This document provides phonetic pronunciations for over 60 words. For each word, the correct pronunciation is given in phonetic spelling, followed by an incorrect pronunciation in parentheses to distinguish it. The words cover a wide range of topics from types of food to place names to occupations.
20. Asthma
AHZ muh (not AHST muh).
A respiratory illness often
arising from allergies.
21. 20. attach辿. ah tuh SHEI (not
ah TAT chee). One assigned
to the staff of a diplomatic
mission to serve in a given
22. 21. attorney. uh TURN nee
(not uh TOR nee). A legal
agent qualified to act for
persons in legal proceedings.
23. 22. awardee. uh wor DEE
(not uh WAHR dee). One that
receives an award.
24. 23. bamboo. b脱m BOO (not
BM boo). Any of various
woody mostly tall tropical
grasses including some with
strong hollow stems used for
building, furniture, or utensils.
25. 24. beneficiary. ben uh FISH
ee er ee (not buh ne fish
YAHR ee). Receiver of
26. 25. bicuspid. bigh KAHS pid
(not BIGH kuhs pid). Having
two points or cusps.
27. 26. boutique. boo TEEK (not
boh TEEK). A kind of
specialty shop, now used to
describe also small hotels.
41. 40. controversy. KAHN truh
vur see (not kon TRO vur
see). A dispute characterized
by the expression of opposing
42. 41. corps. kor or kohr. A
group of people with special
training, organized for working
together, or associated under a
common direction.
43. 42. coupon. KOO pahn or
KYOO pahn (not KOO p0n).
A detachable slip.
44. 43. debut. dei BYOO or DEI
byoo (not di BOO). A first
public appearance; the formal
presentation of a girl to society.
45. 44. didnt. Use the inner part of
the tongue for the second d
to slide on to the n (not
dint). Contraction of did not.
46. 45. douche. doosh. A jet of
fluid (as water) directed against
a part or into a cavity in the
47. 46. education. ej uh KEI
shuhn (not ed yoo KEI
shuhn). The process of
48. 47. embryo. EM bree oh (not
em BRIGH yoh). An organism
in its early developmental
stage, especially before it has
reached a distinctively
recognizable form.
49. 48. entrepreneur. on truh pruh
NUR (not en TUR puh noor).
One who organizes, operates,
and assumes the risk in a
business venture
50. . 49. exciting. ik SIGHT ing
(not eg SIGHT ing). Creating
or producing excitement.
51. . 50. executive. ig ZEK yuh tiv
(not ik SEK yuh tiv).
Administrator or manager.
52. 51. faux pas. foh PAH (not
FOHX pas). French word for
false step, figuratively
meaning social blunder.
53. . 52. gargantuan. gahr GN
choo uhn (not gahr guhn
TOO uhn). Immense in size or
91. tarantula
tuh RAHN chuh luh (not tah
ruhn TOOL uh). Any of various
large, hairy tropical spiders
capable of inflicting a painful but
not seriously poisonous bite.
94. Tourniquet
TOOR ni kit or TUR ni kit (not
TOOR ni kei). A first aid device to
temporarily stop the flow of blood
through an artery.
95. Tucson
TOO sahn (not TOOK suhn).
City in Phoenix, Arizona, USA;
brand name of an SUV made in
96. turquoise
TUHR kwoiz (not TUHR
kois). A blue or blue-green
mineral valued in the polished
blue form as a gemstone
97. Typhus
TIGH fuhs (not TEE puhs).
Any of several forms of an
infectious disease caused by a
rickettsia microorganism carried
by fleas, ticks, mites, or lice.