This document discusses three levels of cross-disciplinarity: multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. Multidisciplinarity involves several disciplines addressing a topic without integrating their perspectives. Interdisciplinarity aims to integrate knowledge from different disciplines by developing new methodologies and approaches. Transdisciplinarity seeks to understand the world as a whole by going beyond individual disciplines and integrating them at a higher level of abstraction.
3. Cross Disciplinarity: Transdisciplinarity
concerns that which is at once between the
disciplines, across the different disciplines,
and beyond all discipline.
Its goal is the understanding of the world, of
which one of the imperatives is the unity of
knowledge. Basarab Nicolescu
Editor's Notes
#4: 3 types of arguments, inferences, and logical thinking
(abductive is lowest probability but still rational)
Probability 1 , > .95,< .95, > 0
#5: Aristotle started documenting deductive reasoning in the 4th century BC.
Theories (validated hypotheses) lead to conclusions
#6: Or given the rule and the cause, deduce the effect
#7: If premises are true (a rule and a case), then the conclusion must be true
#10: observation of nature is the authority. If an idea conflicts with what happens in nature, the idea must be changed or abandoned.
Observations are used to test hypotheses
Focused on experimentation and data to validate hypotheses