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Top 6 vietnam festivals you shouldn't miss
Phu Giay Festival
The Phu Giay temple in Nam Dinh province is a tribute to Lieu Hanh,
V “ ” y
real persons. Many devotees all over the pilgrimage to Phu Giay Temple
located about 55 miles east from Hanoi, to join the festival taking the
advantage of the traditional lull work during the third lunar month. It
takes place in the 1st of the 10th day of the 3rd month of the Chinese
lunar calendar.
Hue Festival:
Every two year once this festival is celebrated in the former imperial
H , H H ’
into a single week-long festival. It includes the theatre, puppetry,
music, dance and acrobatics are performed in different places around
the city although most of the activities are conducted around the
grounds of the Hue Citadel.
Xen Xo Phon Festival
It is celebrated on the fourth month of the lunar calendar between April
and May where the white Thai people implore the heavens for the rain
with a song. During selected evenings the groups of Thai make a circuit
among the houses in the respective villages, singing songs in the torchlight
and receiving offering in the exchange. The white Thai ever dependent on
the rain for their rice and vegetable harvests seek help every year for more
arrival of rain in the bigger festival where more abundant the rain will
come when the weather turns.
Thay Pagoda Festival
If a y Buddhist o k deser es orship the it’s Tu Dao Ha h ho
is the innovator and the inventor. He is the person who made huge
innovation in medicine and religion but mainly renowned for his
Vietnamese water puppetry. The Thay Pagoda celebrates Tu Dao
Hah ’s life ith a pro essio of the o k’s orshippi g ta let,
borne by representatives from four villages. The festival is
celebrated by layman with many water puppetry performances.
The Thay Pagoda festival takes place on the 5th to 7th day of the
third month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
Hung Festival
This festi al ele rates the lege dary of Viet a ’s first ki gs, the
Hung Vuong. Details of their origin remain sketchy, but the story
has embellished over the years, born by the union of mountain
princess and a sea dragon, the Hung Vuong came from a hundred
of sons hatched from a hundred eggs laid by said princess. Half
the sons went back to the sea with their father, while the rest
stayed behind with their mother and learned to rule.
Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn festival is marked with fancy lanterns to help a
legendary moon bound figure back to earth. This festival is very favourite
with children as the occasion calls for more toys, candies, fruit and
entertainment than any other time in the year. Mid-Autumn parties serve
with delicacies like cake shaped like fish and moon. Finally lion dances
are commonly performed by traveling troupers who travel from house to
house without fee. The Mid-Autumn festival takes place on the 15th day
of the eighth month of the Chinese Lunar calendar.
Content Designed By: Vietnamsvisa.com

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Top 6 vietnam festivals you shouldn't miss

  • 2. Phu Giay Festival The Phu Giay temple in Nam Dinh province is a tribute to Lieu Hanh, V “ ” y real persons. Many devotees all over the pilgrimage to Phu Giay Temple located about 55 miles east from Hanoi, to join the festival taking the advantage of the traditional lull work during the third lunar month. It takes place in the 1st of the 10th day of the 3rd month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
  • 3. Hue Festival: Every two year once this festival is celebrated in the former imperial H , H H ’ into a single week-long festival. It includes the theatre, puppetry, music, dance and acrobatics are performed in different places around the city although most of the activities are conducted around the grounds of the Hue Citadel.
  • 4. Xen Xo Phon Festival It is celebrated on the fourth month of the lunar calendar between April and May where the white Thai people implore the heavens for the rain with a song. During selected evenings the groups of Thai make a circuit among the houses in the respective villages, singing songs in the torchlight and receiving offering in the exchange. The white Thai ever dependent on the rain for their rice and vegetable harvests seek help every year for more arrival of rain in the bigger festival where more abundant the rain will come when the weather turns.
  • 5. Thay Pagoda Festival If a y Buddhist o k deser es orship the it’s Tu Dao Ha h ho is the innovator and the inventor. He is the person who made huge innovation in medicine and religion but mainly renowned for his Vietnamese water puppetry. The Thay Pagoda celebrates Tu Dao Hah ’s life ith a pro essio of the o k’s orshippi g ta let, borne by representatives from four villages. The festival is celebrated by layman with many water puppetry performances. The Thay Pagoda festival takes place on the 5th to 7th day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
  • 6. Hung Festival This festi al ele rates the lege dary of Viet a ’s first ki gs, the Hung Vuong. Details of their origin remain sketchy, but the story has embellished over the years, born by the union of mountain princess and a sea dragon, the Hung Vuong came from a hundred of sons hatched from a hundred eggs laid by said princess. Half the sons went back to the sea with their father, while the rest stayed behind with their mother and learned to rule.
  • 7. Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn festival is marked with fancy lanterns to help a legendary moon bound figure back to earth. This festival is very favourite with children as the occasion calls for more toys, candies, fruit and entertainment than any other time in the year. Mid-Autumn parties serve with delicacies like cake shaped like fish and moon. Finally lion dances are commonly performed by traveling troupers who travel from house to house without fee. The Mid-Autumn festival takes place on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese Lunar calendar.
  • 8. Content Designed By: Vietnamsvisa.com