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Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
of man
Lee Archimedes
c. canada
You Were Made By God and
for God, and until you
that, life will never make
Why it is
a. It provides him the
direction in life
b. It gives meaning
to his actions
c. it makes life more
meaningful to him
A very basic point that has been taken so
much for granted by many people in the
world is the ultimate purpose of their
lives. Have you ever asked yourself why
you are here in this world? In other
words, have you ever asked yourself
about the purpose of your life on earth?
You know, this is such an important
In fact, it is the most
important question that a
man can ask himself. Why? it
is because the knowledge of
his purpose provides the
direction on ones life.
purpose in life is like a traveler
who does know where he is
going. Life for him becomes
meaningless and dull! That is
why many of those who take this
question for granted end up
On the other hand, if you clearly know your
purpose in life every act becomes meaningful as
you do it in relation to that purpose. Not only are
they meaningful, but you also know how to
execute each act. For example, your purpose is to
be at school. Before that happens, you wake up
early, take a shower, take an earlier breakfast, put
on your uniform, etc. All these are done because
of your purpose to go to school.
The creator
is definitely not you. The simple reason is
because you did not make yourself. To
determine the purpose of anything made or
created is the sole prerogative of the maker
or creator. For example it is not for the clay to
dictate to the potter what it wants to be. It is
for the potter to determine whether to make
it into a pot.
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Some people determine their own purpose
and live their lives to attain it. What happens?
They destroy themselves! Why? They live their
lives that are not in accordance with their
creators design. Their purpose in life is to
seek, for example money or the pleasures of
drinking, gambling, drug addiction and sex.
In the process they destroy
themselves because of their
misguided purpose in life. Its just
like using a microphone as a
hammer. You will surely destroy it
simply because that is not what it
was made for.
Since we believe that God is our maker, it
is therefore, God who determines our
purpose. Whatever that is, thats what we
should strive to follow. That is truly the
best for us. Our whole nature is made for
that and only when we attain it, will our
whole being find rest and fulfillment.
Among the many
purposes that
people attach their
hearts to are:
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
They live their lives
seeking these things
and destroy
themselves in the
There are two ways
of gods purpose
on creating man.
How can we know
Gods purpose for us?
There are two ways of
finding it out, namely:
A. By investigation or
research. Study mans
nature his behavior, his
desires etc.! Here we do
not need sophisticated
We say this because there is nothing in this
world that can satisfy the human heart.
In every person there is a craving for a real
happiness. Many people have the wrong
notion that they can satisfy themselves with
the things of this world like money, vices and
power. True, they can get some amount of
happiness from these but never enough to
genuinely satisfy the human heart.
In the end they still feel empty and
restless. The more money they have
the more they crave for more. They
even resort to this dishonest means in
trying to acquire for more. The more
power they have, the more they desire
to get more power even if this means
becoming sinfully corrupt.
B. From what God says:
from the word of God himself, we
know that human beings are
made to be united with God. In
other words, this is Gods plan.
He made us for him, to be one
with him.
No wonder, deep in the heart of
every person there
is a longing for God.
The bible says:
as the deer longs for
streams of water, so my soul
longs for you, o God.
My being thirsts for God, the living
God. When can I go and see the face of
Psalm 42:2-3
O God, you are my God  It is you I
seek! For you my body yearns ; For you
my soul thirsts, in a land parched,
lifeless, and without water. 
Psalm 63:1
What do all this means? Its very
clear that there is in human being
a deep longing for God purposely
placed there by God because of
his purpose of man.
Furthermore, here are still more
direct and striking scriptures
God says, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26
In Another passage God
"What is man that you should be mindful of
him, or the son of man that you should care
him? You have made him little less than the
angels, and crowned him with glory and
Psalm 8: 5-6
In my fathers house there are many dwelling
places, if there were not, would I have told you
that I am going to prepare a place for you, And
if I go prepare and prepare a place for you, I
will come back again and take you to myself, so
that where am I am a you also may be
John 14:2-3
Finally we have the church
speaking to us in Vatican II,
church in the modern world
section 24 says: All men are
created to one and the same
goal namely God himself  From
these words of the scriptures
and the church we know clearly
that Gods purpose in creating us
is union with him.
If man is to be united with
God the next question is
when? Should it be now or
later in eternity?
It has to be now
because man is man
right now
Now within TIME. This is Gods
plan. A normal man should be
united with God. our eternity is
just a continuation of what we
are at the end of our time.
The ultimate purpose of every
human being in this world
is to be united with God
How can this
union be
God I want to be
united with you?
Since, man is a limited being how can he
reach God who is limitless? Indeed, by
his own power it is impossible. God
knows it. That is why he decided to come
to man.
Jesus is God who entered into time to
make himself accessible to man.
Through Him and in Him humanity was
provided a way to be united with God .
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only
begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth on
him should not perish, but
have eternal life.
JOHN 3:16
The big problem
back to square
Yes, in Jesus and through Jesus,
man has the way to be united
with God. But Jesus, the solution
or way to our union with God,
died. He resurrected, Yes, but he
ascended to heaven,
Certainly Jesus ascended into
heaven after His resurrection.
But before Jesus went up to
heaven, he already promised.
Jesus Himself said, and behold, I am with
you always, until the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
What did he do
to fullfil his
His mysterious presence in
the world on
Pentecost Sunday
VII. The mystical body of Jesus
he fulfilled his promise! He established his
mystical body composed of so many
individual bodies (believers of Jesus). He
made them one by in dwelling of his holy
spirit on Pentecost Sunday
romans 11:19-20
You were buried with him in baptism, in which you
were also raised with him through faith in the power
of God, who raised him from the dead.
Colossians 2:12
"We were indeed buried with him through baptism
into death, as Christ was raised from the dead by the
glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of
Romans 6:4
Today we can be united
with Jesus by being united
with his mystical body the
church through baptism.
Personal introspection:
Now look at yourself and answer this
question am I united with jesus at this
present moment? Dont ever say Im still
young, Im still far from the door of death or
I'm not young anymore but I'm still strong.
Later on when I get old, Ill be united with
Jesus. but not now let me enjoy living as I like
Remember it is not only the
old people and the sick people
who die. Death comes to
everybody to the young and
to the old, to the sick and to
the healthy, yes even to the
rich and the poor.
The bible says: death is like
a thief in the night it comes
when you least expect it.
According to the
statistics when every
tick of the clock 10
people died in the
Are you sure that by the next tick of
the clock you will not be among the
ten? Right now you may not be
among the ten but from now on
until tomorrow there are thousands
more of ticks to come. Are you sure
that not one of those is meant for
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Every person has his own length of
time to live some are good for 100
years they are very rare! Others are
good for 80, 70 60 or even just one
day, now how about you? Do you
know how many years you have good
Are you sure that by the next tick of the
clock you will not be among the ten?
Right now you may not be among the
ten but from now on until tomorrow
there are thousands more of ticks to
come. Are you sure that not one of
those is meant for you?
Because I know where I will
go. If on the other hand I
know my companion is not
Jesus but the devil, because I
am living in sin, then I have all
the reasons to tremble at the
mere thoughts of death
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
With your eyes of faith, look at
Jesus intently and listen to
him saying to you:
My Child are you with me?
I am your main concern in
Look at yourself now and with all
honesty and sincerity answer the Lord
from the depth of your heart. Be open
to the Lord and allow him to touch
you today. And feel free to
communicate with the Lord and touch
you with his Spirit
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)
Come to Me
Lord I am searching for
you I am searching for
you my God For you
alone are joy the joy of
my heart Lord I am
searching for you
Reveal Lord I pray
yourself to me Reveal
Lord for I have no other
way Reveal Lord I pray
your self to me
Reveal Lord for I have no

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Topic 1 PURPOSE OF MAN (Basic Charismatic Renewal)

  • 4. You Were Made By God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense
  • 7. a. It provides him the direction in life b. It gives meaning to his actions c. it makes life more meaningful to him
  • 8. A very basic point that has been taken so much for granted by many people in the world is the ultimate purpose of their lives. Have you ever asked yourself why you are here in this world? In other words, have you ever asked yourself about the purpose of your life on earth? You know, this is such an important question!
  • 9. In fact, it is the most important question that a man can ask himself. Why? it is because the knowledge of his purpose provides the direction on ones life.
  • 10. purpose in life is like a traveler who does know where he is going. Life for him becomes meaningless and dull! That is why many of those who take this question for granted end up frustrated.
  • 11. On the other hand, if you clearly know your purpose in life every act becomes meaningful as you do it in relation to that purpose. Not only are they meaningful, but you also know how to execute each act. For example, your purpose is to be at school. Before that happens, you wake up early, take a shower, take an earlier breakfast, put on your uniform, etc. All these are done because of your purpose to go to school.
  • 14. is definitely not you. The simple reason is because you did not make yourself. To determine the purpose of anything made or created is the sole prerogative of the maker or creator. For example it is not for the clay to dictate to the potter what it wants to be. It is for the potter to determine whether to make it into a pot.
  • 16. Some people determine their own purpose and live their lives to attain it. What happens? They destroy themselves! Why? They live their lives that are not in accordance with their creators design. Their purpose in life is to seek, for example money or the pleasures of drinking, gambling, drug addiction and sex.
  • 17. In the process they destroy themselves because of their misguided purpose in life. Its just like using a microphone as a hammer. You will surely destroy it simply because that is not what it was made for.
  • 18. Since we believe that God is our maker, it is therefore, God who determines our purpose. Whatever that is, thats what we should strive to follow. That is truly the best for us. Our whole nature is made for that and only when we attain it, will our whole being find rest and fulfillment.
  • 19. Among the many purposes that people attach their hearts to are:
  • 28. They live their lives seeking these things and destroy themselves in the process.
  • 29. There are two ways of gods purpose on creating man.
  • 30. How can we know Gods purpose for us? There are two ways of finding it out, namely:
  • 31. A. By investigation or research. Study mans nature his behavior, his desires etc.! Here we do not need sophisticated research.
  • 32. We say this because there is nothing in this world that can satisfy the human heart. In every person there is a craving for a real happiness. Many people have the wrong notion that they can satisfy themselves with the things of this world like money, vices and power. True, they can get some amount of happiness from these but never enough to genuinely satisfy the human heart.
  • 33. In the end they still feel empty and restless. The more money they have the more they crave for more. They even resort to this dishonest means in trying to acquire for more. The more power they have, the more they desire to get more power even if this means becoming sinfully corrupt.
  • 34. B. From what God says: from the word of God himself, we know that human beings are made to be united with God. In other words, this is Gods plan. He made us for him, to be one with him.
  • 35. No wonder, deep in the heart of every person there is a longing for God. The bible says: as the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, o God.
  • 36. My being thirsts for God, the living God. When can I go and see the face of God? Psalm 42:2-3 O God, you are my God It is you I seek! For you my body yearns ; For you my soul thirsts, in a land parched, lifeless, and without water. Psalm 63:1
  • 37. What do all this means? Its very clear that there is in human being a deep longing for God purposely placed there by God because of his purpose of man. Furthermore, here are still more direct and striking scriptures
  • 38. God says, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26
  • 39. In Another passage God says: "What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care him? You have made him little less than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor." Psalm 8: 5-6
  • 40. In my fathers house there are many dwelling places, if there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you, And if I go prepare and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where am I am a you also may be John 14:2-3
  • 41. Finally we have the church speaking to us in Vatican II, church in the modern world section 24 says: All men are created to one and the same goal namely God himself From these words of the scriptures and the church we know clearly that Gods purpose in creating us is union with him.
  • 43. If man is to be united with God the next question is when? Should it be now or later in eternity? It has to be now because man is man right now
  • 44. Now within TIME. This is Gods plan. A normal man should be united with God. our eternity is just a continuation of what we are at the end of our time.
  • 45. The ultimate purpose of every human being in this world is to be united with God
  • 46. How can this union be attained?
  • 47. God I want to be united with you?
  • 48. Since, man is a limited being how can he reach God who is limitless? Indeed, by his own power it is impossible. God knows it. That is why he decided to come to man. Jesus is God who entered into time to make himself accessible to man. Through Him and in Him humanity was provided a way to be united with God .
  • 52. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. JOHN 3:16
  • 53. The big problem back to square one
  • 54. Yes, in Jesus and through Jesus, man has the way to be united with God. But Jesus, the solution or way to our union with God, died. He resurrected, Yes, but he ascended to heaven,
  • 56. Certainly Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection. But before Jesus went up to heaven, he already promised.
  • 57. Jesus Himself said, and behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
  • 58. What did he do to fullfil his promise?
  • 59. Jesus established His mysterious presence in the world on Pentecost Sunday
  • 60. VII. The mystical body of Jesus he fulfilled his promise! He established his mystical body composed of so many individual bodies (believers of Jesus). He made them one by in dwelling of his holy spirit on Pentecost Sunday romans 11:19-20
  • 61. You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. Colossians 2:12
  • 62. "We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life. Romans 6:4
  • 63. Today we can be united with Jesus by being united with his mystical body the church through baptism.
  • 64. Personal introspection: Now look at yourself and answer this question am I united with jesus at this present moment? Dont ever say Im still young, Im still far from the door of death or I'm not young anymore but I'm still strong. Later on when I get old, Ill be united with Jesus. but not now let me enjoy living as I like
  • 65. Remember it is not only the old people and the sick people who die. Death comes to everybody to the young and to the old, to the sick and to the healthy, yes even to the rich and the poor.
  • 66. The bible says: death is like a thief in the night it comes when you least expect it.
  • 67. According to the statistics when every tick of the clock 10 people died in the world
  • 68. Are you sure that by the next tick of the clock you will not be among the ten? Right now you may not be among the ten but from now on until tomorrow there are thousands more of ticks to come. Are you sure that not one of those is meant for you?
  • 70. Every person has his own length of time to live some are good for 100 years they are very rare! Others are good for 80, 70 60 or even just one day, now how about you? Do you know how many years you have good for.
  • 71. Are you sure that by the next tick of the clock you will not be among the ten? Right now you may not be among the ten but from now on until tomorrow there are thousands more of ticks to come. Are you sure that not one of those is meant for you?
  • 72. Because I know where I will go. If on the other hand I know my companion is not Jesus but the devil, because I am living in sin, then I have all the reasons to tremble at the mere thoughts of death
  • 77. With your eyes of faith, look at Jesus intently and listen to him saying to you: My Child are you with me? I am your main concern in life?
  • 78. Look at yourself now and with all honesty and sincerity answer the Lord from the depth of your heart. Be open to the Lord and allow him to touch you today. And feel free to communicate with the Lord and touch you with his Spirit
  • 82. Lord I am searching for you I am searching for you my God For you alone are joy the joy of my heart Lord I am searching for you
  • 83. Reveal Lord I pray yourself to me Reveal Lord for I have no other way Reveal Lord I pray your self to me Reveal Lord for I have no

Editor's Notes

  • #31: A simple ordinary observation of peoples lives, anywhere in the world is enough to make us conclude that human beings are not made for this world
  • #45: Who wants to be united with God? Kinsa gusto mamatay?
  • #75: With your eyes of faith, look at Jesus intently and listen to him saying to you: My Child are you with me? I am your main concern in life?
  • #76: With your eyes of faith, look at Jesus intently and listen to him saying to you: My Child are you with me? I am your main concern in life?