Climbing mountains is a challenging task, but it is also incredibly rewarding. View this presentation to learn about some of the most exciting mountains you should strive to climb at some point. To learn about five additional mountains, please visit
2. M O N T B L A N C , F R A N C E
The peak of Mont Blanc is 15,781 feet high, the highest in
Europe. All year long it is covered in snow and ice, so ice
picks are a necessity. The climb takes about three days but
could take longer. This trek requires a guide.
3. H A L F D O M E , C A
Overlooking Yosemite
Valley, Half Dome is
8,839 feet above the
ground. The final 400 feet
of the climb is a steep
slab of rock.
There is a ladder and
handrail to make the
climb safer, and it takes a
whole day for a trip up
the mountain and back
4. At 19,340 feet, three inactive volcanoes make
Kilimanjaro. It is the highest peak in Africa. Porters
must accompany climbers on this hike, and it takes
five days to reach the top.
K I L I M A N J A R O , T A N Z A N I A
5. D E N A L I , A L A S K A
Denali, previously known as Mount McKinley, is the
tallest mountain in North America at 20,320 feet.
Denali is best for climbing in May and June because
there are more avalanches other times of the year.
Known as the bi rthpl ace of
mountai n cl i mbi ng, The
Matterhorn takes si x days
to cl i mb. Four of those
days i ncl ude trai ni ng and
getti ng used to the
di fferent el evati on. Thi s
mountai n l ooks l i ke a
pyrami d that has been
carved from stone.