This document outlines the schedule and topics for a talk on the purpose of man. It discusses that God alone can determine our purpose, which is to be united with Him. It provides evidence from scripture and the church that God created humans to be with Him. Finally, it explains that through Jesus, humanity has a way to be united with God, and that Jesus remains present in the world through the Holy Spirit since His ascension into heaven.
The document is a sermon that addresses how Christians can deal with suffering and hardship in the real world. It argues that being totally honest with God, even through lament, is the deepest expression of faith and the only way to heal from past hurts. It notes that while Christians are not promised freedom from pain, the Psalms model lamenting honestly to God as a form of praise. The sermon aims to give permission to admit pain and questions to God, which is necessary for spiritual growth.
The document discusses finding meaning and purpose in life. It suggests that we were created by God and for God, so God is the ultimate answer to questions about life's meaning. To know ourselves, we must know God, and to know God, we must know ourselves. The purpose of life is to love God and others. This life is a preparation for eternity with God in heaven.
Good News About Being a Christian #4
You Are Plugged In To Gods Purpose
by Tim Bond
1. The document discusses how to get to heaven according to the Bible. It states that while some believe there are many paths, the Bible teaches there is only one - through believing in Jesus Christ.
2. It explains that all people are sinners due to the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, and that even one sin makes someone imperfect and unable to enter the perfect place of heaven.
3. The only way to heaven is through believing that Jesus, God's son, died for people's sins and rose from the dead. By putting one's faith in Jesus, his righteousness is credited to the believer and they can receive the free gift of eternal life in heaven.
The Christian approach to these subjects
-Zac Poonen
*. Preface
1. Dynamite - Handle With Care!
2. Opposite Poles Attract
3. Love Is A Many-Splendoured Thing
4. Two Shall Become One
5. Finding Your Better Half
6. For Girls Only
7. Countdown To The Wedding
8. The Highway of Happiness
*. A Wedding Hymn
CFC, Christian Fellowship Church, Christian Fellowship Center, Christian Fellowship Centre
How to find God's Will in Different Matters
-Zac Poonen
*. This book and you
1. God's plan for your life
2. Conditions for finding God's will
3. Guidance through the inner witness
4. Guidance through external means
5. Vocational calling
6. Final consideration
CFC, Christian Fellowship Church, Christian Fellowship Center, Christian Fellowship Centre
The document discusses the path to heaven and eternal life according to God's word. It explains that eternal life is a gift from God through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. While good works, sincerity, and following religious rules cannot save us, we can receive eternal life by acknowledging our sin, believing in Jesus as the Son of God who died and rose for our salvation, and surrendering our lives to him in prayer. The document encourages responding to God's offer of salvation through faith in Jesus.
Assignment title Weekly Reflection Paper # 13Date 04.15.18In.docxrock73
Assignment title: Weekly Reflection Paper # 13
Date: 04.15.18
Indeed the best things in life are hard to achieve. I can only relate this saying to Christianity as a journey. I believe that everyone who would one day like to go to heaven is motivated to live righteous life on earth. Well, that is at least the reward that is best known to us and awaits us for living our lives righteously on earth as Christians. Just like any other rewarding journey, Christianity is also a journey that is full of many challenges and requires Gods grace for an individual to make it to the end of the journey. The poem and concept of the dark night of the soul elaborates this by explaining that it is a natural feeling for Christians to sometimes experience spiritual emptiness and the feeling of being abandoned by God. It makes it known to us that such experiences are part and parcel of journey to Christ.
Mother Teresa herself confirms this in one of her letters that was found where she wrote of how she was told that God lives within her yet the emptiness and coldness that she experienced in her soul was so great that nothing touched her soul. This is what the dark night of the soul is all about. To better understand the dark night of the soul, I will look at what it constitutes in the lives of Christians. First the dark night of the soul is necessary in the lives of Christians. Since us as human beings tend to value our comfort zone very much, the dark night of the soul allows us to let go of our comforts as God purifies our desires and makes us ready to go heaven.
The dark night of the soul is also unique in the sense that it looks different in each and every persons life. This means that while some people may experience the dark night of the soul through trial, others may experience it though temptations and abandonment or all of them. It is also unpredictable in the sense that it can occur at any stage of our spiritual journey. Since our spiritual journey is divided into three major phases that is; the purgative, illuminative and the unitive phases, the dark night is likely to occur at the end of the illuminative way as we transition to the final unitive stage. As we experience the dark night during the journey of Christianity, it reveals to us what exactly we are without God. The trials and temptations that we experience during the dark night of the soul are meant to prepare us for the tough journey ahead towards uniting with Christ.
Having understood the dark night of the soul it is also important for us to acknowledge and be aware that the dark night of the soul is not depression nor is it evil. We should understand that it is Gods unique way of working on soul to draw us nearer to him and seek his kingdom. Sometimes it is the experiences that we go through such as suffering that remind us of the existence of Gods kingdom. Just like Jobs story in the bible, we should remain strong and firm in the Lord amidst many trials and temptations that we may fac ...
This document discusses the concept of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that salvation is a gift from God through faith in Jesus, who died for our sins. It warns that willful and continued sin can jeopardize one's salvation, though God will forgive repentant believers. The document also contrasts belief in God with needing to believe specifically in Jesus, and warns about Satan trying to deceive people from accepting Christ.
This document is a chapter from the book "Prosperity of the Soul" by Jerry Savelle. The chapter discusses how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paid the price not just for salvation from sin but also for healing, prosperity, and blessing in every area of life. It argues that God desires believers to prosper physically, financially, and materially just as much as He desires them to be saved spiritually. The chapter aims to show that prosperity is God's will according to scriptures like 3 John 2, and that Jesus' atoning work provides for prosperity in all aspects of life, not just salvation from hell.
1) God's plan is to give people eternal life through his son Jesus Christ. However, sin separates people from God and deserves death as punishment.
2) Jesus paid the penalty for sin by dying on the cross. Through faith in Jesus, people can be forgiven of their sins and gain eternal life.
3) To receive salvation, one must acknowledge their sins, believe in Jesus, and commit their life to following him. By praying to accept Jesus, one becomes a child of God and gains eternal life.
God's Ways for his people and his Church
-Zac Poonen
1. Knowing God's Ways
2. Some Important Truths That I Have Learnt
3. Principles Of Serving God
4. How A Spiritual Movement Declines
5. Three Marks Of A Spiritual Man
6. Five Sins That Jesus Hated The Most
7. Every Church Must Have A Doorkeeper
8. An Axe To The Root
9. New-Covenant Servants And New-Covenant Churches
10. Lessons From Cain and Abel
11. Owe No Man Anything
12. Do You Accuse Or Do You Intercede?
13. A Consuming Fire In The Midst of The Church
14. Valuing The Church
15. Seeing The Glory Of Christ And Partaking Of It
16. A Clean Heart And A Pure Life
17. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
18. The True Grace Of God
19. The Truth About Speaking In Tongues
20. Shibboleths Among Believers
21. Understanding The Truth Accurately
Part 3 in the series of personal discipleship, Life to Life groups. Learn how to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as you, yourselves, are strengthened in your own walk with God.
The document discusses the importance of teaching new or immature believers to focus inwardly on adopting God's biblical principles, rather than outward behaviors alone. It emphasizes that our disposition, decisions, and behaviors should reflect focusing on our relationship with God and allowing Him to guide our lives, rather than relying solely on human reasoning. The document also stresses that we were created to need and support one another as part of God's plan.
This document provides an overview of Josiah Ministries and discusses maintaining a close relationship with God through spending time in prayer, fellowship, and studying the Bible. It describes how King David experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit throughout his life because he truly repented of his sins, while King Saul lost the Spirit's power because he disobeyed God. It encourages readers to give up worldly distractions and fully devote themselves to God in order to experience the Holy Spirit more fully. The document also shares a personal story about enduring chronic hand pain and increased prayer strengthening one's faith during difficulties.
This document summarizes a 1969 sermon about preparing for marriage according to biblical principles. It discusses how God created marriage to bring joy and instituted the first marriage between Adam and Eve. It notes that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in Cana to show his support for marriage. However, it laments that few follow God's plan for marriage today, resulting in unhappiness. The sermon encourages preparing for marriage by studying God's original design and not following the practices of the world.
This document contains an introduction and 22 chapters on various spiritual topics written by Leeroy M. Mbangani. The introduction discusses the importance of gaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in order to live a full life. Each chapter provides teachings on topics such as the secret place, association, growth, fear of the Lord, praying to get answers, purpose, the kingdom of God, spiritual warfare, and more. The goal is to equip readers with relevant spiritual components so they can be uplifted and live wisely.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the blessings that Christians have from God. It discusses that God intends for Christians to be blessed from the very beginning and that every blessing God promised is still available. It encourages the reader to discover all of God's blessing promises in the Bible and to claim them by faith so that they can be blessed in every area of life. Several Bible passages about blessings, such as Psalm 1 and the 23rd Psalm, are explained to showcase how Christians can live blessed lives through finding delight in God's word. The overall message is that Christians have every reason to say "I am blessed" and to greet others in that way as well.
This document discusses the concept of stagnation versus growth. It argues that change is life and stagnation is death. All living things are either growing or deteriorating. The document provides seven principles for avoiding stagnation and continuing to grow: 1) Live daily with the end goal of becoming more like Christ in view, 2) Make a personal commitment to grow, 3) Value the process of small, daily growth over big events, 4) Prioritize obedience over knowledge, 5) Depend on God and community for growth, 6) Address areas where you get stuck, and 7) Maintain growth through daily habits and routines. Growth happens gradually through consistency, not in big spurts.
The document provides instructions for using "The Bridge Illustration" to summarize the Christian gospel message. It can be presented in 3 stages:
1) Man's problem of sin separating him from God, resulting in spiritual death.
2) God's remedy through Jesus' death on the cross to forgive sins and make salvation a free gift through faith.
3) Man's response to repent of sins and accept Jesus into his life by faith to cross over from death to eternal life.
This document provides an overview of a tool for church discipleship. It discusses the need for both personal and corporate discipleship to help Christians grow in maturity and fruitfulness. The personal model of discipleship involves four components: focusing on God's word, making a commitment, modeling godly behavior, and providing individual attention. The goal of discipleship is to help believers progress from spiritual childhood to adulthood and produce spiritual reproduction through evangelism.
The Dalai Lama responds wisely to a question about the best religion, saying the best religion is the one that makes a person more compassionate, loving, and ethical. He emphasizes that what is most important is how one behaves and treats others, not which religion one follows. The document then discusses Jesus, who the author argues is the only way to attain the virtuous life the Dalai Lama described because he sacrificed himself to restore people's deteriorated lives and give them eternal life. It provides arguments for why Christianity presents the one true God.
This document provides strategies for maintaining divine healing based on biblical principles. It begins by establishing that God intends for people to be healthy based on passages like Exodus 23:25. It then discusses four key points: 1) God's intention is healing, 2) Understanding man's spirit, soul, and body makeup, 3) Satan intends to steal healing, and 4) People have a choice to follow God or Satan in any situation. The document then lists 10 strategies for maintaining healing, such as keeping oneself in an atmosphere of faith and not dwelling on past sicknesses. Overall, the document aims to provide a biblical foundation for divine healing and practical steps to retain healing based on scripture.
Todays message completes the final third of Peters sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the non-negotiables of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
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Assignment title Weekly Reflection Paper # 13Date 04.15.18In.docxrock73
Assignment title: Weekly Reflection Paper # 13
Date: 04.15.18
Indeed the best things in life are hard to achieve. I can only relate this saying to Christianity as a journey. I believe that everyone who would one day like to go to heaven is motivated to live righteous life on earth. Well, that is at least the reward that is best known to us and awaits us for living our lives righteously on earth as Christians. Just like any other rewarding journey, Christianity is also a journey that is full of many challenges and requires Gods grace for an individual to make it to the end of the journey. The poem and concept of the dark night of the soul elaborates this by explaining that it is a natural feeling for Christians to sometimes experience spiritual emptiness and the feeling of being abandoned by God. It makes it known to us that such experiences are part and parcel of journey to Christ.
Mother Teresa herself confirms this in one of her letters that was found where she wrote of how she was told that God lives within her yet the emptiness and coldness that she experienced in her soul was so great that nothing touched her soul. This is what the dark night of the soul is all about. To better understand the dark night of the soul, I will look at what it constitutes in the lives of Christians. First the dark night of the soul is necessary in the lives of Christians. Since us as human beings tend to value our comfort zone very much, the dark night of the soul allows us to let go of our comforts as God purifies our desires and makes us ready to go heaven.
The dark night of the soul is also unique in the sense that it looks different in each and every persons life. This means that while some people may experience the dark night of the soul through trial, others may experience it though temptations and abandonment or all of them. It is also unpredictable in the sense that it can occur at any stage of our spiritual journey. Since our spiritual journey is divided into three major phases that is; the purgative, illuminative and the unitive phases, the dark night is likely to occur at the end of the illuminative way as we transition to the final unitive stage. As we experience the dark night during the journey of Christianity, it reveals to us what exactly we are without God. The trials and temptations that we experience during the dark night of the soul are meant to prepare us for the tough journey ahead towards uniting with Christ.
Having understood the dark night of the soul it is also important for us to acknowledge and be aware that the dark night of the soul is not depression nor is it evil. We should understand that it is Gods unique way of working on soul to draw us nearer to him and seek his kingdom. Sometimes it is the experiences that we go through such as suffering that remind us of the existence of Gods kingdom. Just like Jobs story in the bible, we should remain strong and firm in the Lord amidst many trials and temptations that we may fac ...
This document discusses the concept of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that salvation is a gift from God through faith in Jesus, who died for our sins. It warns that willful and continued sin can jeopardize one's salvation, though God will forgive repentant believers. The document also contrasts belief in God with needing to believe specifically in Jesus, and warns about Satan trying to deceive people from accepting Christ.
This document is a chapter from the book "Prosperity of the Soul" by Jerry Savelle. The chapter discusses how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paid the price not just for salvation from sin but also for healing, prosperity, and blessing in every area of life. It argues that God desires believers to prosper physically, financially, and materially just as much as He desires them to be saved spiritually. The chapter aims to show that prosperity is God's will according to scriptures like 3 John 2, and that Jesus' atoning work provides for prosperity in all aspects of life, not just salvation from hell.
1) God's plan is to give people eternal life through his son Jesus Christ. However, sin separates people from God and deserves death as punishment.
2) Jesus paid the penalty for sin by dying on the cross. Through faith in Jesus, people can be forgiven of their sins and gain eternal life.
3) To receive salvation, one must acknowledge their sins, believe in Jesus, and commit their life to following him. By praying to accept Jesus, one becomes a child of God and gains eternal life.
God's Ways for his people and his Church
-Zac Poonen
1. Knowing God's Ways
2. Some Important Truths That I Have Learnt
3. Principles Of Serving God
4. How A Spiritual Movement Declines
5. Three Marks Of A Spiritual Man
6. Five Sins That Jesus Hated The Most
7. Every Church Must Have A Doorkeeper
8. An Axe To The Root
9. New-Covenant Servants And New-Covenant Churches
10. Lessons From Cain and Abel
11. Owe No Man Anything
12. Do You Accuse Or Do You Intercede?
13. A Consuming Fire In The Midst of The Church
14. Valuing The Church
15. Seeing The Glory Of Christ And Partaking Of It
16. A Clean Heart And A Pure Life
17. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
18. The True Grace Of God
19. The Truth About Speaking In Tongues
20. Shibboleths Among Believers
21. Understanding The Truth Accurately
Part 3 in the series of personal discipleship, Life to Life groups. Learn how to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as you, yourselves, are strengthened in your own walk with God.
The document discusses the importance of teaching new or immature believers to focus inwardly on adopting God's biblical principles, rather than outward behaviors alone. It emphasizes that our disposition, decisions, and behaviors should reflect focusing on our relationship with God and allowing Him to guide our lives, rather than relying solely on human reasoning. The document also stresses that we were created to need and support one another as part of God's plan.
This document provides an overview of Josiah Ministries and discusses maintaining a close relationship with God through spending time in prayer, fellowship, and studying the Bible. It describes how King David experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit throughout his life because he truly repented of his sins, while King Saul lost the Spirit's power because he disobeyed God. It encourages readers to give up worldly distractions and fully devote themselves to God in order to experience the Holy Spirit more fully. The document also shares a personal story about enduring chronic hand pain and increased prayer strengthening one's faith during difficulties.
This document summarizes a 1969 sermon about preparing for marriage according to biblical principles. It discusses how God created marriage to bring joy and instituted the first marriage between Adam and Eve. It notes that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in Cana to show his support for marriage. However, it laments that few follow God's plan for marriage today, resulting in unhappiness. The sermon encourages preparing for marriage by studying God's original design and not following the practices of the world.
This document contains an introduction and 22 chapters on various spiritual topics written by Leeroy M. Mbangani. The introduction discusses the importance of gaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in order to live a full life. Each chapter provides teachings on topics such as the secret place, association, growth, fear of the Lord, praying to get answers, purpose, the kingdom of God, spiritual warfare, and more. The goal is to equip readers with relevant spiritual components so they can be uplifted and live wisely.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the blessings that Christians have from God. It discusses that God intends for Christians to be blessed from the very beginning and that every blessing God promised is still available. It encourages the reader to discover all of God's blessing promises in the Bible and to claim them by faith so that they can be blessed in every area of life. Several Bible passages about blessings, such as Psalm 1 and the 23rd Psalm, are explained to showcase how Christians can live blessed lives through finding delight in God's word. The overall message is that Christians have every reason to say "I am blessed" and to greet others in that way as well.
This document discusses the concept of stagnation versus growth. It argues that change is life and stagnation is death. All living things are either growing or deteriorating. The document provides seven principles for avoiding stagnation and continuing to grow: 1) Live daily with the end goal of becoming more like Christ in view, 2) Make a personal commitment to grow, 3) Value the process of small, daily growth over big events, 4) Prioritize obedience over knowledge, 5) Depend on God and community for growth, 6) Address areas where you get stuck, and 7) Maintain growth through daily habits and routines. Growth happens gradually through consistency, not in big spurts.
The document provides instructions for using "The Bridge Illustration" to summarize the Christian gospel message. It can be presented in 3 stages:
1) Man's problem of sin separating him from God, resulting in spiritual death.
2) God's remedy through Jesus' death on the cross to forgive sins and make salvation a free gift through faith.
3) Man's response to repent of sins and accept Jesus into his life by faith to cross over from death to eternal life.
This document provides an overview of a tool for church discipleship. It discusses the need for both personal and corporate discipleship to help Christians grow in maturity and fruitfulness. The personal model of discipleship involves four components: focusing on God's word, making a commitment, modeling godly behavior, and providing individual attention. The goal of discipleship is to help believers progress from spiritual childhood to adulthood and produce spiritual reproduction through evangelism.
The Dalai Lama responds wisely to a question about the best religion, saying the best religion is the one that makes a person more compassionate, loving, and ethical. He emphasizes that what is most important is how one behaves and treats others, not which religion one follows. The document then discusses Jesus, who the author argues is the only way to attain the virtuous life the Dalai Lama described because he sacrificed himself to restore people's deteriorated lives and give them eternal life. It provides arguments for why Christianity presents the one true God.
This document provides strategies for maintaining divine healing based on biblical principles. It begins by establishing that God intends for people to be healthy based on passages like Exodus 23:25. It then discusses four key points: 1) God's intention is healing, 2) Understanding man's spirit, soul, and body makeup, 3) Satan intends to steal healing, and 4) People have a choice to follow God or Satan in any situation. The document then lists 10 strategies for maintaining healing, such as keeping oneself in an atmosphere of faith and not dwelling on past sicknesses. Overall, the document aims to provide a biblical foundation for divine healing and practical steps to retain healing based on scripture.
Todays message completes the final third of Peters sermon at Pentecost. We will discuss the meaning of repentance, take an important side journey into the non-negotiables of our Christian faith, talk about where and how baptism fits into our faith, and celebrate the inauguration of the Church Age as the Holy Spirit makes His grand entrance!
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
The 際際滷Share slide show does funky things to the slide formatting and a few slides are wrecked by its slide show, but the downloaded pptx and the Dropbox slide show are good, see link below.
My attempt to explain how the metaphysics of the universe works using speculative philosophy and physics. I use the philosophy of idealism, consciousness primary, along with support from modern physicists who support this argument. I propose that the basis of the universe is non-dual monistic idealism. Using the Buddhist metaphysics of an unconditioned basis of being (infinite space-time & potential) we see how monistic idealism plays out in the non-random rules, structure, and repeating patterns of a manifested & conditioned universe. I also propose that the unconditioned basis-of-being is the G旦del "X" (unrecognized complexity) factor that explains the existence of the manifested conditioned universe per his ontological proof. Idealism can also explain the structural theodicy and suffering of the manifested universe, it is not a problem of evil but of ruthlessness for a purpose. Idealism also refutes a personal conditioned theistic God as Absolute or Ultimate, but does not refute (allows) spiritual power and meaning in the world. I include my Neoplatonic-like cosmological proof of God as the unconditioned basis of being, a terminal ontological ground-state (as brute fact), as being a non-theistic source of the universe. It is a long pptx, but it is a big subject.
Dropbox allows the use of PowerPoint for the web where the slides and animations works:
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
Free from prison mean have a freedom and eternal lifeTImothy leonard
Shalom everyone, i m sharing the word of god with you all
Spiritual Freedom: Spiritually, being "free from prison" refers to liberation from the bondage of sin. The Bible describes sin as a form of captivity that can imprison the soul. Jesus' sacrifice is seen as the key to unlocking this prison, offering forgiveness, healing, and freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 (NIV): "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."
John 8:36 (NIV): "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someones career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someones cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someones mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a womans monthly periods
Blocking a womans ability to conceive
Break Forth into Joy.pptx"Break Forth into Joy: Embracing God's Salvation and...TImothy leonard
This presentation explores the powerful message of Isaiah 52:1-10, where God calls His people to awaken and rejoice in the promise of redemption. It reflects on how believers can experience true joy through faith, even in challenging times, by embracing God's free gift of salvation and grace. Through daily practices of prayer, thanksgiving, and sharing joy with others, we can live as testimonies of God's love and hope. The presentation emphasizes that lasting joy is found not in the circumstances of life, but in the eternal promises of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
7. a. It provides him the
direction in life
b. It gives meaning
to his actions
c. it makes life more
meaningful to him
8. A very basic point that has been taken so
much for granted by many people in the
world is the ultimate purpose of their
lives. Have you ever asked yourself why
you are here in this world? In other
words, have you ever asked yourself
about the purpose of your life on earth?
You know, this is such an important
9. In fact, it is the most
important question that a
man can ask himself. Why? it
is because the knowledge of
his purpose provides the
direction on ones life.
10. purpose in life is like a traveler
who does know where he is
going. Life for him becomes
meaningless and dull! That is
why many of those who take this
question for granted end up
11. On the other hand, if you clearly know your
purpose in life every act becomes meaningful as
you do it in relation to that purpose. Not only are
they meaningful, but you also know how to
execute each act. For example, your purpose is to
be at school. Before that happens, you wake up
early, take a shower, take an earlier breakfast, put
on your uniform, etc. All these are done because
of your purpose to go to school.
14. is definitely not you. The simple reason is
because you did not make yourself. To
determine the purpose of anything made or
created is the sole prerogative of the maker
or creator. For example it is not for the clay to
dictate to the potter what it wants to be. It is
for the potter to determine whether to make
it into a pot.
16. Some people determine their own purpose
and live their lives to attain it. What happens?
They destroy themselves! Why? They live their
lives that are not in accordance with their
creators design. Their purpose in life is to
seek, for example money or the pleasures of
drinking, gambling, drug addiction and sex.
17. In the process they destroy
themselves because of their
misguided purpose in life. Its just
like using a microphone as a
hammer. You will surely destroy it
simply because that is not what it
was made for.
18. Since we believe that God is our maker, it
is therefore, God who determines our
purpose. Whatever that is, thats what we
should strive to follow. That is truly the
best for us. Our whole nature is made for
that and only when we attain it, will our
whole being find rest and fulfillment.
30. How can we know
Gods purpose for us?
There are two ways of
finding it out, namely:
31. A. By investigation or
research. Study mans
nature his behavior, his
desires etc.! Here we do
not need sophisticated
32. We say this because there is nothing in this
world that can satisfy the human heart.
In every person there is a craving for a real
happiness. Many people have the wrong
notion that they can satisfy themselves with
the things of this world like money, vices and
power. True, they can get some amount of
happiness from these but never enough to
genuinely satisfy the human heart.
33. In the end they still feel empty and
restless. The more money they have
the more they crave for more. They
even resort to this dishonest means in
trying to acquire for more. The more
power they have, the more they desire
to get more power even if this means
becoming sinfully corrupt.
34. B. From what God says:
from the word of God himself, we
know that human beings are
made to be united with God. In
other words, this is Gods plan.
He made us for him, to be one
with him.
35. No wonder, deep in the heart of
every person there
is a longing for God.
The bible says:
as the deer longs for
streams of water, so my soul
longs for you, o God.
36. My being thirsts for God, the living
God. When can I go and see the face of
Psalm 42:2-3
O God, you are my God It is you I
seek! For you my body yearns ; For you
my soul thirsts, in a land parched,
lifeless, and without water.
Psalm 63:1
37. What do all this means? Its very
clear that there is in human being
a deep longing for God purposely
placed there by God because of
his purpose of man.
Furthermore, here are still more
direct and striking scriptures
38. God says, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26
39. In Another passage God
"What is man that you should be mindful of
him, or the son of man that you should care
him? You have made him little less than the
angels, and crowned him with glory and
Psalm 8: 5-6
40. In my fathers house there are many dwelling
places, if there were not, would I have told you
that I am going to prepare a place for you, And
if I go prepare and prepare a place for you, I
will come back again and take you to myself, so
that where am I am a you also may be
John 14:2-3
41. Finally we have the church
speaking to us in Vatican II,
church in the modern world
section 24 says: All men are
created to one and the same
goal namely God himself From
these words of the scriptures
and the church we know clearly
that Gods purpose in creating us
is union with him.
43. If man is to be united with
God the next question is
when? Should it be now or
later in eternity?
It has to be now
because man is man
right now
44. Now within TIME. This is Gods
plan. A normal man should be
united with God. our eternity is
just a continuation of what we
are at the end of our time.
45. The ultimate purpose of every
human being in this world
is to be united with God
48. Since, man is a limited being how can he
reach God who is limitless? Indeed, by
his own power it is impossible. God
knows it. That is why he decided to come
to man.
Jesus is God who entered into time to
make himself accessible to man.
Through Him and in Him humanity was
provided a way to be united with God .
52. For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only
begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth on
him should not perish, but
have eternal life.
JOHN 3:16
54. Yes, in Jesus and through Jesus,
man has the way to be united
with God. But Jesus, the solution
or way to our union with God,
died. He resurrected, Yes, but he
ascended to heaven,
60. VII. The mystical body of Jesus
he fulfilled his promise! He established his
mystical body composed of so many
individual bodies (believers of Jesus). He
made them one by in dwelling of his holy
spirit on Pentecost Sunday
romans 11:19-20
61. You were buried with him in baptism, in which you
were also raised with him through faith in the power
of God, who raised him from the dead.
Colossians 2:12
62. "We were indeed buried with him through baptism
into death, as Christ was raised from the dead by the
glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of
Romans 6:4
63. Today we can be united
with Jesus by being united
with his mystical body the
church through baptism.
64. Personal introspection:
Now look at yourself and answer this
question am I united with jesus at this
present moment? Dont ever say Im still
young, Im still far from the door of death or
I'm not young anymore but I'm still strong.
Later on when I get old, Ill be united with
Jesus. but not now let me enjoy living as I like
65. Remember it is not only the
old people and the sick people
who die. Death comes to
everybody to the young and
to the old, to the sick and to
the healthy, yes even to the
rich and the poor.
66. The bible says: death is like
a thief in the night it comes
when you least expect it.
68. Are you sure that by the next tick of
the clock you will not be among the
ten? Right now you may not be
among the ten but from now on
until tomorrow there are thousands
more of ticks to come. Are you sure
that not one of those is meant for
70. Every person has his own length of
time to live some are good for 100
years they are very rare! Others are
good for 80, 70 60 or even just one
day, now how about you? Do you
know how many years you have good
71. Are you sure that by the next tick of the
clock you will not be among the ten?
Right now you may not be among the
ten but from now on until tomorrow
there are thousands more of ticks to
come. Are you sure that not one of
those is meant for you?
72. Because I know where I will
go. If on the other hand I
know my companion is not
Jesus but the devil, because I
am living in sin, then I have all
the reasons to tremble at the
mere thoughts of death
77. With your eyes of faith, look at
Jesus intently and listen to
him saying to you:
My Child are you with me?
I am your main concern in
78. Look at yourself now and with all
honesty and sincerity answer the Lord
from the depth of your heart. Be open
to the Lord and allow him to touch
you today. And feel free to
communicate with the Lord and touch
you with his Spirit