have been noticing throughout these months. This kind of web design focuses on visual design talent and skill based on front-end development. There is a website, which makes the users click or scroll through the website page layout to see the entire service lines. This website design advancement will continue to be more effective and make it easier for the users to navigate easily.
  • 5. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com 7 . U t i l i z i n g C o l o r B r a n d i n g C r e a t i v i t y There are multiple companies which are using color branding creative designs for their websites, depending on the type production page. This sort of web design helps the users to navigate through the site and associate to which service page or product are they looking at based on colors. 8 . A d d i n g M o r e D e p t h t o D e s i g n s In creating flat designs which appear 3-dimensional, makes a website look more appealing and will ultimately lead users to the next step of the sales process. Using drop-shadow and two-tone color schemes will help to add more depth to the web design. 9 . A t t e n t i o n G r a b b i n g T i t l e Users have very less time to spend on websites, because of their busy schedule. So, these day websites are adopting long titles which are bold and can grab the user’s attention. The body of content is minimized for better understanding and saving time. 1 0 . U s i n g A b s t r a c t S h a p e s There are brands which began to use more versatile shapes for their websites to grab the attention of their audience. Many companies have also started modern gradient integration for their web designs, and they have done a great job by introducing the abstract shapes and graphics to resemble and a lava lamp.
  • 6. Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com K e y Takeaways The website design companies in India will try to expand their offerings and their features for every possible web design project in the year 2019. It is clear that in the coming year, technology will continue to get perfect and incorporate advancements into web design projects. In the following time, website interactions will become more seamless and remarkably smoother. Also, the custom website design services will become more efficient and effective making the business scenarios more competent to win new projects.
  • 7. “Award Winning Digital Web Agency” facebook.com/pixlogix pinterest.com/pixlogix plus.google.com/+pixlogix twitter.com/pixlogix Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com Social Profiles
  • 8. THANKS FOR WATCHING US Pixlogix info@pixlogix.com www.pixlogix.com S o u r c e L i n k