Toucans live in tropical environments with abundant fruit. They have strong beaks to open fruit and long beaks that scare animals away, though they don't use them to fight. Their feathers also help toucans blend into their environment.
This document summarizes territorial behavior in arthropods. It notes that territory provides advantages like attracting mates and protecting young. Territory size varies between species. Males of some species defend areas to attract females for mating or protect sites where females lay eggs. Territorial behavior has also been observed in solitary arthropods that care for offspring. Examples include female earwigs defending nests and treehoppers defending nymphs. Cockroaches have alpha, beta, and gamma males that establish territories. While some studies found territoriality in butterflies, others argued butterflies do not intentionally defend areas. Overall, territories are commonly established near important female sites.
Mantises are insects that come in over 2400 species and generally range from 5 to 8 centimeters long. They have large compound eyes, two pairs of wings, and long front legs for grasping prey. Mantises live on every continent except Antarctica and ambush other insects as predators, though larger species may also eat small animals. They are important ecologically as both pest control and a garden-friendly pesticide alternative. Female mantises may bite the heads off males during mating if hungry.
Gorillas are the largest of all primates and there are only two remaining species - eastern and western gorillas. Gorillas share many human-like characteristics and live in family troops led by a dominant male silverback. While large in size, gorillas are generally gentle and protect their families, communicating through verbal and non-verbal methods. Gorillas are intelligent animals that forage daily and never sleep in the same place twice. Their populations are declining due to human activities like habitat destruction.
This document provides an overview of ecosystem relationships and balances in nature. It describes several examples of predator-prey relationships and symbiotic relationships that help regulate populations and maintain ecosystems, such as the relationship between alligators and other marsh animals, honeyguides and ratels, bats and moths, starfish and barnacles/mussels. It also discusses the impacts of invasive species and provides details on the interaction between great white sharks and elephant seals.
1. Deserts support a variety of carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores that have adapted to the harsh conditions. Carnivores include the roadrunner, red-tailed hawk, bobcat, and coyote which prey on smaller mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
2. Common herbivores are the desert bighorn sheep, gambel's quail, and desert tortoise which graze on plants and greens to obtain moisture.
3. Omnivores such as the greater roadrunner, bobcat, and coyote consume both plants and animals depending on availability of resources.
Grasshoppers are small winged insects found on all continents except Antarctica. They live in dry, open habitats with grass and low plants. Grasshoppers go through life stages from egg to nymph to adult, taking around 9 weeks to mature. They are herbivores that eat grasses and leaves. Grasshoppers help control plant growth and are a food source for some animals and humans. Their habitats are threatened by human development.
Foraging is when animals search for wild foods and plays an important role in survival and reproduction. There are two main types of foraging - solitary, where animals forage alone using tools like sticks or stones, and group foraging where animals hunt together, benefiting from working as a group to isolate prey. Examples of group foragers include lions, hyenas, and wolves.
Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows. Darkling beetles are able to catch drops of moisture on their legs and lift them into the air until the drops trickle down into their mouths, allowing them to obtain water. Deserts vary in landscape and can be vast sandy dunes, rocky or pebbly areas dotted with small bushes, or areas sprinkled with colorful flowers during spring. Desert animals have developed various means of coping with the harsh conditions and lack of water, such as obtaining moisture from the air or burrowing underground.
The African Giant Snail is a large, invasive land snail species native to Eastern Africa. It has been accidentally and purposefully spread around the world. It lives in warm, tropical areas and feeds on over 500 types of plants, causing significant damage to agriculture. It can lay up to 1,000 eggs in its lifetime. It is a major pest that is extremely difficult to control due to its rapid population growth. It also poses a health risk to humans by carrying a parasitic nematode that can cause meningitis. A variety of control methods are used including hand collection, quarantine of imports, physical barriers, molluscicides, and biological controls like ducks and predatory snails.
The document discusses locust plagues, including their biology, monitoring, and management. It notes that there are around 500 locust species worldwide, with 50 being major pests. Locusts exist in solitary and gregarious phases, and form dense swarms when population numbers are high enough. Monitoring is done using remote sensing to detect vegetation zones and soil moisture. Management involves cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical controls, such as spraying pesticides, baiting, digging trenches, and using biopesticides. An integrated approach is recommended, combining modelling, monitoring, and both chemical and biological controls.
It is an presentation on snake farming .Every points have been included that important to know about snake farming. here, you can get the basic knowledge about various snakes habits, destitution and it's care and management .
This document discusses different types of biodiversity including gene diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Gene diversity refers to genetic variations within a species that can occur naturally or artificially. Species diversity is the difference between species that inhabit a particular habitat. Ecosystem diversity involves interactions between environmental conditions and biotic factors. Examples are provided of endangered species in Java that are threatened due to factors such as habitat loss, climate change, and low reproduction rates. Methods of protecting endangered species include conservation and cloning.
This document provides information on locusts and locust attacks. It discusses how locusts differ from grasshoppers, their life cycle and phases, species that cause problems, and management strategies. Locust swarms can grow very large, sometimes covering hundreds of square kilometers, and can devastate crops. Climate change is exacerbating locust outbreaks. Controlling locusts requires integrated approaches including cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical methods.
If people will about rodents so they can explain the people who hate mice & rats , they can explain that the rodents also have a life like us. show them this presentation to explain them this. And please view & comment this presentation.
Territorial behavior allows animals to protect areas from others of their species. A territory includes an animal's home range and surrounding area that it prevents others from entering. There are four main types of territories: mating territories for reproduction, breeding territories containing nesting or mating sites, feeding territories with sufficient food sources, and multi-purpose territories incorporating both breeding and feeding areas. Territory size depends on species, body size, food habits, population density, predator pressure, and food abundance. Territories are advertised and defended visually, acoustically, and chemically against animals of the same species. For example, male sea lions establish shoreline territories through vocalization to attract mating females and compete with other males.
This document summarizes a technical training on types of termites and their attributes. It discusses 5 main types of termites - dampwood termites, southeastern drywood termites, western drywood termites, desert subterranean termites. For each type, it describes their habitat, recognition (of workers, soldiers, swarmers), and some unique attributes. The document also discusses pre-construction and post-construction termite management strategies like physical and chemical barriers, baiting systems, inspection and localized treatment options.
Rodents are an order of mammals that includes over 1,600 species including hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, and squirrels. They are characterized by having split upper lips, two large upper incisors that grow continuously, and are nocturnal. Hamsters, gerbils, and rats are commonly kept as pets. Hamsters originated in the Middle East and are solitary, gerbils come from Africa and Asia and have longer hind legs for jumping, and rats spread worldwide but often carry diseases.
This document discusses populations and adaptations. It explains that a population is the number of a species living in a particular area, and factors like competition, predation, migration, disease, and natural disasters can change populations. Adaptation describes how plants and animals survive in different environments. Well-adapted organisms are better at coping with weather extremes, competing for food, escaping predators, and reproducing. Examples are given of adaptations in Arctic and desert environments, including thick fur, fat, and camouflage in polar bears and water storage and large feet in camels.
The rainforest green tree snake is a long, shiny, green snake that lives in trees in rainforests. It eats small animals like mice, rats, and birds. The snake's breeding season is from late August to late December, and females lay eggs from November to February which hatch after 39 to 65 days.
Deserts are mainly found around the tropics and receive less than 25cm of rain annually. Contrary to popular images, most desert surfaces are small rocks and gravel, not sand, and only 15% is pure sand. Camels are well-adapted to desert travel, carrying supplies and loads with their hump providing energy. There are one-humped dromedaries and two-humped Bactrians.
It is an excerpt of my book to-be about improving students' TOEFL vocabulary mastery. Currently, I am developing a language program that help my students get enganged in TOEFL vocabulary questions, especially about guessing meanings in context.
Macroevolution refers to large evolutionary changes that occur at or above the species level, in contrast to microevolution which involves smaller changes within a species. Adaptive radiation is the evolution of many descendant species from a single ancestor, with each species adapted to a different ecological niche. A classic example is Darwin's finches, which evolved from a common ancestor into 14 species with varying beak sizes and shapes adapted to different food sources. Orthogenesis proposed that evolutionary changes occur in a straight line, while allometry describes how body part size relates to overall body size and its evolution.
This document provides information on nonhuman primates, including their taxonomy, characteristics of prosimians and anthropoids, examples of different primate families, and their uses in research. It discusses prosimians, which resemble squirrels and rats more than monkeys. It also outlines characteristics of anthropoid primates and provides examples of families like lesser apes, great apes, New World monkeys and Old World monkeys. The document discusses the taxonomy, anatomy, social behavior, husbandry and techniques for handling different nonhuman primate species.
A biome is a global ecosystem characterized by a specific plant life and climate. The document describes the grassland biome, providing details on its climate, plant life, and common animal species. Specifically, it notes that grasslands have wet, dry, or windy climates with temperatures ranging from below 0 degrees in winter to over 90 degrees in summer. Common grassland plants include sunflowers, foxtail, buffalo grass and blazing stars, while typical animals are zebras, giraffes, prairie dogs, crows and rattlesnakes.
The document summarizes information about the desert tortoise, including that it is an herbivore that eats grasses, herbs, and cacti. Desert tortoises can live in extremely hot areas by burrowing underground to escape predators and temperatures over 140属F. They live in the American Southwest, especially the Mojave Desert, and have home ranges from 10 to 53 hectares. The desert tortoise has stumpy legs and seeks safety inside its domed shell when threatened.
The black-footed ferret is a small carnivorous mammal that is endangered and currently only lives in North America. It has yellowish-brown fur, a black mask around its eyes, and black feet. It eats mostly prairie dogs and other small mammals and rodents. The black-footed ferret lives in burrows in the grasslands and steppes of central western North America and is nocturnal. It was nearly driven to extinction in the 1970s due to grassland destruction and pest control programs but conservation efforts are underway.
The Arctic White wolf has several adaptations for surviving in the harsh Arctic climate including thick fur in two layers to keep it warm, large eyes to let in more light in low light conditions, big ears for good hearing to communicate over long distances, sharp claws for gripping prey and maintaining balance on ice with its long tail.
The West Indian manatee lives in shallow coastal waters, rivers, and estuaries in warmer parts of the Americas. It has adaptations for staying underwater, like nostrils that can close tightly and a thick layer of insulating body fat. Its flexible upper lip helps guide vegetation into its mouth to eat.
Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows. Darkling beetles are able to catch drops of moisture on their legs and lift them into the air until the drops trickle down into their mouths, allowing them to obtain water. Deserts vary in landscape and can be vast sandy dunes, rocky or pebbly areas dotted with small bushes, or areas sprinkled with colorful flowers during spring. Desert animals have developed various means of coping with the harsh conditions and lack of water, such as obtaining moisture from the air or burrowing underground.
The African Giant Snail is a large, invasive land snail species native to Eastern Africa. It has been accidentally and purposefully spread around the world. It lives in warm, tropical areas and feeds on over 500 types of plants, causing significant damage to agriculture. It can lay up to 1,000 eggs in its lifetime. It is a major pest that is extremely difficult to control due to its rapid population growth. It also poses a health risk to humans by carrying a parasitic nematode that can cause meningitis. A variety of control methods are used including hand collection, quarantine of imports, physical barriers, molluscicides, and biological controls like ducks and predatory snails.
The document discusses locust plagues, including their biology, monitoring, and management. It notes that there are around 500 locust species worldwide, with 50 being major pests. Locusts exist in solitary and gregarious phases, and form dense swarms when population numbers are high enough. Monitoring is done using remote sensing to detect vegetation zones and soil moisture. Management involves cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical controls, such as spraying pesticides, baiting, digging trenches, and using biopesticides. An integrated approach is recommended, combining modelling, monitoring, and both chemical and biological controls.
It is an presentation on snake farming .Every points have been included that important to know about snake farming. here, you can get the basic knowledge about various snakes habits, destitution and it's care and management .
This document discusses different types of biodiversity including gene diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Gene diversity refers to genetic variations within a species that can occur naturally or artificially. Species diversity is the difference between species that inhabit a particular habitat. Ecosystem diversity involves interactions between environmental conditions and biotic factors. Examples are provided of endangered species in Java that are threatened due to factors such as habitat loss, climate change, and low reproduction rates. Methods of protecting endangered species include conservation and cloning.
This document provides information on locusts and locust attacks. It discusses how locusts differ from grasshoppers, their life cycle and phases, species that cause problems, and management strategies. Locust swarms can grow very large, sometimes covering hundreds of square kilometers, and can devastate crops. Climate change is exacerbating locust outbreaks. Controlling locusts requires integrated approaches including cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical methods.
If people will about rodents so they can explain the people who hate mice & rats , they can explain that the rodents also have a life like us. show them this presentation to explain them this. And please view & comment this presentation.
Territorial behavior allows animals to protect areas from others of their species. A territory includes an animal's home range and surrounding area that it prevents others from entering. There are four main types of territories: mating territories for reproduction, breeding territories containing nesting or mating sites, feeding territories with sufficient food sources, and multi-purpose territories incorporating both breeding and feeding areas. Territory size depends on species, body size, food habits, population density, predator pressure, and food abundance. Territories are advertised and defended visually, acoustically, and chemically against animals of the same species. For example, male sea lions establish shoreline territories through vocalization to attract mating females and compete with other males.
This document summarizes a technical training on types of termites and their attributes. It discusses 5 main types of termites - dampwood termites, southeastern drywood termites, western drywood termites, desert subterranean termites. For each type, it describes their habitat, recognition (of workers, soldiers, swarmers), and some unique attributes. The document also discusses pre-construction and post-construction termite management strategies like physical and chemical barriers, baiting systems, inspection and localized treatment options.
Rodents are an order of mammals that includes over 1,600 species including hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, and squirrels. They are characterized by having split upper lips, two large upper incisors that grow continuously, and are nocturnal. Hamsters, gerbils, and rats are commonly kept as pets. Hamsters originated in the Middle East and are solitary, gerbils come from Africa and Asia and have longer hind legs for jumping, and rats spread worldwide but often carry diseases.
This document discusses populations and adaptations. It explains that a population is the number of a species living in a particular area, and factors like competition, predation, migration, disease, and natural disasters can change populations. Adaptation describes how plants and animals survive in different environments. Well-adapted organisms are better at coping with weather extremes, competing for food, escaping predators, and reproducing. Examples are given of adaptations in Arctic and desert environments, including thick fur, fat, and camouflage in polar bears and water storage and large feet in camels.
The rainforest green tree snake is a long, shiny, green snake that lives in trees in rainforests. It eats small animals like mice, rats, and birds. The snake's breeding season is from late August to late December, and females lay eggs from November to February which hatch after 39 to 65 days.
Deserts are mainly found around the tropics and receive less than 25cm of rain annually. Contrary to popular images, most desert surfaces are small rocks and gravel, not sand, and only 15% is pure sand. Camels are well-adapted to desert travel, carrying supplies and loads with their hump providing energy. There are one-humped dromedaries and two-humped Bactrians.
It is an excerpt of my book to-be about improving students' TOEFL vocabulary mastery. Currently, I am developing a language program that help my students get enganged in TOEFL vocabulary questions, especially about guessing meanings in context.
Macroevolution refers to large evolutionary changes that occur at or above the species level, in contrast to microevolution which involves smaller changes within a species. Adaptive radiation is the evolution of many descendant species from a single ancestor, with each species adapted to a different ecological niche. A classic example is Darwin's finches, which evolved from a common ancestor into 14 species with varying beak sizes and shapes adapted to different food sources. Orthogenesis proposed that evolutionary changes occur in a straight line, while allometry describes how body part size relates to overall body size and its evolution.
This document provides information on nonhuman primates, including their taxonomy, characteristics of prosimians and anthropoids, examples of different primate families, and their uses in research. It discusses prosimians, which resemble squirrels and rats more than monkeys. It also outlines characteristics of anthropoid primates and provides examples of families like lesser apes, great apes, New World monkeys and Old World monkeys. The document discusses the taxonomy, anatomy, social behavior, husbandry and techniques for handling different nonhuman primate species.
A biome is a global ecosystem characterized by a specific plant life and climate. The document describes the grassland biome, providing details on its climate, plant life, and common animal species. Specifically, it notes that grasslands have wet, dry, or windy climates with temperatures ranging from below 0 degrees in winter to over 90 degrees in summer. Common grassland plants include sunflowers, foxtail, buffalo grass and blazing stars, while typical animals are zebras, giraffes, prairie dogs, crows and rattlesnakes.
The document summarizes information about the desert tortoise, including that it is an herbivore that eats grasses, herbs, and cacti. Desert tortoises can live in extremely hot areas by burrowing underground to escape predators and temperatures over 140属F. They live in the American Southwest, especially the Mojave Desert, and have home ranges from 10 to 53 hectares. The desert tortoise has stumpy legs and seeks safety inside its domed shell when threatened.
The black-footed ferret is a small carnivorous mammal that is endangered and currently only lives in North America. It has yellowish-brown fur, a black mask around its eyes, and black feet. It eats mostly prairie dogs and other small mammals and rodents. The black-footed ferret lives in burrows in the grasslands and steppes of central western North America and is nocturnal. It was nearly driven to extinction in the 1970s due to grassland destruction and pest control programs but conservation efforts are underway.
The Arctic White wolf has several adaptations for surviving in the harsh Arctic climate including thick fur in two layers to keep it warm, large eyes to let in more light in low light conditions, big ears for good hearing to communicate over long distances, sharp claws for gripping prey and maintaining balance on ice with its long tail.
The West Indian manatee lives in shallow coastal waters, rivers, and estuaries in warmer parts of the Americas. It has adaptations for staying underwater, like nostrils that can close tightly and a thick layer of insulating body fat. Its flexible upper lip helps guide vegetation into its mouth to eat.
The document discusses the habitat and adaptations of zebras. Zebras live in southern and east Africa in woodlands, open plains, and grasslands with dry, hot weather. Their main predator is the lion. Zebras have black and white stripes that help them blend into grasslands. They also have acute senses including night vision and movable ears to detect predators. Their digestive systems allow them to survive on lower quality plant foods as herbivores.
This document describes the adaptations and characteristics of an ecosystem organism. It has strong pinchers to catch prey, releases a foul odor to defend against predators, and feels vibrations in the ground to locate prey and predators. While about 3 inches long, it is not a spider or scorpion, and usually lives under debris in humid, forested areas of Europe, Africa, and the southeastern United States.
The document discusses the habitat and adaptations of the star-nosed mole. The star-nosed mole lives in grassy meadows, marshes, swamps, and mixed forests in wet, mucky lowlands at very high elevations of at least 1880 feet in very cold areas of Eastern Canada and Northeastern US. It has a fleshy tentacle-covered nose that allows it to find food through touch and probe sediments underwater, long claws for digging tunnels to find insects to eat, water-repellent fur to enter cold water without freezing, and a long thick tail for storing food during breeding season.
Pandas live in forests in mountain ranges in central China where there are torrential rains and dense mist throughout the year. They have six toes and thumbs to hold and tear bamboo, their primary food source, and use powerful jaws and strong teeth to crush the tough fibrous bamboo. Pandas consume around 20-40 pounds of bamboo each day to get the necessary nutrients for survival.
This document discusses the adaptations of falcons that allow them to be effective predators. Falcons have thin tapered wings that allow them to fly very fast and maneuver sharply. Their eyes can adjust rapidly to focus on prey, and their nose has baffles to prevent air resistance from slowing them down. These adaptations make falcons well-suited to living in a variety of habitats around the world.
This document describes ecosystem characteristics and adaptations of organisms living along the east and south coast of South Africa. These organisms have adapted to living in tropical waters through counter shading coloration for camouflage and possessing a gas-filled sac in their stomach for buoyancy control. They have also developed immunity to venomous nematocysts commonly found in those waters.
The giant anteater lives in tropical rainforests and grasslands where it has adapted its body temperature to the humid conditions. It uses its extremely long nails to break open termite mounds and its long, sticky tongue to specialize on eating ants and termites.
Polar bears have several adaptations that help them survive in the Arctic including white fur that camouflages them in snow, large clawed paws that distribute their weight on ice and allow them to pull seals from their breathing holes, and hollow fur that insulates them in cold water while hunting for seals and fish near Arctic waters and islands.
Chameleons are found across the United States, Spain, Africa, and Asia, living in forests and deserts. They have adaptations like zygodactylous feet for climbing, eyes on the sides of their heads, long tongues for catching bugs, and horns on males' heads. Chameleons can change colors to camouflage and their feet and tongues help them move and find food.
The Canadian lynx is found in the boreal forest belt of North America. It has sharp teeth to catch prey like snowshoe hares, its main food source. Large feet and very thick fur help the lynx survive in cold climates by allowing it to walk on snow and ice and stay warm.
Jellyfish live in tropical regions like Hunama Bay in Hawaii. They are 95% water which helps them float efficiently and catch prey using poisonous stinging cells. They also drift in large groups as an adaptation to intimidate predators.
Tortoises live in southern Europe and north Africa where the climate is mild, they are protected by their strong shell from predators like eagles and being stepped on, and they don't require much energy to survive as they primarily eat grass.
Beavers live near bodies of water like rivers and streams, building dams and eating tree bark and roots. They have webbed hind feet to help them swim, a large flat tail to aid balance while gnawing trees, and can close their nose and ears to keep water out when swimming. Beavers have adaptations that help them thrive in aquatic ecosystems.
Zebras live in woodlands and open plains/grasslands in southern and east Africa where they face hot, dry weather and their main predator is the lion. They have black and white stripes that help them blend into grasslands, very acute senses including night vision and movable ears to hear predators, and digestive systems that allow them to survive on lower quality foods as herbivores.
White sharks inhabit coastal waters in the Atlantic ocean from the surf line to offshore areas. They are an apex predator in coastal ecosystems. White sharks range along the eastern seaboard of North and South America as well as parts of Europe and Africa.
Workload Prioritization: How to Balance Multiple Workloads in a Cluster by Fe...ScyllaDB
Workload Prioritization is a ScyllaDB exclusive feature for controlling how different workloads compete for system resources. It's used to prioritize urgent application requests that require immediate response times versus others that can tolerate slighter delays (e.g., large scans). Join this session for a demo of how applying workload prioritization reduces infrastructure costs while ensuring predictable performance at scale.
Theres a common adage that it takes 10 years to develop a file system. As ScyllaDB reaches that 10 year milestone in 2025, its the perfect time to reflect on the last decade of ScyllaDB development both hits and misses. Its especially appropriate given that our project just reached a critical mass with certain scalability and elasticity goals that we dreamed up years ago. This talk will cover how we arrived at ScyllaDB X Cloud achieving our initial vision, and share where were heading next.
Migrating 50TB Data From a Home-Grown Database to ScyllaDB, Fast by Terence LiuScyllaDB
Terence share how Clearview AI's infra needs evolved and why they chose ScyllaDB after first-principles research. From fast ingestion to production queries, the talk explores their journey with Rust, embedded DB readers, and the ScyllaDB Rust driverplus config tips for bulk ingestion and achieving data parity.
Ivantis Patch Tuesday breakdown goes beyond patching your applications and brings you the intelligence and guidance needed to prioritize where to focus your attention first. Catch early analysis on our Ivanti blog, then join industry expert Chris Goettl for the Patch Tuesday Webinar Event. There well do a deep dive into each of the bulletins and give guidance on the risks associated with the newly-identified vulnerabilities.
C-level executives, directors, and product managers face the complex task of integrating AI into existing systems while addressing challenges related to data quality, scalability, interoperability, ethics, skill gaps, and security compliance.
Join Calvin Hendryx-Parker AWS Hero and CTO of Six Feet Up, the premier AI and Python agency in the U.S. for this interactive talk exploring generative AI technologies. Youll gain ready-to-use resources and a clear understanding of how to roll out AI in your organization.
What Youll Learn:
AI Implementation Strategies: Get practical tips on evaluating and integrating open source and closed AI models, addressing governance, compliance, and scalability.
Real-Case Demo: Explore what it takes to leverage generative AI technology using RAG.
Team Enablement: Discover how other companies are fostering innovation internally.
Walk away with the tools and insights you need to confidently lead your organizations AI journey.
TrustArc Webinar: How to Create a Privacy-First CultureTrustArc
Privacy is no longer just a compliance issueits a cornerstone of trust and a vital element of business success. Yet, many organizations struggle to embed privacy into their culture, leaving them vulnerable to breaches, regulatory action, and damaged reputations. Are your employees equipped to make privacy-conscious decisions? Does your company have the tools and mindset to prioritize data protection at every level?
This webinar brings together a panel of experts to explore why a strong privacy culture is critical and how it can drive both organizational integrity and customer confidence. Youll learn how to align privacy values with business objectives, foster awareness and accountability among employees, and create policies that empower teams to safeguard sensitive information effectively.
Through engaging discussions and practical insights, well provide actionable strategies for implementing privacy programs that stick. From building leadership support to weaving privacy considerations into daily workflows, youll discover what it takes to turn compliance into a competitive advantage and a core part of your companys identity.
This webinar will review:
- Why your company needs a privacy culture
- Best practices for building a privacy-first culture
- Practical tips for implementing effective privacy programs
Cleveland Salesforce Developer Group March 2025Lynda Kane
際際滷 deck from the Cleveland Salesforce Developer Group March virtual meeting. Topics included AI Certification changes, Spring '25 Release, and a TDX recap.
Agentic AI in Action: Real-Time Vision, Memory & Autonomy with Browser Use & ...Zilliz
About this webinar
Discover how to integrate Vision Language Models with Browser Use and Milvus to create an agentic system capable of real-time visual and textual analysis. Ideal for developers who want to learn how to use Agents that can see, take action, and remember what they saw.
This Session Will:
- Demonstrate a workflow where Browser Use extracts dynamic web data, while Milvus stores and retrieves the data, that way you can always come back to what the agent saw.
- Showcase practical use cases, such as querying live web content with AI agents that reason over historical and visual data.
- Explore balancing autonomy and control in agentic systems, including challenges like hallucination mitigation and performance optimization.
Lessons Learned from Building a Serverless Notifications System by Srushith R...ScyllaDB
Reaching your audience isnt just about email. Learn how we built a scalable, cost-efficient notifications system using AWS serverlesshandling SMS, WhatsApp, and more. From architecture to throttling challenges, this talk dives into key decisions for high-scale messaging.
CCleaner Professional Key with Crack [Latest New Version 2025]abidkhan77g77
CCleaner Professional Key is the number one tool for cleaning Windows PCs. The CCleaner pro crack is a free system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from the system, allowing Windows to run faster and free up valuable hard disk space.
[QUICK TALK] "Coaching 101: How to Identify and Develop Your Leadership Quali...Fwdays
What does it mean to be a leader, and what qualities should you develop in yourself? And how do you know if you even have these skills? This isnt just a questionits the key to understanding where to start and how to move forward in unlocking your potential.
Lets break down leadership and coaching as a tool for unleashing your leadership potential. Well explore how coaching differs from mentoring, psychotherapy, and trainingand why theyre not all the same. Special focus will be on self-coaching: learning to engage in an internal dialogue so you can keep moving forward even when external support is lacking.
Ill share a few practical life hacks and real-world examples that will help you create a plan and start taking action as soon as tomorrow.
The Most Important Tech Innovations of 2024Arif Efendi
Connective technology is a realm where technological advancements are having a game-changing impact, such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces that optimise wireless communications links. In addition, high-altitude platform station systems are posing the potential for new levels of communication and observation capabilities.
VMware Workstation Pro 17.6.0 Crack License Key 2025 Full [Latest]Design4web
Copy & Paste in new tab VMware Workstation Pro Crack is an impressive application that allows you to run multiple operating systems on one computer without affecting the systems stability.
Redefining Efficiency in AI: The Impact of 1.58-bit LLMs on the Future of Com...Gregor Lyttek
This whitepaper examines how emerging 1.58-bit quantization approaches, exemplified by BitNet b1.58, address critical challenges in LLM deployment without compromising model performance. Our analysis demonstrates up to 65% reduction in energy consumption, 72% decrease in memory footprint, and inference speed improvements of 2.71x compared to traditional models. We present a comprehensive implementation framework for organizations seeking to balance computational efficiency with AI performance objectives.
Expanding your DEIA with age and belongingTed Drake
Enhance your DEI+A program by fostering belonging, addressing intersectionality, and including employees over 40. Learn how to promote inclusive leadership, challenge ageism, and implement effective initiatives to create a truly inclusive workplace.
Object Storage in ScyllaDB by Ran Regev, ScyllaDBScyllaDB
In this talk we take a look at how Object Storage is used by Scylla. We focus on current usage, namely - for backup, and we look at the shift in implementation from an external tool to native Scylla. We take a close look at the complexity of backup and restore mostly in the face of topology changes and token assignments. We also take a glimpse to the future and see how Scylla is going to use Object Storage as its native storage. We explore a few possible applications of it and understand the tradeoffs.
UiPath NY AI Series: Session 1: Introduction to Agentic AI with UiPathDianaGray10
Embracing the Future: Starting the Course with Agentic AI with UiPath
Event Overview:
Join us for an exciting session on Agentic AI with UiPath! This event is perfect for professionals, tech enthusiasts, and automation leaders eager to learn about autonomous and intelligent digital agents. Discover how UiPaths Agentic AI is shaping the future of automation!
What Youll Learn
UiPaths Agentic AI Vision - Learn about UiPaths AI-driven automation future.
Evolution of UiPaths Automation - From RPA to AI-powered automation, see the journey!
What is Agentic Automation? - Understand how self-adaptive AI is changing workflows.
Principles of Agentic Automation - Key ideas like autonomy & adaptability.
Real-World Applications - Success stories & use cases from businesses leveraging AI.
UiPaths Agentic AI Architecture - A peek into the technical side of intelligent automation. 鏝
Q&A Session
Who Should Attend?
Automation Developers & Tech Enthusiasts
Business Leaders
IT Architects & Tech Innovators 鏝
UiPath Community Members
Register now & be part of the future of AI-driven automation!
UiPath NY AI Series: Session 1: Introduction to Agentic AI with UiPathDianaGray10
Toucan carlos
1. By Carlos Tovar
Environment Adaptations
Live in the Strong beaks to open fruit
tropics with Long beak scares animals away
many fruit (but it doesn't use it to fight)
Mostly found Also feathers help it blend in
is in southern to environment