White paper outling 10 critical considerations when specifying electric rod style linear actuators for optimal performance, reliability and effciency.
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Top10 Rod Style Electric Actuator Sizing Tips
How to specify electric rod-style
actuators for optimal performance,
reliability and efficiency
By Aaron Dietrich, Electric Product Manager
Tolomatic, Inc.
About the Author:
Aaron Dietrich is product manager With todays demand for controlling costs while achieving high speed
for Tolomatics electric product line.
and high precision in factory automation, it is more important than ever
He has an extensive background in
the motion con- to fully analyze a linear actuator application and precisely determine
trol industry and a projects parameters. This is especially true with electric rod-style
has several years
actuators due to their higher initial cost, more complex design and
of experience
working specifi- more predictable performance compared to fluid power cylinders, both
cally in the drive pneumatic and hydraulic. Additional engineering and analysis at the front
and controls area
end of an electric actuator application will reduce overall costs and result
as a design and application sales
engineer. Aaron has a B.S. in electri- in automation systems with higher reliability, better performance, lower
cal engineering from the University energy expenditures and less maintenance.
of North Dakota.
Tolomatic is a leading supplier of In the hurry to get factory automation applications up and running,
linear actuators, both electric and there is always the impulse to make educated guesses or take shortcuts.
pneumatically driven. Tolomatics
expertise includes linear actuators,
Following are the top ten tips for optimal performance, reliability and
servo-driven high-thrust actuators, efficiency of your electric rod-style actuator application.
servo and stepper motors, drives
and configured linear systems.
Standard products are built to
order and shipped in five days or
less. Tolomatic also manufactures
right-angle gear drives, caliper disc
brakes and clutches.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
2. Match motor, lead screw, Tip Number 1: Calculate loads precisely
and bearing to loads for best
actuator performance.
The ability of an electric rod-style actuator to perform its intended task
with accuracy, speed and durability is dependent on matching the electric
motor, the lead screw and the bearings to the anticipated loads. By
knowing the precise static and dynamic loads of the application and
matching them to the peak and continuous load capabilities of the
actuator, the application will be both cost-effective and reliable.
Motor, screw and bearing selection must match the anticipated load capacity of the
actuator for best performance and durability.
Avoid oversizing by properly Tip Number 2: Calculate for electric, not fluid power
matching the actuator to the
(pneumatic or hydraulic)
Oversizing actuators is a bad habit left over from fluid power applications
where oversizing was considered inexpensive insurance against not
having enough power. With fluid power cylinders, the additional cost
of a slightly larger actuator than necessary was minor compared to
the extra engineering time that might be involved in sizing it correctly.
It was common for engineers to build in a 2:1 safety factor on fluid
power applications for a variety of reasons. These included erring on
the conservative side to compensate for imprecise knowledge of the
loads, fluctuations in available air pressure and oversizing in anticipation
of higher loads in the future due to production growth or application
changes. Electric actuators can cost significantly more up front, so over-
sizing is a more costly mistake.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
3. Avoid oversizing by properly matching the actuator to the application.
Sizing programs, graphs and formulas available from actuator
manufacturers make this task easier and more accurate than in the past.
Tolomatic offers both Application Data Worksheets and Windows-based sizing and
selection software to simplify the sizing and selection process.
Duty cycle is defined as a ratio
Tip Number 3: Factor in duty cycle
of operating time to resting
time of an electric actuator Duty cycle is defined as a ratio of operating time to resting time of an
expressed as a percentage.
electric actuator expressed as a percentage. An actuator that is moving for
two seconds and stopped for two seconds has a duty cycle of 50 percent.
On Time
% Duty Cycle =
(On Time + Off Time)
Underestimating the impact of duty cycle on an actuator can lead
to overheating, faster wear and premature component failure.
Overestimating the impact of duty cycle can lead to higher initial costs due
to oversizing. Typical conservative duty-cycle estimates often stem from an
incomplete understanding of the application.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
4. Force and velocity require- Tip Number 4: Know required force and velocity
ments will dictate the type
and pitch of the lead screw.
When considered together, force and velocity requirements dictate the
capabilities of motors, screws and nuts in electric rod-style actuators.
A common error is specifying a stepper motor to save money when a
servomotor may be more appropriate for velocity and force requirements.
As the speed of a stepper motor increases, its available force drops off
precipitously, whereas servomotors are able to maintain their force even as
speed increases. Similarly, force and velocity requirements will dictate the
type and pitch of the lead screw whether it is an Acme screw with either
composite or bronze nut, or a ball screw or roller screw. By knowing the
precise speed and velocity requirements of the application, it is possible
to specify an actuator with the proper components needed for high
performance and long service life.
SPEED (mm/sec)
0 127 254 381 508 635 762
350 1,557
300 1,334
250 1,112
200 890
150 667
100 448
50 222
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SPEED (in/sec)
Use the screw charts supplied by the actuator manufacturer to determine if your
thrust and speed requirements are compatible with actuator/screw capacities.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
5. A rod-style actuator is vulner- Tip Number 5: Employ proper guides and avoid side
able to damage and wear if
the extended rod is subjected loading
to side loads.
A rod-style actuator is vulnerable to damage and wear if the extended
rod is subjected to even moderate side loads. Side loads on the rod
usually occur when the actuator is out of alignment with the main load,
causing severe wear to the front bearing and damage to the lead nut. The
mounting of the actuator can also be a factor. For example, an actuator
rod will have a tendency to run out of alignment at maximum stroke when
it is mounted with a clevis type rod end, creating significant side loads on
the rod and support bearing. To avoid side loading, be sure the actuator
rod has an appropriate mounting and is either guided or precisely aligned
with the load.
In rod-style actuators, lead
Tip Number 6: Set critical speed limits
screw critical speed becomes
an upper limit. Higher operating speeds can often improve manufacturing throughput, but
in a rod-style actuator, lead screw critical speed becomes an upper limit.
Critical speed refers to the rotational speed that excites the screws natural
frequency. When a screw reaches critical speed it begins to oscillate or
whip. The critical speed limit is dependent on the screw length and
diameter. As the stroke length increases, the distance between the
support bearings increases, causing screw oscillation over a certain speed.
This oscillation prematurely wears the support bearings and can result in
vibration, noise and even catastrophic failure.
When the stroke of a rod-style actuator increases so does the distance from the
actuators support bearing. In some cases, if the distance becomes greater than the
capacity the screw and bearing can handle, oscillation of the screw occurs, placing
stress on the bearings.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
6. Peak thrust needed for the Tip Number 7: Match peak thrust to actuator
application cannot exceed the
peak thrust that can be deliv-
ered by the actuator. The peak thrust needed for the application cannot exceed the peak thrust
that can be delivered by the actuator. First determine what the peak thrust
requirement is for the application and then compare that to the thrust
curve for the selected actuator. Thrust curves from actuator manufacturers
show a combined peak and continuous thrust capability. For most of the
duty cycle, the thrust stays under the continuous thrust curve. Make sure
that the actuators peak and continuous thrust capabilities are properly
matched to the motor; some motors can provide more peak thrust than
the actuator can withstand, causing stresses that will lead to premature
Be sure to use the manufacturers tables or charts to determine the maximum thrust
capacity of the actuator and select the actuator that best fits the application.
It is equally important to perform necessary column strength calculations
and verify that the actuator is capable of providing the required peak
thrust without screw or rod buckling.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
7. IP-ratings only address static Tip Number 8: Factor in environment
conditions. Dynamic condi-
tions (vibration, heat, cold,
H2O Chemicals
movement) also have to be The environment in which the
considered. actuator will be operating can have
Abrasives Oil
a profound effect on performance,
durability and maintenance. High
temperatures can affect seals,
130 F 30 F lubrication, bearings and motor life.
Extremely low temperatures can
also affect performance, lubrication and wear. Contamination with oil,
water or abrasive grit can destroy seals unless the actuator has an
appropriate IP rating. Since IP-ratings only address static conditions,
dynamic conditions (vibration, heat, cold, movement) also have to be
Overall stroke length and
actual working stroke length Tip Number 9: Total envelope matters
of an actuator will be differ-
ent due to the dead length It is important to consider the overall
needed to accommodate OVERALL STROKE
internal components. ACME NUT: 6.84 (173.7) + STROKE actuator envelope the length
BALL NUT: 8.02 (203.7) + STROKE
and width of the actuator and motor
when the rod is fully extended.
Failure to consider the total envelope
may limit the size of motor that can
be used or require an alteration in
the layout of the application. Be
aware that the overall stroke length
and actual working stroke length
of an actuator will be different due
to the dead length needed to
ACME NUT: 3.87 (98.4) + STROKE accommodate internal features such
BALL NUT: 5.05 (128.3) + STROKE
as lead nut, bumpers and limiters.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01
8. In some cases it is better to Tip Number 10: Drive system is more than a footprint
alter the application than
compromise on drive system
performance. The actuator may be specified with an inline or reverse-parallel (RP) motor
mount/drive system. While a RP system offers a more compact envelope,
the RP is simply not as efficient due to the addition of belts or gears. RP
motor mounts do offer gear/belt ratios for a mechanical advantage and
inertia matching, plus an additional mechanical mounting option of a
rear clevis. Inline motor mounting offers the most efficient drive system
and the highest dynamic performance. In some cases it is better to alter
the application to make room for an inline motor drive than to specify a
reverse-parallel drive where its performance characteristics may not be the
best match.
This illustration shows the space-saving feature of the reverse-parallel motor
mounting option with a rear clevis as opposed to an inline configuration. Be sure to
select the configuration that best suits the required performance.
Electric rod-style actuators offer enhanced performance, control and
efficiency over their fluid power (pneumatic and hydraulic) counterparts.
However, because of the higher initial cost of electric actuators and their
unique characteristics vs. a fluid power cylinder, it is essential to fully
understand the application requirements. More productive and reliable
automation systems will result from a careful determination and analysis
of the loads, forces, application footprint and environment.
Copyright 息 2010 Tolomatic, Inc. Comparing Traditional and Integrated Rod-style Linear Actuators: Choose the Best Solution for Motion-Control Applications
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-9196_01