Node.js实践 is a document about Node.js. It discusses how Node.js allows JavaScript to be used for server-side applications by providing a fast, scalable, and flexible environment. Node.js uses a single thread with non-blocking I/O and the V8 JavaScript engine. It also uses an event-driven architecture. This allows JavaScript to be used beyond just client-side applications in the browser. It also discusses how libraries like YUI3 and jQuery can be used in Node.js applications both on the front-end and back-end.
You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Arduino, an open-source hardware and software platform for building electronics projects and interactive objects. It discusses the basic components of the Arduino board, including digital and analog input/output pins. It also covers examples of common uses for digital and analog pins like blinking an LED, reading a button input, and controlling a servo motor. The document concludes with a discussion of communicating with Arduino using the serial monitor and examples of interfacing with RGB LEDs and light sensors.
Node.js实践 is a document about Node.js. It discusses how Node.js allows JavaScript to be used for server-side applications by providing a fast, scalable, and flexible environment. Node.js uses a single thread with non-blocking I/O and the V8 JavaScript engine. It also uses an event-driven architecture. This allows JavaScript to be used beyond just client-side applications in the browser. It also discusses how libraries like YUI3 and jQuery can be used in Node.js applications both on the front-end and back-end.
You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Arduino, an open-source hardware and software platform for building electronics projects and interactive objects. It discusses the basic components of the Arduino board, including digital and analog input/output pins. It also covers examples of common uses for digital and analog pins like blinking an LED, reading a button input, and controlling a servo motor. The document concludes with a discussion of communicating with Arduino using the serial monitor and examples of interfacing with RGB LEDs and light sensors.
Misura dell'inquinamento luminoso del cielo notturno di Asiago / Measurement ...Anna Vedovato
Study about methods of measurement of the night sky brightness through the analysis of the curve of brightness and systematic and random factors able to change it during the night.
Assessment of the state of light pollution in the sky of Asiago
IBN technologies provides complete Risk & Quantitative Analysis services to their client. Our team consist of highly professionals with more than 8 years of exp
The document discusses several important elements of effective writing, including using sensory detail to help readers experience what is being described, drawing readers in with interesting introductions and conclusions, maintaining a narrowed focus to keep readers engaged without overloading them with details, and using thesis statements and conclusions to inform readers and leave them satisfied.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas pengaruh pelatihan kecerdasan adversitas terhadap motivasi berprestasi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 8 Surakarta.
2. Penelitian menggunakan teknik matching dengan memberikan pelatihan kecerdasan adversitas kepada kelompok eksperimen.
3. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan kecerdasan adversitas berpengaruh signifikan dalam meningkatkan motivasi berprest
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 狠狠撸Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design slideshows.
La región Andina de Colombia es la más poblada y urbanizada del país. Cubre aproximadamente una tercera parte del territorio nacional e incluye departamentos como Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander y Antioquia. Su economía se basa en la agricultura, la industria, el textil y otros sectores. La gastronomía andina se caracteriza por platos como el ajiaco, la bandeja paisa y los tamales.
This document discusses redefining the role of health support services in humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations. It argues that health services units deployed on such missions must be allocated the same rights as maneuver units. Currently, health services units are traditionally employed as combat support under logistics commands with little flexibility. However, during relief efforts their primary mission is dealing with medical issues of civilians, making them key enablers for mission success. The document examines conditions that could allow health services units to serve as maneuver units during disaster relief operations. It proposes adopting a model where health services have more autonomy and flexibility to effectively support humanitarian missions.
Hiring a virtual CFO provides 5 key benefits: 1) It saves money compared to a full-time CFO since there are no health or other employee benefits. 2) It offers more flexibility since virtual CFO services can scale up or down as needed. 3) Virtual CFOs can help with transactions and provide financial advice beyond what a busy founder has time for. 4) They have experience dealing with common financial problems and can offer solutions. 5) A virtual CFO provides a fresh outside perspective from working with different companies.
The document discusses the art element of line. It explains that line can be used in various ways within artwork, including as curvilinear or rectilinear lines, actual or implied lines, contour lines to define shapes, and to express values through techniques like hatching and cross-hatching. Line quality can also be manipulated to convey different emotions, with thick, dark lines expressing heavy moods and thin, fluid lines conveying delicacy. The effective use of line allows artists to create composition and define forms, shadows, and values in both drawings and paintings.
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Este documento resume los conceptos clave de la administración según diferentes autores como Fayol, Levitt, Drucker y Mintzberg. Explica las definiciones, procesos, funciones, formas de conducta, aspectos, crecimiento y estrategias de las organizaciones. También describe las etapas de evolución de las organizaciones y las ideas de autores pioneros como Taylor y Fayol sobre la administración científica y sus principios.
The document discusses the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol addiction. It notes that tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals, including tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxic substances. Smoking is linked to numerous cancers and respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive illnesses. The document also discusses how alcoholism is a disease influenced by genetics and psychiatric issues. Teenage drinking is especially dangerous as it can impact brain development and learning. Both smoking and alcohol abuse financially and emotionally damage families.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang aktivitas ibadah pada malam Ramadhan mulai dari doa, solat sunat, membaca Al-Quran, istighfar, tasbih, hingga berdoa.
2. Termasuk jenis-jenis solat sunat seperti Tahajjud, Hajat, Taubat, Tasbih, Lailatul Qadar, dan Witir beserta tata cara pelaksanaannya.
3. Dibahas pula doa-doa yang dibaca setelah solat sunat se