This document contains weather data from December 4th to December 11th, including the date, morning/afternoon, and maximum and minimum temperatures each day. On most days the maximum temperature was 12 degrees and the minimum was 8 degrees.
Iquitos es la ciudad más importante de la Amazonía peruana y capital de la Región Loreto. Se encuentra en Perú y es el puerto fluvial más importante del país, comunicándose a través del río Amazonas con ciudades de Colombia, Brasil y el océano Atlántico. Iquitos es conocida por ser la ciudad de mayor cantidad de habitantes en el mundo que no puede ser alcanzada por rutas terrestres.
Process Day 2010 - Ronald G. Ross – What You Need to Know about Decisioning w...EloGroup
This document discusses business rules and decision tables. It provides examples of how decision tables can be used to represent business rules involving multiple criteria. The document advocates that decision tables are a natural format for representing real-world business rules that involve three or more multi-value criteria. It also discusses key aspects of business rules like terms, facts, and categories and provides an example of a library fact model and business rules.
The document is a market analysis report that provides data on the closing prices, momentum, private sentiment, and stochastic indicators for various stock market indexes and commodities. It compares the short-term (ST), intermediate-term (IT), and long-term (LT) trends and includes flags indicating the strength of the trends.
No??es de Empreendedorismo - Games SENAC (Parte 2)Thiago Costa
O documento discute conceitos de cenário, ambiente de marketing e planejamento estratégico. Define cenário como o contexto onde as atividades ocorrem e explica que entender o cenário é essencial para direcionar estratégias. Também aborda a import?ncia de analisar o ambiente de marketing, incluindo oportunidades e amea?as, e de planejar estratégias considerando o tamanho do mercado, participa??o e segmentos relevantes.
Mata Atl?ntica no Contexto da Sustentabilidade - Carlos A. JolyHumanidade2012
O documento discute os desafios e perspectivas para a conserva??o da biodiversidade no Bioma Mata Atl?ntica no Brasil. A Mata Atl?ntica originalmente cobria 1,3 milh?o de km2, mas atualmente restam apenas cerca de 12% de sua área devido a desmatamento. O bioma abriga uma grande diversidade de espécies, muitas delas endêmicas. O documento também descreve os principais ciclos econ?micos que impactaram a Mata Atl?ntica ao longo da história e iniciativas em andamento para ma
The document describes Variome Browser, a web application that allows users to navigate and explore the human variome. It evaluates the impact of single base variations on transcripts by integrating disease, SNP, and risk evaluation data. Key features include searching by chromosome, gene, or accession number and viewing variations in genome, chromosome, and transcript views in tables and images. Future plans include adding sorting, exporting, and mouse variome data.
FANS is a bioinformatics tool that predicts the functional effects of novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and point mutations in humans and mice. It classifies variants into risk levels - very high, high, medium, and very low - based on their potential impact on coding regions, splicing sites, protein domains and protein function. It integrates data from multiple databases and algorithms to analyze the functional consequences of variants.
The document introduces various bioinformatics databases and tools that are accessible through the Bioinformatic Harvester II platform, including Harvester, Source, SMART, PSORT, SOSUI, iHOP, GoPubmed, and STRING. Harvester allows users to search genes and proteins across multiple databases. Tools like SMART and PSORT allow for protein sequence analysis and subcellular localization prediction. The summary emphasizes that Harvester provides an integrated access point for experimental data, predicted domains, interactions, and cross-referenced information from sources like UniProt, NCBI, and Ensembl.
Iquitos es la ciudad más importante de la Amazonía peruana y capital de la Región Loreto. Se encuentra en Perú y es el puerto fluvial más importante del país, comunicándose a través del río Amazonas con ciudades de Colombia, Brasil y el océano Atlántico. Iquitos es conocida por ser la ciudad de mayor cantidad de habitantes en el mundo que no puede ser alcanzada por rutas terrestres.
Process Day 2010 - Ronald G. Ross – What You Need to Know about Decisioning w...EloGroup
This document discusses business rules and decision tables. It provides examples of how decision tables can be used to represent business rules involving multiple criteria. The document advocates that decision tables are a natural format for representing real-world business rules that involve three or more multi-value criteria. It also discusses key aspects of business rules like terms, facts, and categories and provides an example of a library fact model and business rules.
The document is a market analysis report that provides data on the closing prices, momentum, private sentiment, and stochastic indicators for various stock market indexes and commodities. It compares the short-term (ST), intermediate-term (IT), and long-term (LT) trends and includes flags indicating the strength of the trends.
No??es de Empreendedorismo - Games SENAC (Parte 2)Thiago Costa
O documento discute conceitos de cenário, ambiente de marketing e planejamento estratégico. Define cenário como o contexto onde as atividades ocorrem e explica que entender o cenário é essencial para direcionar estratégias. Também aborda a import?ncia de analisar o ambiente de marketing, incluindo oportunidades e amea?as, e de planejar estratégias considerando o tamanho do mercado, participa??o e segmentos relevantes.
Mata Atl?ntica no Contexto da Sustentabilidade - Carlos A. JolyHumanidade2012
O documento discute os desafios e perspectivas para a conserva??o da biodiversidade no Bioma Mata Atl?ntica no Brasil. A Mata Atl?ntica originalmente cobria 1,3 milh?o de km2, mas atualmente restam apenas cerca de 12% de sua área devido a desmatamento. O bioma abriga uma grande diversidade de espécies, muitas delas endêmicas. O documento também descreve os principais ciclos econ?micos que impactaram a Mata Atl?ntica ao longo da história e iniciativas em andamento para ma
The document describes Variome Browser, a web application that allows users to navigate and explore the human variome. It evaluates the impact of single base variations on transcripts by integrating disease, SNP, and risk evaluation data. Key features include searching by chromosome, gene, or accession number and viewing variations in genome, chromosome, and transcript views in tables and images. Future plans include adding sorting, exporting, and mouse variome data.
FANS is a bioinformatics tool that predicts the functional effects of novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and point mutations in humans and mice. It classifies variants into risk levels - very high, high, medium, and very low - based on their potential impact on coding regions, splicing sites, protein domains and protein function. It integrates data from multiple databases and algorithms to analyze the functional consequences of variants.
The document introduces various bioinformatics databases and tools that are accessible through the Bioinformatic Harvester II platform, including Harvester, Source, SMART, PSORT, SOSUI, iHOP, GoPubmed, and STRING. Harvester allows users to search genes and proteins across multiple databases. Tools like SMART and PSORT allow for protein sequence analysis and subcellular localization prediction. The summary emphasizes that Harvester provides an integrated access point for experimental data, predicted domains, interactions, and cross-referenced information from sources like UniProt, NCBI, and Ensembl.
Bioinformatic Harvester is a software tool that acts as a meta search engine for genes and protein information. It collects and indexes data from 16 major bioinformatics databases and allows users to search across these databases simultaneously. Search results are displayed on a single HTML page and are ranked based on relevance. Users can query the system using terms like gene names, sequences, protein domains, and literature to retrieve integrated information from databases on genes and proteins.