Costa Rica es un pa鱈s centroamericano con m叩s de 4 millones de habitantes. Su capital y ciudad m叩s grande es San Jos辿. El pa鱈s tiene un sistema presidencialista de gobierno dividido en poderes ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial. Algunas de sus instituciones p炭blicas clave incluyen el Banco Central, la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, el Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad y la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Este documento fornece informa巽探es sobre tr棚s redes sociais criadas com o objetivo de promover a inova巽達o e a troca de conhecimento: a Rede CIGA, que conecta pessoas do agroneg坦cio; a Rede CIM, que promove a inova巽達o na gest達o p炭blica de munic鱈pios paulistas; e a Rede Raio Brasil, que capacita e formaliza lanhouses como pontos de atendimento do Sebrae. O documento tamb辿m descreve as ferramentas e estrat辿gias utilizadas pelo Instituto Peabirus para articula巽達o dess
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de malware, incluyendo PC Zombie, SPIM, ransomware, spam, phishing y scam. PC Zombie son computadoras controladas remotamente sin el conocimiento del usuario y son utilizadas por redes de ciberdelincuencia. SPIM se refiere a spam en mensajer鱈a instant叩nea. Ransomware cifra documentos y pide rescate. Spam son mensajes no solicitados que perjudican al receptor. Phishing busca informaci坦n personal a trav辿s de enga単o. Scam son estafas econ坦micas realizadas mediante enga単o h
The document provides one-page summaries of responses from 43 state Medicaid Directors and Washington D.C. on the impact of 7 recent Medicaid regulations. For each state, the summaries include estimates of lost federal funds in 2008 and over 5 years for regulations limiting payments to public providers, graduate medical education, outpatient hospital services, provider taxes, coverage of rehabilitative services, payments for school services, and targeted case management. Quotes from each state convey concerns about reduced access to care, loss of providers and services, and increased costs.
1) A apresenta巽達o descreve a empresa Sun Microsystems, fundada em 1982 e l鱈der em tecnologia Java.
2) A Sun contribui com bilh探es de d坦lares em P&D anualmente e Java est叩 presente em 5,5 bilh探es de dispositivos.
3) A apresenta巽達o promove os programas acad棚micos da Sun, como treinamentos, certifica巽探es e comunidades on-line para estudantes e professores.
Does economic growth reduce poverty in nigeria (2)Alexander Decker
This document summarizes a study that examines the relationship between economic growth and poverty in Nigeria. The study uses econometric analysis of time series data from 1980 to 2008 to determine if there is a significant relationship between GDP growth rates and poverty levels in Nigeria. The empirical findings show a direct relationship, meaning that economic growth has not reduced poverty in Nigeria. This contradicts the theory that economic growth will trickle down to reduce poverty. The study suggests that policymakers need to ensure a more equitable distribution of national income and improve public services that support poverty reduction, such as education.
The document discusses the potential health effects of radiation from the 2011 nuclear crisis in Japan. It provides answers to several questions about how radiation can be harmful: it can cause burns, lead to increased cell growth and cancer by damaging DNA, and be harmful even at low levels over long periods. While radiation levels were many times higher near the reactors in Japan, even in Tokyo 150 miles away they were only twice normal levels, similar to some cities. The overall risk to California and the US was very low.
The document outlines the marketing and membership initiatives of an organization for its 50th anniversary year. It discusses expanding membership and awareness of the organization through improved branding, testimonials, website updates, and a charitable campaign. A marketing committee altered its mission statement and developed plans for member outreach, trade shows, and highlighting member stories. The board approved funds for initiatives and investigating a training facility. Following a website launch, social media and SEO plans were made to promote the anniversary and organization's value for 90 days.
The document discusses careers involving digital design and preparation for such careers. It provides examples of digital design work at IBM, Georgia Tech, and K-12 education. It also outlines areas of digital design like computer architecture, embedded computing, and custom digital components. The document then asks if the reader is interested in and detail-oriented for digital design. It discusses upcoming changes and electives in the ECE program related to digital design. Finally, it provides examples of past digital design senior projects and involvement with the First Lego League.
The city council document discusses three tracts of land being considered for acquisition. Tract 1 is 0.58 acres located at FM 2818 and Highway 21 with appraised value of $13,000. Tract 2 is 0.47 acres located at 28th Street and FM 2818 with appraised value of $7,450. Tract 3 is the largest at 2.42 acres across from Providence on FM 2818, with an appraised value of $98,000 and a bid of $211,000 received. The document recommends approving the real estate contract and authorizing staff to proceed with closing on Tract 3.
This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a new routing protocol for wireless sensor networks called Gaussian LEACH. The paper begins with an introduction to wireless sensor networks and discusses challenges like limited battery life. It then reviews the existing LEACH routing protocol and some of its variations presented in other papers. The paper proposes Gaussian LEACH, which differs from LEACH in that it uses a Gaussian distribution, rather than a uniform distribution, to generate random numbers for electing cluster heads. The paper describes the system model, energy model, and details of the proposed Gaussian LEACH protocol. It then discusses the simulation strategy used to compare Gaussian LEACH to LEACH and presents results showing that Gaussian LEACH improves network lifetime under various node densities and
TOWARDS THE FUTURE WE WANT: End hunger and make the transition to sustainabl...DrLendySpires
This document from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization discusses the need to transition food and agricultural systems towards sustainability. It makes three main points: 1) Ending hunger is essential to achieving sustainable development. 2) Food consumption and production must be more efficient. 3) Governance of food/agriculture must change and transition costs/benefits shared equitably. National governments should establish resource rights, incentivize sustainable practices, promote fair markets, reduce risks to vulnerable groups, and invest in innovation/infrastructure. The FAO calls on countries to commit to accelerating hunger reduction, using guidelines on food security and tenure rights, and supporting sustainable agricultural development.
Cat fleas are the most common flea found on domestic cats and dogs in California. They have a life cycle of about 18 days where eggs hatch into larvae that feed and develop before pupating and emerging as adults. Fleas can transmit diseases to humans and pets and cause irritation from bites. Effective flea control requires treating pets with products like spot-on treatments or oral medications, as well as thoroughly cleaning and vacuuming pet living areas and using insecticide sprays or foggers when needed.
This document describes a secure collaborative processing architecture for detecting Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attacks. The architecture consists of Edge Gateways deployed at each financial institution and private clouds that form the collaborative processing system. Edge Gateways anonymize sensitive data using Shamir's secret sharing scheme and send anonymous data to the collaborative processing system. The system aggregates information through MapReduce-based computations. If suspicious cyber threat activities are detected, the anonymous data resulting from computation are revealed to the financial institutions. The paper shows how this architecture can be used to detect MitB attacks while preserving privacy of sensitive data during collaborative event processing.
PhoneGap is a multi-platform framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing code to be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. It uses a WebView component to contain the web application code for each platform, and plugins can be added to access native device features using languages like Java for Android, Objective-C for iOS, and C# for Windows.
This document discusses a proposal to develop a new distributed Internet simulator to study large-scale network events like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and worm propagation. Existing network simulators have limited scalability and lack realistic Internet models. The proposed simulator would have a built-in Internet topology model and customizeable modules to simulate specific events while cutting down on unnecessary details. It aims to make large-scale network simulation more accessible to researchers and improve the realism of simulations compared to simplified models currently used. The simulator could help study defenses against problems like IP spoofing, DDoS attacks, and worms.
O documento descreve uma oficina sobre o uso de blogs como ferramenta educacional, com objetivos de ensinar professores sobre recursos pedag坦gicos de blogs e promover a aprendizagem colaborativa. A oficina inclui discuss探es online e atividades como a cria巽達o de blogs individuais pelos participantes e o planejamento de li巽探es que usam blogs.
Does economic growth reduce poverty in nigeria (2)Alexander Decker
This document summarizes a study that examines the relationship between economic growth and poverty in Nigeria. The study uses econometric analysis of time series data from 1980 to 2008 to determine if there is a significant relationship between GDP growth rates and poverty levels in Nigeria. The empirical findings show a direct relationship, meaning that economic growth has not reduced poverty in Nigeria. This contradicts the theory that economic growth will trickle down to reduce poverty. The study suggests that policymakers need to ensure a more equitable distribution of national income and improve public services that support poverty reduction, such as education.
The document discusses the potential health effects of radiation from the 2011 nuclear crisis in Japan. It provides answers to several questions about how radiation can be harmful: it can cause burns, lead to increased cell growth and cancer by damaging DNA, and be harmful even at low levels over long periods. While radiation levels were many times higher near the reactors in Japan, even in Tokyo 150 miles away they were only twice normal levels, similar to some cities. The overall risk to California and the US was very low.
The document outlines the marketing and membership initiatives of an organization for its 50th anniversary year. It discusses expanding membership and awareness of the organization through improved branding, testimonials, website updates, and a charitable campaign. A marketing committee altered its mission statement and developed plans for member outreach, trade shows, and highlighting member stories. The board approved funds for initiatives and investigating a training facility. Following a website launch, social media and SEO plans were made to promote the anniversary and organization's value for 90 days.
The document discusses careers involving digital design and preparation for such careers. It provides examples of digital design work at IBM, Georgia Tech, and K-12 education. It also outlines areas of digital design like computer architecture, embedded computing, and custom digital components. The document then asks if the reader is interested in and detail-oriented for digital design. It discusses upcoming changes and electives in the ECE program related to digital design. Finally, it provides examples of past digital design senior projects and involvement with the First Lego League.
The city council document discusses three tracts of land being considered for acquisition. Tract 1 is 0.58 acres located at FM 2818 and Highway 21 with appraised value of $13,000. Tract 2 is 0.47 acres located at 28th Street and FM 2818 with appraised value of $7,450. Tract 3 is the largest at 2.42 acres across from Providence on FM 2818, with an appraised value of $98,000 and a bid of $211,000 received. The document recommends approving the real estate contract and authorizing staff to proceed with closing on Tract 3.
This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a new routing protocol for wireless sensor networks called Gaussian LEACH. The paper begins with an introduction to wireless sensor networks and discusses challenges like limited battery life. It then reviews the existing LEACH routing protocol and some of its variations presented in other papers. The paper proposes Gaussian LEACH, which differs from LEACH in that it uses a Gaussian distribution, rather than a uniform distribution, to generate random numbers for electing cluster heads. The paper describes the system model, energy model, and details of the proposed Gaussian LEACH protocol. It then discusses the simulation strategy used to compare Gaussian LEACH to LEACH and presents results showing that Gaussian LEACH improves network lifetime under various node densities and
TOWARDS THE FUTURE WE WANT: End hunger and make the transition to sustainabl...DrLendySpires
This document from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization discusses the need to transition food and agricultural systems towards sustainability. It makes three main points: 1) Ending hunger is essential to achieving sustainable development. 2) Food consumption and production must be more efficient. 3) Governance of food/agriculture must change and transition costs/benefits shared equitably. National governments should establish resource rights, incentivize sustainable practices, promote fair markets, reduce risks to vulnerable groups, and invest in innovation/infrastructure. The FAO calls on countries to commit to accelerating hunger reduction, using guidelines on food security and tenure rights, and supporting sustainable agricultural development.
Cat fleas are the most common flea found on domestic cats and dogs in California. They have a life cycle of about 18 days where eggs hatch into larvae that feed and develop before pupating and emerging as adults. Fleas can transmit diseases to humans and pets and cause irritation from bites. Effective flea control requires treating pets with products like spot-on treatments or oral medications, as well as thoroughly cleaning and vacuuming pet living areas and using insecticide sprays or foggers when needed.
This document describes a secure collaborative processing architecture for detecting Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attacks. The architecture consists of Edge Gateways deployed at each financial institution and private clouds that form the collaborative processing system. Edge Gateways anonymize sensitive data using Shamir's secret sharing scheme and send anonymous data to the collaborative processing system. The system aggregates information through MapReduce-based computations. If suspicious cyber threat activities are detected, the anonymous data resulting from computation are revealed to the financial institutions. The paper shows how this architecture can be used to detect MitB attacks while preserving privacy of sensitive data during collaborative event processing.
PhoneGap is a multi-platform framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing code to be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. It uses a WebView component to contain the web application code for each platform, and plugins can be added to access native device features using languages like Java for Android, Objective-C for iOS, and C# for Windows.
This document discusses a proposal to develop a new distributed Internet simulator to study large-scale network events like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and worm propagation. Existing network simulators have limited scalability and lack realistic Internet models. The proposed simulator would have a built-in Internet topology model and customizeable modules to simulate specific events while cutting down on unnecessary details. It aims to make large-scale network simulation more accessible to researchers and improve the realism of simulations compared to simplified models currently used. The simulator could help study defenses against problems like IP spoofing, DDoS attacks, and worms.
O documento descreve uma oficina sobre o uso de blogs como ferramenta educacional, com objetivos de ensinar professores sobre recursos pedag坦gicos de blogs e promover a aprendizagem colaborativa. A oficina inclui discuss探es online e atividades como a cria巽達o de blogs individuais pelos participantes e o planejamento de li巽探es que usam blogs.